I want to work in an organization where I utilized my own skills and abilities. I have hands-on experience with numerous GIS projects. Experienced with a demonstrated history of working in the government agriculture Sector, Urban Planning, and telecommunication sector.
Planning and Development of GPON, OSP, FTTH ODN Design with BOQ, Capex, Opex, BoM, DBMS, Geospatial Data handling, Field Visit, HLD and LLD Documents prepare for Operation and Development Teams, Data Management, Fiberoptics Planning, FTTB, FTTx, DLD, CLD, FAT Plans, Aerial Planning, NOC.
Working as GIS Engineer, Development of FTTH ODN Design with BOQ, CDBMS, Field Visit, Planning Surveys, Data Management, FTTB, Fiber Plan, ADT Plans, Aerial Planning.
Working as Spatial Data Quality control on Farmer's facilitation
through modernized WEB GIS Project (Asian Development Bank funded) Geospatial data entry, Geospatial correction, and updating of farmers data created by field assistant, Verification of database and farmers boundary, acts as a master trainer for field staff training in concerned districts, geo-referencing Mussaive, vectorization of Mussaive, Field visits for outline development plans updating, coordinate with
agriculture staff i.e. D.D, A.C, A.D.
Working as Quality control on LRIMS of PAKISTAN RAILWAYS Project, Boundaries verification, and insecure Land plan survey (Lahore and Sukkur Division.) GIS-based Field Survey of LRIMS PAKISTAN Railways.