
With over 23 years of professional experience, I specialize in various areas including: assessment and monitoring of programs for Improved WASH/Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition; development of WASH/Health and Nutrition-related policies and strategies; implementation of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) initiatives; program coordination and adaptive research; data collection, analysis, and communication; and behavior change communication programs aimed at improving child care, water and sanitation, and feeding practices (nutrition-specific). Additionally, my expertise extends to community-level WASH infrastructure and behavior change initiatives, monitoring of grant and financial management, raising community awareness of nutrition-sensitive aspects and visibility, conducting WASH/MCH/Nutrition-sensitive and/or Nutrition-specific surveys, and assessing and monitoring community physical infrastructures. I also have experience in Construction Environmental Management Plan and monitoring projects related to Rural and Community Development, Civil Engineering Works, and building design and construction.

Furthermore, I possess extensive expertise in external monitoring, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods. Specifically within the context of Sindh, I have contributed significantly to the improvement of WASH services for rural populations, including initiatives focused on enhancing drinking water sources, sanitation facilities, and conducting campaigns and communication strategies aimed at encouraging WASH facility utilization.

My communication skills are exceptional, and I am proficient in English, Sindhi, and Urdu languages.


Provision of Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Facilities


Social Development Specialist
Sindh Peoples Housing For Flood Affectees
Apr 2023 - 代表 | Karachi, Pakistan

Under the supervision of CEO SPHF, the Social Development Specialist is responsible for providing technical support to the project, particularly on issues of (i) social inclusion, (ii) gender, (iii) environemental and social management aspect, (iv) complaints management, and for ensuring that all of his/her concerns are fully taken into account in the planning and implementation of all activities of the various components of the sub-projectw under the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).The social development specialist also perform following tasks.(i) Preparation of relocation of affected people (Aps)(ii) Preparation of Resettlement Framework Policy/Resettlement Plans(iii) Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)(iv) Labour Management Procedures (LMP)He also work on collaboration, monitoring and evaluation.Total Project Area. 24 districts of Sindh.Iplementing Partners. SRSO, NRSP, HANDS, TRDP, SAFCO.

Project Manager Gwadar-Lasbela Livelihoods Support Project
National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)
Aug 2022 - Mar 2023 | Turbat, Pakistan

Managing a comprehensive livelihood support project in Lasbela and Gwadar districts. The targeted households of the project are ultra-poor and poor households identified through BISP-PSC data. The poor households having PSC from 1-43 are the project beneficiaries. The productive assets are given to the ultra-poor having PSC scores from 1-26. In addition to managing the project, I also design the complex water supply network schemes using EPANET software, and manage water resource engineering and community physical infrastructure projects in three districts of Baluchistan; Kech, Gwadar, and Labella. These CPIs are funded by EUD and IFAD.

Manager Programs
Management and Development Center (MDC)
Dec 2021 - Aug 2022 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

- Look after all MDC programs and projects
- Overseas the deliverables, tasks, and field activities to ensure quality and timely submission of deliverables under each project
-Take care of the logistics and other arrangements for the program and projects
- Watch over the resources (human, financial, and infrastructure) in order to economize them
- Support the business development team for different opportunities
- Coordinate with relevant stakeholders, partners, and team members to ensure the proper implementation of the activities of the various projects
- Perform any additional relevant task assigned by the Management

WASH & Construction Specialist
International Consulting Expertise (Belgium)
Mar 2019 - Nov 2021 | Karachi, Pakistan

External performance monitoring of SUCCESS decision 037462:Currently, I am engaged in Review of portfolio of all CPI activities (Including WASH) implemented by SUCCESS implementing partners in Sindh. This project is EU funded and implemented in 8 districts of Sindh. Based on reviews, designed a smart plan for independent monitoring including methodology, determine survey sample and monitoring tools. Based on review of M&E framework, tools related to monitoring of CPI activities for the SUCCESS programme were established and improvement will be suggested based on results from monitoring. Other tasks include:• Provide input to Inception Report• Outcome mapping from identified most significant stories• Operationalizing the smart independent monitoring plan• Conduct SWOT analysis implementation of current grant and technical assistance contracts implementing the Decision.• Review and verification of monitoring reports on CPIs generated by implementing partners based on field verification• Conduct comparative analysis of these reports, highlighting variations and lessons• Filed verification of protocols followed and actual projects initiated, their physical and financial progress and quality checks• Prepare independent quality monitoring reports on the quality of maintenance of CPIs• Independent verification of benefits, equitable uses and impact• Take into consideration the EU cross-cutting issues: environment and climate change, rights-based approach, persons with disability, indigenous people, gender equality, and empowerment of women• Provide input to organizing and participate in workshops by provide input to presentation on findings, lessons learnt and recommendations• Provide input to presentation on findings, lessons learnt and recommendations• Provide input to interim progress reports, draft final and final external monitoring reports

