Pasban I.T Services
111 关注者

Pasban I.T Services

The Pasban Group broke national boundaries & took a new step in the field of I.T (Information Technology) with the establishment of Pasban I.T Services. This area of expertise includes building scalable & very popular web based destinations at international level as they are today. Pasban has one of the biggest group of websites in the world. The name of the Group clearly shows the purpose of the organization. The people who think and dream differently, the people who act beyond the bread & butter for the family. These are the people who act as the responsible citizens of Pakistan. The struggle and firm belief in excellence by the staff has made it a dream institute in this city of Pakistan. Main aim of this organization is to help local community of this area by creating awareness, providing jobs to a large number of people and developing human resource. The educated youth with good English and some knowledge of computer have been given employment and thus they gain international experience of (I.T) information technology.
