
I am currently working as Manager Program & M&E with Shahid Afridi Foundation Head office Karachi. Under my signed contract I am responsible for program designing, donor communication, reporting and M&E. I have worked with INGOs, UN agencies and other partners in field of Education (Primary Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Adult Literacy), health, DRR and Livelihood sector. I have over 10 years of experience in social mobilization, Community Development, Trainings, Monitoring, Project planning, implementation and office management. I have managed several projects, funded by various national and international agencies, i.e.  National Rural Support Program (NRSP), Usaid, Plan International, Unicef, UNESCO and World Bank etc.

  I have extensively travelled to manage my work and provide Technical support and hands on training   to my teams, Teachers, Community activists, SMCs office bearers. I have also been involved in effective coordination with CBOs, NGOs and government line Departments working in the field of the development.

I arranged different Consultative workshops, advocacy campaigns, meetings, Coordination meetings, progress review meeting at different interval of time. I have managed over 120 staff members, carrying out different projects.

I arranged different Consultative workshops, advocacy campaigns, meetings, Coordination meetings, progress review meeting at different interval of time. I have strong grip on reporting, documentation and proposal writing as well.


Taaleem Ho gi aam Har Beti k naam


Manager Program & M&E
Shahid Afridi Foundation (SAF)
Oct 2019 - 代表 | Islamabad, Pakistan

·         Responsible for Grants, Proposals and Reports writings for Donor Agencies.
·         Special focus on Monitoring and Evaluation along with reports preparations
·         Initiating and maintaining relationships with Donor Agencies as well as Govt. agencies (local & federal)
·         Meeting deadlines for reports/grants/proposal submission
·         Initiating and proposing grant opportunities
·         Responsible for project / program site visits for M&E and other reports purposes
·         Responsible to Attend/ hold meetings, conferences and events on ICT level
·         Arrange events on behalf of organization and participation in relevant events, trainings and seminars
·         Prepare organizational policies, manual and documents
·         Responsible to deal with registration authorities and departments & relevant ministries
·         Support the project teams where needed
·         Liaison and coordination with organizations with same thematic focus

Report Writing and Communication Expert
Taaleem Foundation
Aug 2019 - Oct 2019 | Islamabad, Pakistan

·         Responsible for reporting and maintaining the record updated on daily basis. (UNESCO Project)
·         Motivate the team members to develop project activities, planning and reporting.
·         Supervision of program staff in Design and implementation of project activities
·         Reporting and documentation of field activities, roundtables, forums, and public hearings, or related events where applicable
·         Support management in reporting and progress tracking
·         Maintaining online data reporting portal of UNESCO for day to day reporting
·         Track performance according to log frame and report to donor
·         Monthly ,quarterly and terminal reporting (UNESCO)
·         Maintain and ensure records update timely on web portal
·         Cross verification of hard and soft record of data
·         Track the performance and progress of project activities and update Logfarme
·         Communication with donor for data updating and validation on online system
·         Orientation of project team on M&E tools and data protocol
·         Coordinate with programs teams to collect data for QPRs and PCRs
·         Communication with program teams for intimation of  activities completion and collection of MOVs for reporting and documentation
·         Provide guidance to program staff on daily and monthly reporting of projects
·         Responsible to keep record of projects (Reports, baseline data, Pictures, IEC material, news pares cuttings) as MOVs
·         Assist Head of projects (HOP) for donors reporting and correspondence
·         Provide input in M&E related tasks

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
World Learning
Mar 2018 - Apr 2019 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

Specific Responsibilities:
• Assist the M&E Coordinator in all M&E related functions/task.
• Support in consultation with field project staff to identify needs of Project database.
• Coordinate with project team, M&E assistant and component based M&E focal persons for collection of data as per M&E needs.
• Support the projects team in using standardized data collection and reporting tools.
• Participate in various capacity building activities as initiated and assigned by the M&E unit.
• Assist the M&E Coordinator in identifying various M&E needs to assess projects progress and performance regularly in close consultation with the project team.
• Ensure timely collection, compilation and making available the data required for reporting on project progress and PMP indicators.
• Update the M&E-IS on regular basis to ensuring the quality of data at par with the required quality standards.
• Assist the M&E Coordinator in drafting period reports i.e. monthly, quarterly and annually including reports on PMP indicators.
• Preparing plans for M&E activities and submit to M&E Coordinator.
• Take part in consultations for design of various surveys and studies.
• Assist in collection and entry of data for surveys & studies conducted internally in timely and efficient manner.
• Assist in external surveys & evaluations in field as and when required.
• Ensure proper recordkeeping and efficient filing of all M&E records including filled data collection tools, reports, evidences of the reported progress, official correspondence etc.
• Update with the support of M&E focal persons and project team, various tracking sheets developed to track progress against targets of work plan activities and PMP indicators.
• Perform any other relevant tasks as assigned.

