
Over the past thirty years, from 1992 to the present, I've forged a strong reputation as a skilled development professional in both national and international organizations. Working across regions like Punjab, Sindh, and Baluchistan provinces, I've led the conception, planning, execution, and monitoring of various development emergency projects. My expertise spans diverse areas including water resource management and governance, WASH, health, disaster risk reduction, climate change, environmental conservation, and education sectors. I've specialized in climate-smart water resource management, WASH solutions, climate change adaptation engineering, and adept project/program management. Throughout my career, I've consistently emphasized sustainable water resource management & Governance and integrated climate change considerations. I've been a passionate advocate for WASH initiatives, particularly in crisis situations, where I've effectively overseen emergency projects, addressing urgent humanitarian needs. My dedication to environmental preservation has also guided my involvement in climate resilience projects. In the education sector, I've focused on cultivating knowledge and skills for sustainable growth. My commitment, innovative thinking, and strong project management skills have resulted in tangible and lasting development outcomes. Overall, my career underscores my expertise in climate-smart water resource management, sustainable WASH solutions, engineering & infrastructure development, and project/program management, all driven by an unwavering passion for sustainable solutions in international development.

i- Currently leading IRC WASH projects under flood response in 7 Districts of Sindh mostly to rehabilitation of water resources both public, communal & water filtration plants including installation of new water schemes for drinking under IRISH Aid (I&II), EU-Humanitarian Aid (ECHO-1-5), Gates foundation, Disaster emergency committee (DEC-Phase I & II).

ii- Recently have completed joint venture with UN-WFP “Emergency Preparedness & Response (EPR) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience Building Interventions in selected flood affected districts of Sindh and Balochistan”.

iii-Participated in relief work after 2005 earth quick in Kashmir, conducted assessments, remained part of cluster meetings, ensured distributions, early recovery interventions, been part of designing of shelters program with UN agencies and INGOs.     

iv- I was part of flood response and rehabilitation work after the 2010-2012 floods in Rajanpur, Muzaffar Garh, Layyah, and RY Khan Districts.

v- Remained part of the DIFID-funded Education in Emergency (EiE) program, implemented the climate smart/resilient WASH infrastructure in 200 schools of District Layyah, Rajanpur & Layyah.  

vi- Under “UN Maternal & Child Stunting Reduction Program through WASH interventions” Designed, implemented and lead WASH program in Sindh and ensured completion of 2,124 climate-resilient schemes infrastructure schemes in communities/schools/health facilities.

vii- Lead the snowfall and flood response in Balochistan, coordinated with PDMA, health department and district administration.

viii- Worked in the disaster of drought in Balochistan (Chagai, Pishin & Killa Abdullah Districts), worked and coordinated with PDMA Balochistan, district administration, Government irrigation, PHED, social welfare and LG & RD departments for assessments and program implementation (ensured construction of multipurpose water ponds, rehabilitation and new installation of water supply schemes under UNICEF and PHPF/OFDA funded projects.

Worked in COVID-19 outbreak response in District Quetta, Pishin, Killa Saif Ullah, and Killa Abdullah under water Aid and ECHO-funded project of CARE international.


COVID-19 Response (Water Aid funded) 
WASH emergency response in drought-affected Areas (UNICEF Funded)
Drought response and mitigation Project
COVID-19 Response (ECHO funded project with CARE International)
Program for Improved nutrition in Sindh ER-3 (PINS-AAP)
Education in emergencies (EiE) in flood affected arears
Promoting Child Rights in Cotton Forming Area (CRCFA) Project
Scaling up PATS in Punjab Project (Australian Aid funded)
مزید دیکھیے


کمپنی کا لوگو
Sr. Manager WASH
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۲۳ - موجودہ | Hyderabad, Pakistan

The position is based in Hyderabad-Sindh to lead the water resource management & WASH in flood response in the province of Sindh, currently I am leading, managing and implementing different WASH and water resource management projects in IRC program area, keeping coordination with the Government of Sindh and other sector partners, and UN agencies. IRC is implementing the interventions through partners and managing the water resource management under UN-WFP funded project in District Kambar Shahdad. Managing budgets and planning for grants (Irish Aid, Milena & Gates foundation, Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC), UN-WFP and SIDA in the project area.
Key achievements.
·       Successfully implemented and completed IRISH Aid funded project in four flood affected Districts of Sindh.
·       Successfully implemented and completed “Gates foundation” funded project in District Badin, focused on water resource management and rehabilitation.
·       Successfully implemented and completed “SIDA” funded project in District Dadu and Khairpur, focused on water resource management and rehabilitation of water sources in communities & health facilities.
·       Successfully implemented and completed “Disaster Emergency Committee” DEC funded phase-1 project in District Badin which focused on climate change resilient water resource management and rehabilitation while the phase-II is going on.
·       Completed the joint venture DRR and climate change resilience project with UN-WFP in 1 district of Sindh and four of Balochistan. 
·       Engaged Public Health Engineering department for rehabilitation of public water supply schemes, re-activating and establishing WASH committees for climate resilient water governance at departmental and community level.
·       Lead the community level training program on WASH committee members on operation and maintenance of water sources for managing efficiently the climate resilient water governance.
·       Leading the community and departmental level training program on the concept of “water safety plans” and developing village level water safety plans for “climate resilient water governance” 
·       Ensuring and embedding climate resilient challenges in IRC WASH and infrastructure designing especially promoting the climate resilient water governance in flood affected area to safeguard water sources, water safety and wisely use of water at community level and creating realization among Government departments on climate resilient water Governess and safety of water sources.      