Project Manager-WASH
WaterAid Pakistan
Sep 2018 - Mar 2020 | Thatta, Pakistan

Project: Promoting Sustainable WASH Services at Scale in Thatta, Pakistan (Cost: 1.25m USD)Tasks Completed: Project Implementation through partners while close coordination with government, signing of MoU with government health and education department to implement inclusive WaSH facilities in schools, health facilities, and Community, Staff and Community Trainings, Donor Management, Funds Management, Social Mobilization, ODF through CLTS/PATS, Coordination, Water Quality Assessment, Baseline and KAP surveys, Proposal Writing, Community Participation at all level of project execution, Gender Mainstreaming, Cluster Coordination, DRR Mapping, Quantity Surveying, Design, Estimation, Construction, Contract Management, Bids Analysis (Technical Inputs), Sanitation Marketing, Govt. Asset Mapping, Life Cycle Cost Analysis of small, medium and large sized drinking water projects etc.Project Components: Installation and rehabilitation of shallow hand pumps at source and with extension pipe in villages, schools, and health care facilities, Chlorination of contaminated boreholes, Installation of household bio-sand filters, RO Plants, Ultra Filtration Units, RO Plants (with Solar Pumping), DRR Mapping and Mitigation Plans, Pit Latrines, Pour flush latrines, sanitation treatment units, etc. All these projects are installed/constructed using inclusive designs.

Environmental, Social and Resettlement Specialist
Management and Development Center
Aug 2017 - Aug 2018 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

Project: Water Sector Improvement Project for Sindh (Cost: 282 million USD)Tasks Completed: The EHS Specialist is responsible for monitoring the environmental impact of the Project and ensure compliance of guidelines for environmental safeguards and monitor their enforcement and make particular attention to the outfall system of LBOD Drains, water quality, water logging and salinity and the results of the works with the WWF and IUCN. He / She should also be carrying out environmental screening / assessment of water sector projects including closely working with GOP / GOS and World Bank’s Environmental Guidelines.Project Components: Remodeling of Canals, Head Regulators, Cross Regulators, Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges, Canal Earthworks, Asphalt Roads, etc

Senior QA/QC Engineer
Dogus Insaat VE Ticaret A.S
Apr 2016 - Aug 2017 | Doha, Qatar

Project: Construction and Up-gradation of Rayyan Road Project 007-C2 (Cost: 2.3 billion USD)
Tasks Completed: Staff hiring, training and leading, coordination with environmental, health and safety staff, coordination with supervision consultants and design and municipality teams. Most of his tasks include leading the technical utility team to find out the locations of all dry and wet utilities within the project area and supervise the construction activities involved in the change of location of pipelines, manholes, and disposal stations as per the new locations. Identify locations for and installation of temporary toilet facilities for staff and labour along with the development of sewage collection and safe disposal systems. Regularly coordinate with supervision consultants, municipality engineers to cross check the ongoing work and ensure the quality of work. Provision of safe drinking water through safe installation of safe water systems at identified locations in the project area.
Project Components: Temporary toilets, Potable Water Lines, TSE-Treated Sewage Effluent Lines, Micro Tunnels, Cable Tunnels, Replacement of LV, HV, and Telephone cable lines, Water Purification Units, etc

Construction Manager
M/S I and R Engineers
Jun 2015 - Apr 2016 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

Project: Roads, Building Construction, Water System Installation, and Sanitation Projects, etc (Cost: 2.5m USD)
Tasks Completed: Staff hiring and Training, Market Assessment, Design, Quantity Surveying, Estimation, Supervision, Procurement, Funds Management, Project Control, Monitoring, Report Writing, Coordination, etc
Project Components: Installation of water systems, Construction of Culverts, Laying of sewerage lines and construction of wet utility components, lining of irrigation water courses and minors, road asphalting, earth work in excavation and embankments, Earthen Dams

