
Transparency international Pakistan
Mar 2023 - 代表 | Quetta, Pakistan

Supervision Experience

Transparency International Pakistan Survey Project, Quetta District.

During my tenure as a Supervisor at Transparency International Pakistan, I played a pivotal role in the successful execution of a survey project in Quetta district. This experience enhanced my skills and understanding of project management, data collection, and anti-corruption initiatives. Key responsibilities and achievements during this role include:Team Leadership: Led a team of dedicated field agents, overseeing their day-to-day activities, ensuring high-quality data collection, and fostering a collaborative work environment.Project Coordination: Coordinated closely with project managers to meet objectives, adhere to timelines, and provide regular updates on progress.Data Quality Assurance: Implemented rigorous quality control measures to maintain data accuracy and integrity, contributing to the reliability of survey results.Community Engagement: Actively engaged with local communities, establishing rapport and trust, which facilitated data collection and promoted awareness of anti-corruption efforts.Reporting and Analysis: Compiled and analyzed data, producing comprehensive reports that were instrumental in shaping policy recommendations and anti-corruption strategies.Problem Solving: Addressed challenges in real-time, making critical decisions to ensure the smooth flow of the project and resolve any issues that arose during fieldwork.This experience provided me with valuable insights into the dynamics of anti-corruption initiatives, project management, and data collection, further developing my leadership and problem-solving skills. It reinforced my commitment to transparency and ethical practices in governance.

Jan 2023 - 代表 | Quetta, Pakistan

Event Organizer
Jun 2018 - Oct 2023 | Quetta, Pakistan

As an event organizer working across various NGOs sectors and with the Sports and Youth Affairs government of Balochistan from June 2018 to October 2023, I have had the privilege of orchestrating numerous successful events that have left a lasting impact. In collaboration with different NGOs, I\'ve coordinated conferences, sessions, seminars, and workshops on diverse topics ranging from education and healthcare to environmental conservation and women\'s empowerment. Additionally, my role within the Sports and Youth Affairs government of Balochistan has allowed me to spearhead events promoting sports participation, youth development, and community engagement. Over this period, I have personally organized and executed five notable events that have garnered widespread acclaim and participation, contributing to the enrichment of society and the empowerment of individuals across Balochistan. These experiences have honed my skills in event planning, coordination, and execution, allowing me to effectively leverage the power of events as a catalyst for positive change and community development.

Teaching Experience
Mar 2022 - Nov 2022 | Quetta, Pakistan

Shirkat Gah - Women\'s Resource Centre
Mar 2022 - May 2022 | Quetta, Pakistan

Accounts / Monitoring Officer
Jan 2021 - Jun 2021 | Quetta, Pakistan

World Bank(Quetta urban survey)
Jan 2019 - Jun 2019 | Quetta, Pakistan


University of Balochistan
学士, 理工学士, ‎
Pakistan Studies
CGPA 3.8/4


中级 3D Animation
中级 Ability to Maintain Professionalism
中级 Account Sales Strategies
中级 Accounts Administration
熟练 Admin Assistance
熟练 Administration Knowledge
中级 Adobe Photoshop
熟练 Alignment With Third Party Field Monitoring
中级 Analytical Skills
中级 Aseptic Technique Knowledge
中级 B2B Marketing Strategies
熟练 Big Data
中级 Brand Management
中级 Budget Estimating
中级 Budgets and Forecast
中级 Business Development
中级 Canlendar Management
中级 Canva
熟练 Capacity Building
中级 Client Relationship Management
中级 Client Resolution
熟练 Close Attention to Detail
中级 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
熟练 Communication Skills
中级 Communications Skills
中级 Computer Assisted Person Interviews
熟练 Computer Profcient
熟练 Computer Proficient
熟练 Conflicts Resolution
中级 Conservation Awareness
中级 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination Skills
中级 Cost Analysis
中级 Cost Engineering
中级 Creative Writing
熟练 Customer Relationship Management
中级 Customer Service
熟练 Customer Service Skills
中级 CVs Screening
中级 Dash Board Management
中级 Data Analysis
中级 Data Analysis and Interpretation
熟练 Data Analytics
熟练 Data Collection
熟练 Data Collection and Analysis
中级 Data Collection Protocol Development
中级 Data Entry
中级 Data Entry and Cleaning
熟练 Data Management
熟练 Data Mining


中级 英语


My Video Introduction