As a Technical Solar Engineer with 2 years of solar
industry experience, I Will identify strategies, techniques,
and tactics to provide my best services to the company
and obtain a high-ranking placement on the results. By
generating more Technical Improvement for business. I
have a Good Knowledge of Designing Projects on PV Syst, HelioScope, and SketchUp. My main goal is to provide Knowledge and Solutions about Solar Systems to motivate people to install Green Energy sources and save
Teams LeadRooftop DesignQuality InsuranceEquipment SelectionProject ManagementSolar System DesginingCalculate yearly productionPV & Inverter etc. VerificationImplementation of HSE Guidelines etc.
Rooftop designCustomer DealingProject DesigningProject ExecutionPre & After Sales Services etc.
Rooftop DesignEquipment SelectionProject ManagementApply Safety GuidelinesGuide Installation TeamsStructure Analysis (L2,L3, Elevation) etc