Manager Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Care International in Pakistan
May 2014 - May 2015 | Sanghar, Pakistan

Project: Pakistan Emergency and Food Security (Cost: 1.45m USD)
Tasks Completed: Staff Hiring and Training, Donor Management, Funds Management, Social Mobilization, ODF through CLTS/PATS, Coordination, Water Quality Assessment, WASH and EFSL Assessments/KAP Surveys, Proposal Writing, Community Participation, Gender Mainstreaming, Cluster Coordination, DRR Mapping, Quantity Surveying, Design, Estimation, Construction, Contract Management, Bids Analysis (Technical Inputs), Sanitation Marketing, etc
Project Components: Installation and rehabilitation of shallow hand pumps at source and with lead, Chlorination of contaminated boreholes, Installation of household bio-sand filters, DRR Mapping and Mitigation Plans, Culverts, Earthen Roads, Walkways, Rehabilitation of houses, Pit Latrines, Pour flush latrines, etc

Infrastructure Specialist
Individual Consultant
Feb 2013 - May 2014 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

Project: Sindh Coastal Community Development Project (SCCDP) - (Cost: 40m USD)
Tasks Completed: Review the technical designs, material standards, costs and intended impacts against PC-1, fulfillment of contractual obligations and quality of work as specified by ADB, investigating socio-economic impacts of the project, community participation, gender mainstreaming, and lessons learnt from the project work.
Project Components: Farm to market metalled roads, small bridges and culverts, shallow hand pumps, drinking water storage reservoirs, water supply schemes, brick pavements, large school buildings, household toilets, village sanitation schemes, fish hatcheries, guest house buildings, wooden framed walkways at the banks of sea, etc

Progam Manager Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
May 2012 - Jan 2013 | Thatta, Pakistan

Project: Early Recovery WASH response for flood affected community (Cost: 0.4m USD)
Tasks Completed: WASH project Implementation, monitoring and evaluation while coordinating with nutrition and FSL teams, govt. line departments, NGOs, INGOs, funds management, procurement, assessments (KAP), Construction, Water quality analysis, Social Mobilization, CLTS/PATS, DRR, Gender Mainstreaming, etc
Project Components: Installation and rehabilitation of shallow hand pumps at source and with lead, Chlorination of contaminated boreholes, Installation of household bio-sand filters, DRR Mapping and Mitigation Plans, Response to AWD outbreak, Pit Latrines, Pour flush latrines, etc

Consultant Infrastructure and Environment
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund
Sep 2011 - Apr 2012 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

Project: Punjab Rural Support Program (Flood Emergency Project) - (Cost: 0.9m USD)
Tasks Completed: Assess the appropriateness of construction, social acceptance of beneficiary selection, community participation, ownership level of completed projects by the community, Capacity-building of community for maintenance and operation, repair and extension of the shelters/public buildings including the water and sanitation components, direct or indirect consolidation measures beyond initially foreseen activities to favour quality and sustainability of the investment
Project Components: Farm to market brick roads, small bridges and culverts, shallow hand pumps, drinking water storage reservoirs, water supply schemes, street pavements, lining of watercourses, household toilets, village sanitation schemes, etc p

Environmetal Health Coordinator
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Nov 2010 - Sep 2011 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Projects: Improved access to humanitarian assistance and protection for flood affected communities (Cost: 4.15m USD)
Tasks Completed: Staff Hiring and Training, team leadership, strategic planning, Needs assessment, KAP surveys, contingency planning, Project Implementation, monitoring, and evaluation in perspective of DRR, Preparation of Contract Documents, Bid analysis, ToRs for consultants, Procurements while coordinating with nutrition, protection and livelihoods teams, Social Mobilization, CLTS/PATS, Cluster coordination, proposal and report writing, coordination with govt. line departments, NGOs, INGOs, Water quality assessments, Quantity Surveying, design, and estimation of construction activities, household water filter implementation, etc
Project Components: Installation and rehabilitation of shallow hand pumps at source and with lead, Chlorination of contaminated boreholes, Installation of household filters, DRR Mapping and Mitigation Plans, Culverts, Pit Latrines, Pour flush latrines, etc

Senior Manager - Construction and Environment
Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP)
Jul 2004 - Nov 2010 | Mithi, Pakistan

