
  1. Here, I would like to express my brief description regarding previous and updated working experiences during that I have worked with different organizations mostly with INGOs.

Moreover, I have very sound experience to resolve the issues and problems at field level with the support of Community Notables while throughout my career it was my pleasure to work with National and international organizations in Sindh and Baluchistan like SRSO, HANDS, Mercy Corps International, IRC International Creative Associate International, SIF International, Pathfinder International, Right To Play, Idara-Taleem-O-Aagahi, Islamic Relief and UN-World Food Program in various projects and learnt a lot specially experience Project Management, Social Mobilization, Health, FSL, WASH, Cash for Work, Conditional Cash Grant, Health and Hygiene, Livelihood, Monitoring & Evaluation, Institutional Development, Educational projects, crisis Management, Close Coordination with different stakeholders, Life skill based education and social investment planning. 

 I am result oriented and have capacity to work with team to achieve the desired outcomes within stipulated period.

 During the job tenure I have received several trainings on different aspects as well as performed as a trainer. 

I have keen interest to work as an effective team member leadership if chance would be provided and will prove myself to play very vital role and may lead the team of well professionals to achieve the mile Stone in the interest of the organization by using my experience and skills in a tangible environment..


UN-World Food Program
Community Development Officer
District Program Coordinator
ACTED International
Field Facilitator (LNGB Project)
District Quality Improvement Officer/ Training Officer
Training Officer
Training Officer


Business Support Assistant
UN-World Food Program
Dec 2023 - 代表 | Lasbela, Pakistan

During the job tenure with WFP, it is my prime responsibility to identify the Community resource persons at village level for upcoming trainings.
Planning and to provide support consultant for baseline survey on nutrition sensitization approaches through CP, verification the data base and its accuracy for finalization of report. Arranging and monitoring CRPs community resource persons and community trainings on nutrition sensitization and SBCC social behavior change communication. Scheduling field activities specially community awareness sessions to ensure timely completion of workplan activities.
Keeping hard and soft reports of all activities in targeted communities as well as track progress of CRPs and COs training sessions against their pre-defined targets.
Resource Persons as a Master Trainers of the Tier-1 have been identified successfully.
100 master trainers will be identified from 2,200 Cos that has already been finalized by the Implementing partner NRSP.
 The potential candidates will also be identified from the same Community Organizations. Master Trainers altogether 176 Resource persons will be identified from 22 targeted UCs.
During that period the Monitoring visits of CRPs during sessions delivering at community level.
• Collection of the required Reports and data from CRPs
• The Coordination meetings are being organized with Government officials and stake holders whenever needed to be strengthening the Mechanism for better implementation of the project activities for better outcomes.
• The on-job sessions and mentoring activities are being carried out to CRPs according to field work plan.
• The Referral Mechanism has been commenced regarding BISP beneficiaries such as PLWs and Adolescents girls although strong linkages have been developed to other BNP project along with referral for BISP registration.
• The Data has been Collected PLWs and Adolescent girls and same were referred to NFC for iron supplement and Folic acid.
• The potential PLWs were referred for getting MUMTA and WAWA MUM food and the same are being referred to NADRA for B form and BISP registration that has been initiated from 1st June 2024 and it will be continued accordingly.
• The Record is being kept in hard as well as in soft for data Compilation for further process.
• The hard and soft data of project activities has been prepared and complied.
• The Monthly progress reports are being submitted to supervisor for further process.
• All the tasks and assignments are being accomplished as assigned by the supervisor whenever required.
• The Coordination Meetings are being organized with Government officials and stakeholders.
• Keeping in view, the Daily, weekly, Monthly and Quarterly reports were submitted for further process.

Community development officer
Islamic Relief Pakistan
May 2023 - Dec 2023 | Larkana, Pakistan

By the duty conducted BBCM, CO, VO formation for the community development.

Identification of beneficiaries for the project activities.

Close coordination with stakeholders

Conducted meeting with community regarding project implementation Shelter, Livestock, Agriculture, poultry, MCGP,
Identifed and reached out to affected communities,

Develop strategy of community interaction and hold first dialogues meetings with the communities.

Assessment and registration of beneficiaries as per defined criteria

To work with the community to ensured that they are responding to identified needs and have the full participation of the community.

Formation of food distribution and NFI at village and camps through social mobilization

To established and maintained contact with Distribution Committees (FDC’s) on regular bases.

