Im a business graduate with almost 3 years of HRD experience, years of sheer learning performance and recognition. Delivering with passion, commitment and agility for that these define my professional outlook. Tend to serve for growth of a dynamic organization while making my skill set a refined one.
Being a team lead in this role, I am managing a team of five and instrumental in R & S, PMS and Employee engagement activities. Area of expertise extends from white collar to blue collar hiring.
Strengthening Industry- Academia linkage for white collar whereas successfully managing Recruitment drives / Camp hiring for blue collar over years.
Actively involved in Performance management- JD development and periodic revamping, Probation terminations, KPI formations and evaluations following fiscal years
leave management for the head count of 2800 and managing employee record simultaneously.
Managed PSDF program- Profile updation, training calenders and Periodic Audits
Running CB officer club under which organizing sports tournaments, dinners, trips and Reward & recognition activities.
I was subjected to HR processing and protocols. I was assisting in R & S.
I was intern in Sui gas head office (executive establishment). I was made familiar with the HR practices.
I was intern in Rose petal (BUCP). I was made familiar with the basics of HR in real time context and HR processing