Projects: CPI, CARW, DMPP, IWEIP, Alternate Energy (Wind and Solar Projects), WASH, Emergency, etc (Cost: 4m USD)
Tasks Completed: Strategic Planning, Management, Team Leadership for infrastructure, WASH, and emergency projects, Staff hiring and training, Fund raising and management, procurement, Quantity Surveying, Estimation, Construction, supervision, monitoring, proposal writing, generating technical and review reports, Coordination, quality assurance and compliance, Water quality Assessments, IEC Material, Community Mobilization, CLTS, Gender Mainstreaming, research and development, food for work and cash for work infrastructure development for women.
Project Components: Farm to market brick roads, small bridges and culverts, shallow hand pumps, Afridive hand pumps, Dug Wells-brick and CC lining, drinking water deep tube wells-up to 1150ft, Desalination Plants (RO and Solar Stills), rain water harvesting ponds, delay action dams, drinking water storage reservoirs, water supply schemes, street pavements, large school and hospital buildings, household toilets, household cisterns, village sanitation schemes, Model Villages, low cost houses for earthquake and flood affected families, lining of water courses, Irrigation water tube wells, Solar Pumps, Wind Mills, Drip Irrigation Systems, Household Solar Lights, etc

Field Engineer - Civil
National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)
Sep 2002 - Jun 2004 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

Projects: CPI, WASH, etc (Cost: 0.25m USD)
Tasks Completed: Quantity Surveying, Estimation, Planning, Implementation, Community training, Construction, Gender Mainstreaming, Quality Control of infrastructure and WASH projects
Project Components: Farm to market brick roads, small bridges and culverts, shallow hand pumps, drinking water storage reservoirs, overhead RCC water tanks, water supply schemes, street pavements, village sanitation schemes, Model Villages, lining of water courses, Irrigation water tube wells, etc

Field Engineer - Civil
Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP)
Nov 2000 - Sep 2002 | Mithi, Pakistan

Projects: CPI, CARW, WASH, Emergency etc (Cost: 0.35m USD)
Tasks Completed: Quantity Surveying, Estimation, Planning, Implementation, Community training, Construction, Gender Mainstreaming, Quality Control of infrastructure and WASH and Emergency projects, and Food for Work/Cash for Work CPI projects.
Project Components: culverts, shallow hand pumps, Afridive hand pumps, Dug Wells-brick and CC lining, drinking water deep tube wells-up to 1150ft, rain water harvesting ponds, delay action dams, drinking water storage reservoirs, water supply schemes, street pavements, household toilets, household cisterns, village sanitation schemes, low cost houses for earthquake affected families, Wind Mills, etc


Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
, Master of Engineering (M. E)‎
Hydrualics And Hydrology
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
Environmental Engineering And Management
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
学士, , B.E (Civil)‎
Fluid Engineering, Water Resources and Irrigation
所占比重 76%


熟练 Accounts / Manager
熟练 Accounts Administration
初学者 Accounts Managment
熟练 Active Reports
熟练 Adaptive Leadership
熟练 Adaptive Management
中级 Administration of Financial Management
熟练 Advocacy skills
中级 Advocate of Teamwork
熟练 Analytical And Information Management
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Budget Creation Management
中级 Budget Management
中级 Business Development
熟练 Capacity Building
熟练 Change Management
初学者 Civil Planing
熟练 Civil Supervistion
中级 Climate Change Adaptation
熟练 Climate Change Mitigation
熟练 Close Attention To Detail
熟练 Communication & Coordination
熟练 Communication and Presentation Skills
熟练 Communication Strategy
熟练 Community Management
熟练 Concept Based Teaching
熟练 Conflict Management
熟练 Construction
熟练 Construction Administration =
熟练 Construction Consulting
熟练 Construction Control
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination Abilities
熟练 Coordination Skills
熟练 Coordination Skills In Partnership Context
熟练 Corporate Societies
熟练 Create Diverse Environment
熟练 Creative and Initiator
中级 Crisis Management
熟练 Critical Thinking
熟练 Cultural Diversity
熟练 Demonstrated Knowledge Of Linking WASH
中级 Donor Management
熟练 Drinking Water Quality
熟练 Emergency Response
熟练 environment compliance Monitoring
中级 Excellent Computer Proficient
熟练 Excellent Coordination
熟练 Excellent Coordination Skills
熟练 Excellent Interpersonal Skills


熟练 信德语
熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语