To prepared distribution plan in collaboration with distribution committees.

To organized and conducted meeting with the community.

District program coordinator
Idara-e-Taleem O Agahi
Nov 2022 - Apr 2023 | Ghotki, Pakistan

by the duty district program coordinator typically had a wide range of responsibilities, which can included.
• Identification/verification and data collection from 180 schools was ongoing 
The brief introduction 
The collected data will be compiled on daily basis for further process.
Coordinating communication between teachers, schools, parents, and community partners
Maintained a positive working relationship with school staff members in order to foster cooperation between the district and schools
Organized and provided the assistance with school activities such as field trips, fund raising events, 
Facilitated and communication between parents and teachers in the school setting.

Community Mobilizer
ACTED Pakistan
Sep 2022 - Oct 2022 | Kandhkot, Pakistan

By duty Established initial contact with community of kashmor @kandhkot, Jecobabad & Shikarpur for introduction of the project and Collected necessary baseline information about the targeted affected community, the area of Sindh which three districts Jecobabad, kashmore and Shikarpur

Conducted FGDs, Community mapping and social surveys.
 Provided the data required or asked by the management.
Identified and prepared list of leaders, NGOs and DPOs, influencers (counsellors, Nazim, or any other political party representative), community activists, etc.
Identifed and reached out to affected communities,
Develop strategy of community interaction and hold first dialogues meetings with the communities.
Assessment and registration of beneficiaries as per defined criteria
To work with the community to ensured that they are responding to identified needs and have the full participation of the community.
Formation of food distribution and NFI at village and camps through social mobilization
To established and maintained contact with Distribution Committees (FDC’s) on regular bases.
To prepared distribution plan in collaboration with distribution committees.
To organized and conducted meeting with the community.
To assist field Officer for prepared case studies on successful events.
Ensured community participation in distribution, assessment, planning and implementation
Ensured the conducive environment at distribution points through community engagement techniques
Submitted Report daily, weekly and monthly progress.
Liaise and worked with community groups and projects to ensured accountability and best use of project resources and accomplished any other task assigned by supervisor.

Field Facilitator /Training Officer
Right to Play (RTP)
Oct 2021 - Jul 2022 | Kandhkot, Pakistan

During the service tenure with Right to play in the capacity of Field Facilitator at District kandh kot to organize the community events, meeting with stake holders and parents to create the awareness among the community regarding the importance of children education and to get the support from stake holders for better implementation of the project activities.

During that Accelrated Learning Program  and  Litracy & Neumracy  centers visited to observe the performance of Coaches and also provided the on job sessions to them for capacity building. 
In addition to that, prepared the Monthly progress Reports including the center wise activity report and PAKISTAN Reach reports.
The following key points were also added in achievement.
·         The compilation of data in Excel for ALP Centers 
·         To organized the 02 Universal Children Days at District Jacobabad and Kandhkot successfully. 
·         The Distribution of Sports kits and Play Material at 105 LNGB Centers in Project area and provided the facilitation to Coaches in Monthly meetings.
·         Attended 04 Days Training on child Rights,Child Safeguarding and Gender Equality.
·         Successfully completed RTP Online Training on Boarding People & Culture.
·         02 Days Exchange and Exposure visit organized by RTP at various schools of karachi to enhance the capacity building. 
Preparation of weekly, monthly and Quarterly workplan for better implimantation of project activiies.
·         Preparation of Monthly Meeting Reports of Coaches including minutes for further sharing. 
·         Prepared Success Stories of LNGB project from ALP & L&N centers and prepared agendas for events like International Education Day women´s Day, Play day, and Pakistan day
·         Organized the 02 orientations (One Day Orientation of Acted Teachers on POWER Resource) at kandhkot and Jacobabad.
Conducted the 02 trainings for 04 days of Coaches and Teachers on( PCYD) positive child youth development .
·         Conducted the (Measure the Change Activity) at 10 ALP centers and FGDs accompanied by Islamabad team.
·         Celebrated the women's Day at G.G. Degree College JCD with active participation of community
To attended the 05 Days TOT on ( P.O.W.E.R) for capacity building of caches.
In addition to that, to prepare the weekly and monthly field activity plan and to submit the required information and reports for further process and to keep the close coordination with supervisor as the desired outcomes could be achieved within time frame.