Project Officer
Community Services Program
Jan 2017 - Aug 2017 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

• Project Focal Person
• Project Planning /activities/Mood of interventions
• Monitoring of project activities/ Monitoring plan
• Meetings with NGOs head, community notable and government departments regarding project introduction and intrusion
• communication with donor and national coordinator

• Reporting for project(Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly and PCR
• Participation is donors meetings
• Coordination with District administration Neelum

• Meetings with Stakeholders regarding project implementation
• Supervision of project staff
• Proposal writing

Program Manager
Training and Development Network
Jun 2016 - Dec 2016 | Islamabad, Pakistan

• Dealing as a focal person of organization
• Correspondence with organizations, NGOs, INGOS, UN Agencies, Companies and Universities

• Reporting for project( Weekly, Monthly, quarterly, PCR and reporting for events/Trainings
• Planning and designing of training for corporate, NGOs, Government sector and civil society
• Participation is donors meetings

• Documentation and filing
• Manage lower staff
• Review the policies of organization
• Redevelop organization policies and profile
• Maintain training colander and manage national and international conferences and training
• Provided literature/data for project IEC Material
• Correspondence / Selection and short listing of trainers
• Develop Training contents/Design Training
• Manage Vender and dealing with clients
• Management meetings/presentations and clients handling
• Assist trainers during trainings
• Correspondence with international partners in order to facilitate delegations for international trainings and conferences

Project Coordinator
SKYIANS Welfare Organization
Jan 2016 - Jun 2016 | Abbottabad, Pakistan

• Dealing as a focal person of project
• Correspondence with USAID/AURAT foundation and national coordinator

• Reporting for project( Weekly, Monthly, quarterly, PCR and reporting for events/Trainings
• Planning and designing of training for DBA Members on Gender based violence and civil rights
• Participation is donors meetings
• Coordination with District Bar Association Abbottabad

• Meetings with Stakeholders regarding project implementation
• Supervision of project staff
• Review the policies of organization
• Provided literature/data for project IEC Material
• Organize and handle district level forum

Program Officer
Sustainable Development Organization
Sep 2015 - Dec 2015 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

• Planning, Development and Management:

• Oversee education programs and child development interventions to ensure quality in designing, implementation, scheduling, tracking, and coordination.
• Design sartorial strategies for education and child development department of SDO in Pakistan in line with international guidelines and priorities.

• Development of concept notes and proposals for initiation of new interventions focused on promotion of literacy and learning outcomes adopting formal / non-formal methodologies and advocacy involving all relevant stakeholders.

• Providing realistic inputs in formulating organizational strategic plans, feedback on other departmental and sectoral policy & procedures and manuals.

• Supervise development of detailed implementation plans for each program /project under supervision and ensure compliance accordingly.

• Provide guidance or inputs to rectify the activities diverting from program/projects objectives and seek advice from line manager.
• Reporting of projects/monthly/ quarterly/ annual progress reports and PCRs
• Event handling, donor visits facilitation

• Supervise the staff/ Performance appraisal
• Field monitoring to ensure quality work

Project Officer
Community Services Program
May 2015 - Sep 2015 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

• Provide guidance and support to the project partner and its staff members in assessing the context and needs; in planning and implementing activities; and in monitoring and reporting

• Contribute to the development of relations with counterparts (civil society network,

• Development of the Project implementation plans as per requirement in consultation with concerned stakeholders and acceleration of the processes to ensure their implementation as planned.

