
Dear Sir/Madam,
As you can see in my CV, I am Intermediate . I am certified in computer operator from TEVTA this year 2019.
For some years I have been working in educational site bit now I have changed my career towards office management. Therefore I have got certificate in computer operator for one year diploma course.
I hope that I will show my skills professionally .Thankyou.


Computer Operator
TAC School
Jun 2019 - Aug 2019 | Lahore, Pakistan

I worked as an internee.


Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
中级/A级, 中级/A级, General Science‎
等级 C+


初学者 Academic Databases Management
初学者 Accounts Administration
初学者 Client Derailing
初学者 Computer Operations
中级 Computer Operator
初学者 Coordination Skills
初学者 Data Entry
初学者 Data Entry In Customized Software
初学者 Data Miniing
熟练 Excellent speaking skills in the target language
初学者 Handling Assignments
中级 Inspections Implementation
熟练 Internet Research Command
中级 Lab Knowldge
初学者 LMP
中级 Presentable Personality
熟练 Production Quality Monitoring
中级 Pulic Dealing
初学者 Pursuing News Stories
中级 Social Media Headlining
初学者 Typing
初学者 Typing Speed
初学者 المهارات الهاتفية


中级 英语