District Quality officer
Pathfinder international
Dec 2020 - Jun 2021 | Naushahro Feroze, Pakistan

Training officer
Secourse islamique France
Sep 2020 - Dec 2020 | Jamshoro, Pakistan

Training officer
Secourse islamque France
Dec 2019 - May 2020 | Tharparkar, Pakistan

Community Mobilizer
ACTED International Pakistan
Aug 2019 - Dec 2019 | Sanghar, Pakistan

• Community Mobilization Officer with ACTED International District Umarkot from 1st August 2019 To Date.

• Implementation of Mobilization Activities
• Participates in need assessments, Participatory Rural Appraisals, feasibility studies, stakeholder analyses and community consultations;
• Liaises with Governmental and non-Governmental Agencies.
• Supports the development of agreements and MoUs with community based organizations or other civil society groups.
• Elaborate all needs based inputs and all other activities according to the objectives of the program and the beneficiary involvement strategy.
• Mobilizes the community in the effective use of the community resources.
• Mobilize communities for the prioritizing of recovery activities and strategies.
• Facilitates the capacity building and setup of representative community committees (steering committees).
• Identified unskilled and skilled Cash for Work beneficiaries in close cooperation with the steering committee.
• Ensure, through daily dialogues and consultations that the strategy of the projects and the commitments of the various stakeholders
• Maximize beneficiary contribution.
• Focal Group Discussion.
• Participate in NFI distributions whenever required.
• Supports in the development of IEC materials for all activities implemented.
• Other Activities Training of beneficiaries, FSL, Livestock, Wash, Hygiene Promotion, Rehabilitation, Hand Pumps RO Plants, Small Ponds, Conditional cash Grant, Cash for work and Kitchen gardening.

Trainer Of Teacher (School Support Associate)
Creative associate International
Feb 2018 - Jul 2019 | Ghotki, Pakistan

• Facilitate in-service professional development activities in the UC/Tehsil/District that include face-to-face trainings, follow-ups and roll out of TIG activities.
• Support teachers in implementing newly learned concepts and skills through regular follow-up support visits to schools.
• Work in close collaboration with teachers, head teachers and concerned education officer(s) in preparing and implementing school/ union council/Tehsil based reading improvement plans and strategies
• Assist District Program Manager in managing administrative and logistic issue for a smooth implementation of program activities in the district.
• Assist District Program Manager in developing monthly cash projection against program activities, disbursement of project beneficiary allowances, district based procurement (as and where needed) and maintaining update financial and compliance records/matters.

• Assist District Program Manager in compiling monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports by providing updated and accurate information from field. In addition, collect and share success stories from the field to highlight impact of the program.

• Ensure proper record keeping of the TIG meetings, follow-up visit, and teacher observation tools and reporting those to the district office accordingly.

• Support teachers in maintaining portfolios with up to the mark quality

• Assist the district, provincial and national offices in undertaking monitoring and data collection tasks.

• Collect content analytics from tablets.

• Provide updated contents, and first level support to tablet users about tablet and multimedia content

• Compile success stories from the field and undertake case studies to highlight impact of the project.

Training Associate
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Oct 2017 - Jan 2018 | Ghotki, Pakistan

Pakistan) Project based at Ghotki, by the duties to create the effective awareness through various trainings among the farmers regarding kitchen gardening and also to organize the sessions to improve the Cropping pattern, land leveling, land preparation and sowing(time and method) the different crops as per season requirement with proper usage of fertilizer to obtain the maximum yield.

• Following major topics were covered during the 05 days training.

 Best irrigation and water management practices for crops and kitchen gardening.
 Wheat improved production technology.
 Off-season vegetable production and household nutrition management at kitchen gardening level
 weed, insect pests and disease Management, Harvesting Method and time, post-harvest management(handling and safe storage)
 Agro Eco-system Analysis for Crops and livestock- introduction and practices.

IPC Officer
Mercy corps
May 2015 - Sep 2017 | Ghotki, Pakistan

• Working as an IPC Officer with Mercy Corps Pakistan from May 2015 to date to provide the mother and Child health awareness among the Community and have trained the LHWS/LHS, Dispenser, LHV.CMW,FWW and Doctors on IPC Skills and IPC tool kits

The IPC Officer has provided technical support to the implementation of all activities at District level and play a vital role in the development of monthly plans, to ensure Mercy Corps’ activities are implemented in accordance with the overall work plan and are of desired quality and have kept the close Coordination with Stake holders for better implementation of the project activities.