• Correspondence with donor (USAID) focal person and facilitation during field monitoring

• Documentation and reporting of the project/case studies as per requirement with the facilitation of the staff/partners/stakeholders

• Supporting local NGO/CBO/ Partner’s in preparing a comprehensive and coordinated implementation plan and methodology
• Reporting both manual and on donor provided online system (GMIS)
• Events handle on tehsil level
• Activities planning and supervision during implementation
• Trainings for youth volunteers (Design and deliver)
• Lead advocacy campaigns
• Prepared IEC Material/ Broachers/Posters/Banners/Booklets/ Manuals/ Audio Messages
• Coordination meetings with donor, Partner NGOs and election commission representatives

• Strategy and program development
• Participate in the team discussions for the development of CSP strategy for the wider region

• Share within the team the lessons and knowledge of thematic approaches, particularly experience on civil society strengthening for people centered security provision

Program Officer
Islamic Relief World-wide
Jan 2014 - Mar 2015 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

• Developing effective links within deserving communities for monitoring and evaluation purposes
• Identification of orphans with the help of local volunteers and activists
• Assessment of most deserving orphans from identified families for sponsorship

• Monitoring orphans’ housing, education, health (hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition), and their family’s financial status by visiting at their homes and schools

• Arrangements of in-kind disbursement to orphans keeping in view of their specific needs

• Arrangement of regular in cash distribution to orphans on quarterly basis
• Coordination HQ team and provision of annual progress reports of sponsored orphan(s)

• Responding to day-to-day queries from individual donors about their sponsored orphans through HQ based colleagues

• Preparation and submission of memos and reports to various sections of field office and Country Office e.g. HR, administration, logistics, and finance

• Preparing beneficiaries case studies

Project Officer
Hamaliyan Rural Support Program(HRSP)
Apr 2013 - Dec 2013 | Haveli Kahuta, Pakistan

• Responsible for overall project leadership

• Develop procedures to conduct needs assessment activities to ensure that the design and delivery of training activities are based on the needs of target beneficiaries, are well received, culturally appropriate, and on target to meet project deliverables for volunteer trainings

• Plan and Implement activities to improve community work capacity of selected volunteers.

• Arrange the training of the volunteers to identify and enrol out of School children

• Facilitate designing and planning of specialized training activities for community survey and identification of out of school children

• Team Leading, Field planning and supervision

• Identification of 300 Volunteers
• Arranging and Managing 10 Trainings for 300 Volunteers

• Day-to-day management of project activities, inputs, timelines, risks and cost.

• Mitigate issues/risks in a timely manner and ensures optimal utilization of operational and financial resources

• Work closely with project staff to ensure compliance with budget, work procedures and quality standards

• Develop monitoring systems & tools for tracking project deliverables and means of verification

• Implement, communicate and manage project interventions to achieve project outcomes

• Supervise project related monitoring and evaluation activities.

• Provide monitoring updates and reporting of project progress to all the stakeholders including the Executive Director and donor
• Manage internal and external communications related to project

• Track expenditures and provide monthly financial reports

Project Coordinator
Community Services Program
Jun 2012 - Dec 2012 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

• Project Implementation Plans development

• Coordination and lobbying with public and private institutions for environment conservation and solid waste management

• Social mobilization Strategy development and implementation by ensuring the inclusion of PRA tools, defining Social Mobilization Process, Participatory development approaches.

• Team Leading for carrying out Project activities

• Formation and trainings of community based organizations

• Preparation of information, communication and education material on environment for community awareness

• Developing linkages with schools and formation of student and teachers environment councils

• Preparation of Water, Environment and Sanitation operational Guidelines for staff members and deliverance information session to community groups, school children and CBOs using SLTS, CLTS PHAST CHAST and CTC.

• Design and conduct of KAP surveys

• Preparation of scheduled and occasional technical and financial monthly reports
• Project promotion and branding through a proper visibility plan

• Gap analysis of the project and development of project proposals
• Project Reporting including Monthly reports, Interim report and completion report.

CLTS Expert
Islamic Relief Pakistan
Jan 2012 - Jun 2012 | Bagh, Pakistan

• Hiring and training (ToT) of community resource persons.

• All Schools and population triggered by effective triggering techniques. With the objective to take them that villages are Open Defecation Free.

• Village sanitation committees were formed for as representation of communities for successful implementation of the project and for its sustainability.

• 12 entrepreneurs were trained.

• TOT on IEC material for creating awareness through the IEC material and distribution of IEC material. 18 participants were well trained for Use of IEC material.

• 18 demo latrines were constructed for creating the concept of low cost pour flash latrine.

• Hygiene sessions with men and women for the realization of the importance of health and hygiene.

• Establishment of sanitation mart one on district level with the financial support and with the objective to provide sanitation material on low cost then other shops.

• Identification of vulnerable person for demo latrine activity

• Furnished case studies on different activities

• Through SLTS Approach following achievements were made.

• 32 Wash clubs were formed in 32 govt primary schools for intervention through children.

• Triggering on school level to click the minds of children’s regarding health and hygiene.

• Hygiene sessions delivered in schools to mobilize children for behavior change.

