
A Technology enthusiast with an inviolable passion for software testing. I aim to learn, lead and excel. I do posses hands on experience of trending testing methodologies, strategies and tools. I have experience in testing mobile and web apps including creation of test plans and their execution strategies via manual tests. I am a perfectionist and my profession demands the same, I love putting my personal trait into my profession hence delivering high quality products to the clients.


Sohpping Campaion app


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
学士, 商学士/理学士, BS Software Engineering‎
Computer Networks and Communication, Dot Net Web Programming, Programming


中级 Quality Assurance
初学者 Scrum Development
初学者 Agile
中级 Agile Methodologies
初学者 Android Testing
初学者 Automated Software Command
中级 Handling Assignments
初学者 HTML
熟练 Jira
初学者 Laravel
中级 Mobile App Testing
熟练 Operational Tasks Handling
中级 Planning and Organizational Skills
初学者 QA
初学者 QA Methodologies
熟练 Quality Control Processes Command
中级 Software QA Methodologies
熟练 Software Quality Review
初学者 SQL and Scripting
初学者 Test Automation Tools
初学者 Test Cases Command
中级 Testing Tools Command
初学者 Unit Test
中级 Website Testing


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语