Having completed my degree from Goldsmiths University of London, I am now stepping into my professional life. I am constantly trying to increase my skillset from programming languages to application prototyping softwares, most recently adding AI & Machine Learning to my skillset using Tensorflow.
Working on REST API's
Creating Tests, Queries, Assertions and Mutations for endpoints
Using Postman, Insomnia & GraphQL
Worked on the updating new Audi USA website for the new e-tron launch
We worked on updating and preparing the webstie for the release of their new electric vehicles
Got me involved in payment types & procedures of e-commerce websites and all the checks that the payment procedures make
I was also tasked to ensure the new look and feel (UX) of the Audi worked as per the client's expectations
Worked on updating the new GSK website
Got me invloved in undertsanding and using a CMS (Content Management System)
We had to update and make changes in the database using Umbraco CMS and check whether the made changes were displaying on the front end
Worked on an AI Algrotihm training project for BlippAR UK.
My team and I helped train their AI System as per the designed algortihm, it was done by going throguh classes of various images, selecting images based on the provided criteria.
The result of whch was a fully trained AI system whch provided the user with a visual Augmented Reality (AR) experience which helped create an AR browser.