• Hygiene Events celebration in primary schools of project area.

• Using of latrine, Hand washing with soap, Personal hygiene & Environmental sustainability.

• 20 schools events in each Primary school of 5 UCs having an agenda of debates competitions, dramas, Tablos and walk on the topic of health and hygiene with the close collaboration of VSC,s , teachers and community.

• Interactive theater on district level for school children and community with the objective of presenting the demerits of open defecation, unhygienic condition, and use of contaminated water and ignorance of hand washing

Master Trainer
Islamic Relief Pakistan
Jul 2011 - Dec 2011 | Haveli Kahuta, Pakistan

• Project orientation workshop before the intervention of project on community level. Stakeholders, NGO, s, community activists and other peoples from different departments. 115 participants were oriented through this workshop.

• Hiring and training (ToT) of community resource persons.

• All Schools and population triggered by affected triggering techniques.

• Village sanitation committees were formed for the representation of communities to get a successful implementation of the project and for its sustainability.

• TOT of govt officials for developing working strategy with govt departments. 54 govt officials were trained.

• 22 masons trained for low cost pour flush latrine techniques at community level by using local material.

• 12 entrepreneurs were trained.
• TOT on IEC material for creating awareness through the IEC material and distribution of material. 18 participants were well trained for Use of IEC material.

• 18 demo latrines were constructed for creating the concept of low cost pour flash latrine.

• Hygiene sessions with men and women for realizing the importance of health and hygiene.

• Establishment of sanitation mart one on district level with the support of 50,000 and two on local level 15000 as support. The objective of this activity as to provide sanitation material at low cost then other shops.

• Identification of vulnerable person for demo latrine activity

• Furnished case studies on different activities

• Through SLTS Approach following achievements were made.

• 32 Wash clubs were formed in 32 govt primary schools for intervention through children. Wash clubs consist of 7 members, including 1 teacher and SMC Chairman.

• Triggering on school level to click the minds of children’s regarding health and hygiene.

• Hygiene sessions delivered in schools to mobilize children for behavior change.

Using latrine, Hand washing with soap, Personal hygiene & Environmental sustainability.

• Four school event

Community Organizer
Hamaliyan Rural Support Program (HRSP)
Jan 2011 - Jul 2011 | Haveli Kahuta, Pakistan

• Project introduction
• Strengthening the COs

• Monthly meetings with COs

• Identification of vulnerable and needy women and men for different trainings through CO platform (Kitchen gardening, poultry management, livestock extension workers, fruit processing, apiculture)

• Arrangements for trainings.
• Distribution of fruit plants in target area for establishment of fruit orchards

• Distribution of water shed plants for reforestation

• Vegetable seed distribution

• Plants distribution

• Tool kits distribution
• Water tanks distribution

• Distribution of hygiene kits

• Help the engineer through involvement of CO for Water pond, Source water protection, low cost demo latrine and rain water harvesting through CGI roofing activities.

• Celebration of global days (hand washing day, world women day, world environmental day, world water day, world forestry day etc.)

• Hygiene & Sanitation related survey of target villages.

• Training of teachers on SLTS approach.

• Identifications of Barefooted consultants.
• Dissemination of key Hygiene messages among the students.

• Use of and distribution of IEC material

Master Trainer
Kashmir Charitable Trust (KCT)
May 2010 - Jul 2010 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

• Import the hygiene Session with target community.

• Organize community for distribution of relief goods.

• Develop liaison of community with NGOs.

• Develop liaison of the community with other organization.

• Hold meeting with line department NGOs and identifying their training needs.

• Create awareness among the community members for quality education and about health and hygiene

• Conduct case and impact studies for intervention in the area.


Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
Social Science
CGPA 3.5/4
University of the Punjab
Research, Measurement and evaluation, Psychology, Philosophy, Leadership and management skills
所占比重 64%


熟练 Accounts Management Sklls
熟练 Communication Skills
熟练 Coordination/Networking
熟练 Data Management
熟练 Leadership Management
熟练 M&E
熟练 Monitoring and Evaluation
熟练 Policy Planning
熟练 Program Administration
熟练 Program Coordination
熟练 Program Management Skills
熟练 Project Designing and management
熟练 Proposal Writing
熟练 Report Wr
熟练 Report Writing Skills
熟练 Social Mobilization/ Presentation
熟练 Training Designing and Delivery


中级 普什图语
熟练 旁遮普语
熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语

Asma 联系人

Syed zahid Iqbal Shah Shah
International Medical Corps