
Hi there, I'm a fresh computer engineering graduate from the University of engineering and technology, Taxila. I am a very motivated, fast learner, and quick problem solver. During my graduation, I have learned many things and have good C++, Java, assembly language, Verilog, Computer Network, Cisco Packet tracer, and CentOS 6. I'm also working as a Freelancer on Fiverr where I provide services of Shopify store designer. So that's my little introduction, If you see me as a helpful ingredient for your organization just contact me.


Hardware system to predict blood sugar level using Non-invasive PPG sensor


Shopify Store Designer
Jan 2021 - 代表 | Pindi gheb, Pakistan

I am working as a Shopify store designer on Fiverr Since January 2021. I have designed many stores for my clients and now holding rating of five star on the platform of Fiverr. I helped my client to set up their business into an online store website so they can generate revenue from there. Now I\'m learning Shopify liquid coding


University Of Engineering & Technology Taxila
学士, 理工学士, ‎
Computer Engineering
CGPA 3.6/4


初学者 Technical Support
初学者 Troubleshooting
熟练 APIs to support
初学者 CCNA
中级 Computer network
熟练 Computer Profcient
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Fluent in Coordiantion
中级 Internet Troubleshooting
熟练 Microsoft
中级 Networking Protocol
中级 Recovery Systems Knowledge
熟练 Teamwork Skills
中级 Technical Abilities
熟练 Ubuntu
中级 Wireshark 


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语
