My earnest desire is to have productive work opportunities in your esteemed organization, which may ensure my professional growth and provide opportunity to learn the dynamics of its industry.
I am responsible for performing the following tasks related to "Gulshan City" a project of "Subda Pakistan Trust":
Design posts for facebook.
Enter data related to customers of "Gulshan City".
My job responsibilities include building Official Website of Osystechnolgoies and in house products.
1. This is a smart management system for
schools. It has following modules:
i) RFID based attendance management system
ii) Configurations
iii) Promote Students
iv) User management
v) Reports
vi) Custom SMS
vii) Auto Sync Attendance and Auto SMS (different from Custom SMS)
2. Property Management System.
Visual Studio
Sql server management studio 2017
Technologies using:
C#, mvc, bootstrap, css3, html5, JS, jquery, sql
SMS Marketing Software
School Management System
Tools:--------Visual Studio
Sql server management studio 2017
Technologies using:---------------------------C#, mvc, bootstrap, css3, html5, JS, jquery, sql