In addition to above to prepare the project presentation, update the all Documentation and Google drive, prepare weekly, monthly and Quarterly Reports and submit the success stories timely for further process.

The IPC officer has developed the best Coordination with District Government, line department; stake holders and HCP partners to achieve the desired objectives and outcomes of the project and look after all the project related activities and organized the Donors visits successfully.

Support District trainings including

• Women Support Group (WSG) trainings
• Health facility in-service training
• LHW IPC training
• CMW IPC training,
• LHV IPC Training
• FWW, Dispenser, Doctors IPC Training
• Conduct regular supervision of project activities to ensure quality
• Conduct supervisory and monitoring visits to the trained LHWs and CMWs, and prepare field visit reports.
• Participate in project review meetings at the district level .

LHV/ Project Associate
Health and Nutrition Development society
Mar 2013 - May 2015 | Ghotki, Pakistan

LHV/Program Associate in HANDS to provide the Health Services and Create the awareness regarding Birth Spacing to improve the Mother and Child health Status and supervise the 200 Marvi workers by providing on job sessions and disseminate the health information on gross root level to improve the living Condition of the people and help to update the record keeping as per Criteria from 30th March 2013 to 15 May 2015 while Married women of Reproductive age were focused to adopt the FP sevices and removed the myths and misconceptions in the area.
In addition to above following tasks were done within time frame. Identification of 200 Marvi Workers,Master Trainer for 200 Marvi Workers and IUCD Insertion and focused the Married women of Reproductive age to adopt the use of modern method of Contraceptives for birth spacing.
To provide the Clinical Services for safe delievries, IUCD insertion keeping in view the infection prevention,and other modern Contraceptives methods, with proper Counselling and motivation to the Clients.

Community Mobilization Officer
Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
Jan 2009 - Mar 2013 | Sukkur, Pakistan

CMO in Sindh Rural Support Organization.
By duty to Coordinate with Stake holders, line department and district Government
To prepare Monthly and Quarterly Progress Reports and maintain the whole official record.
VO formation
To create the enthusiastic awareness among the community, all activities were carried out to follow the Advocacy, Communication Social Mobilization
Vocational Training Program assessment
Micro Investment Plan (Appraisal)
To prepare weekly, monthly and Quarterly reports for further submission.
To prepare monthly work plan for Mobilizers as activities could be carried out within the stipulated period. To prepare monthly quarterly progress report to create the close Coordination with NGOs/CBOs/CCBs on gross root level for effective Mobilization and out comes, In addition to that supervised the food and non food items distribution.


Shah Abdul Latif University
硕士, 科学硕士学位, MA. Sociology‎
Rural Sociology, Sociology
等级 C


熟练 Accurate Record Keeping
熟练 Activity Coordination
熟练 Adaptable to Changes
熟练 Administrative Management 
熟练 Advance Level Social Mobilization
中级 Advocacy
熟练 Advocate of Teamwork
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Assessment Skills
熟练 Assessments and Distributions
熟练 Behavior Change Communication
初学者 Blochi Language Command
熟练 Capacity Building
熟练 Certified Trainer
熟练 Child Protection
中级 Client Resolution
熟练 Comminucation
熟练 Communication Skill
熟练 Communication Skills
熟练 Community Analysis
熟练 Community Building
熟练 Community Consultation
熟练 Community Development Approaches
熟练 Community Engagement
熟练 Community Health
熟练 Community Leadership
熟练 Community Management
熟练 Community Master Planning
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Community Mobilization Skills
熟练 Community Mobilizer
中级 Complaint Management
熟练 Complaints And Feedback Mechanism
熟练 Computer Literacy
熟练 Computer Proficient
熟练 Computer Programmes
熟练 Computer Skills
熟练 Conservation Awareness
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination Abilities
熟练 Coordination And Presentation Skills
熟练 Coordination and Reporting
熟练 Coordination Skilla
熟练 Coordination Skills
中级 CRFM Expert
中级 CRM Command
熟练 Data Analysis
熟练 Data Collection
中级 Data Management
熟练 Data Monitoring


中级 Saraiki
中级 英语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 信德语
熟练 旁遮普语

Nighat 联系人

Herlal Sanjo
Secours Islamique France
ACTED Pakistan
Dilshad Ali Shahani
JSI R&T Institute Inc.
Muhammad Toufique
CESVI International