
•        Assist in conducting broad based community meetings (BBCM) / stakeholders workshop at community level

•        Assist in conducting needs assessment / base line / surveys for data collection in the defined project areas

•        Assist in the identification & prioritization of most vulnerable / marginalized villages through PRA tools.

•        Assist in initial contacts & programme introduction of project in the targeted village

•        Formation, revitalization, strengthening of village / community development committees / organizations by ensuring the inclusion of all segments of society on a sustainable basis.

•        Assist the CDO/POs in signing term of partnership (TOP) with committees (COs/ VOs / LSO).

•        Identification & prioritization of the most pressing needs of the communities through PRA tools (issues prioritization).

•        Conduct regular meetings with community organizations for raising awareness about their entitlement i.e. social, economic & rights.

•        Capacity building of communities in terms of development of new proposals, CMST, LMST / refreshers / exposure visits, advocacy planning and campaigning etc.

•        Motivating the communities for the monthly contribution of  saving schemes

•        Facilitate & support other sectorial leads at ground in need identification / prioritization & verification of the project interventions / activities.

•        Close coordination with male CDO/POs and relevant stake holders working in the project targeted areas.

•        Conducting community awareness sessions i.e. (health and hygiene) and organize various training sessions / workshops / Campaigns / Special Events for the members of local community organizations (social forestry, community participation in development, women in development)

•        Regular follow up and monitoring of project activities & timely reporting of identified gaps with best possible solutions.

•        Facilitate in arrangement of IRP / donors visits to project areas.

•        Conduct CO / VO / LSO profiling i.e. collection of primary level data for situation analysis of the communities and compilation of surveys being conducted on various issues in the programme/project area.

•        Conduct thorough community mobilization process with key advocacy objectives,


•        Assist in the preparation of weekly / monthly work plans against PMT (performance measured time frame) by ensuring timely completion of assigned tasks in stipulated time period.

•        Assist in the maintenance of hard record that includes field visits reports, CO meeting minutes, beneficiary data, assessment record, distribution record & other documentation.

•        Assist in ensuring appropriate beneficiary’s data collection & screening prior to making any transaction

•        Assist in ensuring proper filling of forms & formats as per desired standard

•        Assist in extending support to MEAL / MIS / Communications staff for gathering desired information.

•        Ensure availability of up to date info in MIS on regular basis with consultation of MIS / M&E.

•        Close coordination with line manager for effective implementation of project activities


•        Ensure compliance with IR’s policies & procedures in true spirit for effective delivery of services to communities.

•        In depth understanding of IR values and their demonstration in the field while working with communities.

•        Abide by the IR zero tolerance policy towards bribery & corruption through sensitization / empowerment of communities on coping mechanisms so that they can raise voice as & when feel inappropriate.

•        Thorough knowledge of IR strategic priorities to ensure effective implementation with future sustainability.

•        Assist in identification & documentation of organizational successes for show casing IR work

•        Facilitate communities in adaptation of environment friendly & cost effective approaches to meet their current as well as future needs with specific attention to climate change.

•        Focused efforts to be made for mainstreaming of marginalized groups i.e. Persons with disability and old age, minorities, Women & children etc in consultation & implementation of project activities at ground.

•        Assist in strengthen mechanism to Influence the decision makers through communities to pay attention towards DRR planning, give voice to suffering and the excluded, highlighting the protection needs of people.

•        Participation and facilitation in implementation of IR seasonal programmes & emergency response.


2 发布
20 - 45 年
1 year With Master\'s Degree and 2 years with Bachelors Degree
1年 - 2年
Mar 31, 2024
Mar 21, 2024

Islamic Relief Pakistan

· More than 5000 员工 - 米布尔卡斯

We are an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984 by a group of concerned postgraduate students. Working in over 30 countries worldwide, we respond to disasters and emergencies, as well as promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion or gender./p


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