
I am a desktop/web app developer. I have 2 years of experienced in desktop app/ WordPress. I am also certification in search engine optimization (SEO).


Desktop development (on WPF and Windows Forms using Metro UI, DevExpress Framework with Crystal Report)
Web development (HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, J Query and PHP)
Expertise in database design different DBMS (SQL Server, MySQL)
WordPress Installation, setup, Theme customization, Plugin configuration
Search Engine Optimization (On-page / Off-page)
Digital Marketing (SEM, ppc campaigns, FB, IG Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics)


School Management System


.Net / Web Developer
Mango Advertising and Developers
Apr 2018 - Aug 2018 | Sadiqabad, Pakistan

I m worked as a freelance devepler for company to made a c# desktop based application.
Application consist stock, sales, purchase, product order, employee info, salaries, expenses, menu and user Registerar forms.
Stock updated on sales & purchases.
Crystal report also part of the application, a sale invoice , sales, expenses report generated.
Sales & Office expenses report print out on user desired from date to date in a year.
For creative design UI interface a Metro Framework used that adds the beauty for users.
Also checks apllied, user have limited rights insted of administrative.


Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
硕士, 科学硕士学位, MIT (Master in information technology)‎
Data Communication and Networks, Database System, Human Resource Management, Databases, Programming Fundamental
CGPA 3.4/4
Khawaja Farid Government Post Graduate College
学士, 理工学士, BSc‎
Mathematics, Physics
所占比重 53%
Iqra Post GRaduate College, Sadiqabad
中级/A级, 理学院(工程预科), Fs.c‎
physics, chemistry, mathematics
等级 C
Govt. Model High School, Sadiqabad
大学入学/0级, 科学, matric‎
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
等级 B


中级 .Net / C#
中级 Bootstrap
中级 CSS3
中级 Database Design
中级 Domain Hosting
中级 HTML5 
初学者 JavaScript
中级 Microsoft SQL Server
中级 MySQL
初学者 Native PHP


初学者 德语
中级 英语
熟练 乌尔都语