Karandaaz Pakistan
42 关注者

Karandaaz Pakistan

KARANDAAZ PAKISTAN, established in 2014 and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as a nonprofit, is promoting access to finance for small businesses through commercially directed investments and financial inclusion for individuals. Karandaaz operates through four programme vehicles:Karandaaz Capital

Invests growth capital in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the objective of generating commercial financial returns for Karandaaz and supporting broad based employment generation in Pakistan.Karandaaz Digital

Provides technical assistance and services to promote financial inclusion through technology enabled solutions. Karandaaz Digital is working with national regulators, public agencies, private corporations, and technology entrepreneurs to strengthen national payments infrastructure, digitizing government to people payments, corporate supply chains, and supporting FinTech innovation in Pakistan.Knowledge Management and Communications

Develops and disseminates evidence based insights and solutions to inform the core themes of the company, including innovation, women entrepreneurship and youth, and to influence the financial ecosystem to promote financial inclusion in Pakistan.Karandaaz Innovation

Manages the Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF) providing risk capital and grants to partners with an aim to generate innovative yet practicable solutions for solving complex problems in areas of financial inclusion and entrepreneurship. The fund is especially focused on addressing persisting barriers faced by SMEs, women and youth in accessing appropriate financial services and participating in the economy.

Karandaaz Pakistan has received funding from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
