Doctors Worldwide Pakistan
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Doctors Worldwide Pakistan

Doctors Worldwide (DWW) was established in April 2000 to provide medical relief and aid to those who are in need without any access or means to basic medical care.

DWW will provide medical relief to all citizens of the earth in need regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity or nationality. In 2004 Doctors Worldwide-Turkey branch was established in Istanbul.

Doctors Worldwide works with other organizations in order to minimize costs and maximize the efficiency of its operations.

In its short history, Doctors Worldwide has already provided medical care to tens of thousands of people in four continents as well as facilitated the medical relief work of a number of other not-for-profit international relief organizations.

Doctors Worldwide works on these three platforms to provide medical aid:

Emergency Relief: DWW's emergency response team provides short-term urgent relief in the case of disasters, whether man-made or natural.

Extended Medical Relief: After addressing urgent health care issues, DWW focuses on prevention of epidemics and outbreaks of infection due to poor hygiene and sub-optimal living conditions.

Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Medical Education: This program involves providing long-term medical relief in cooperation with local doctors. Major emphasis is placed on assistance with the rehabilitation of societies no longer at war in re-establishing their health-care system. DWW is committed to providing medical education and training to local health care workers whenever possible.