کمپنی کا لوگو
WASH Specialist
Rural Support Program Network (RSPN)
مارچ ۲۰۲۱ - اکتوبر ۲۰۲۲ | Karachi, Pakistan

Lead manage and implemented the overall WRM and WASH component in 10 Districts of Sindh under EU funded nutrition-sensitive Programme, overseeing, providing backstopping, supportive supervision, and managing implementing partner’s work, keeping coordination with the Government of Sindh through (Accelerated Action Plan) AAP secretariat and worked in close collaboration with the implementing RSPs (NRSP, SRSO & TRDP) for day-to-day business and provided them support and backstopping for the range of Nutrition sensitive interventions under WASH component. Under WRM PINS implemented 105 multipurpose water reservoirs to conserve surface water and to recharge ground water resource, managed wastewater through constructing 10 wastewater schemes, for drinking purpose hand pumps, solar power water supply schemes have been installed in the communities, PHED DWSS were rehabilitated and made functional.  
The PINS WRM and WASH program have been designed and implemented around the three key principles of IWRM social equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability, under the PINS program equality, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability have been ensured through need assessments, engaging PHE department and the community for sustainability and environmental assessments have been conducted and kept in view.
ü  Developed WASH program implementation manual (PIM) a guiding document to implement WASH in the program area.
ü  Under WASH program 13,063 villages in 1,823 village organizations achieved the status of open defecation free and certified by the district ODF committees.   
ü  4,502 community resource persons (49.17% female) were trained on PATS and refreshers of 1,954 CRPs has been conducted.
ü  20,259 families have been financially supported for community latrines and constructed.
ü  17 rural sanitation schemes/treatment units were constructed in the Program districts.
ü  Clean village campaign has been conducted in 1938 village organizations and covered 13,887 villages.
ü  1,956 regular and lead hand pumps, 18 solarized water supply schemes and 166 rain harvesting ponds have been completed in to manage water resources in PINS program area.
ü  3,876 LSO members were trained on water quality monitoring through PCRWR.
ü  Under WRM & WASH 8,615 communal water sources have been mapped and got tested chemically & biologically, the treatable sources were chlorinated, and the cause of the contamination was removed, and the fit and unfit water sources were color marked for community understanding.
ü  Piloted community-based chlorine production in 5 UCs of four Districts through WATA technology (Thatta, Sujawal, Kamber & Jamshoro).
ü  1938 village Action Plans (VAPs) and 193 charter of demands (CoDs) were developed and submitted to Government of Sindh.
ü  Conducted a research/study on “implementation of PATS in PINS program area” and presented in “Joint Sector Partner review” held by MoCC in Feb 2022 for policy reform in PATS.

کمپنی کا لوگو
2- WASH Specialist (Country Lead)/Project Manager/Provincial Program Manage
Muslim Aid Pakistan
جولائی ۲۰۱۹ - مارچ ۲۰۲۱ | Islamabad, Pakistan

The position of WASH specialist is to lead the WASH across the Pakistan and to manage the programme activities, represent Muslim Aid in Government, sector partners and UN agencies. Business development, developing concept notes and proposals for fund raising locally and in international market.
In other hands the role of Provincial Manager is to lead, directing and overseeing the overall program activities in the province, advocating and image building of MAP within Government and other I/NGOs in the province. I did and achieved the following key tasks.
Key achievements.
i-Conducted project inception workshops with stakeholders including Government officials, PDMA Baluchistan, Health, education, PHED, agriculture departments, and sector partner NGOs for NDRMF.
ii- Oriented Deputy commissioners (Chagai & Killa Saif Ullah) on the nature of projects, activities to be done to and with whom, and the geographic area of the projects.
iii- Obtained NOC for NDRMF funded Project from PDMA, Deputy Commissioners of District Chagai & Killa Saif Ullah for NDRMF funded Project.
iv- Obtained NOC from PHED & Deputy commissioner for UNICEF funded drought response Project in District Pishin and Killa Abdullah (provision of food packs, health & hygiene kits, rehabilitation of 20 PHED’s non-functional drinking water supply schemes).
v- Implemented WaterAid funded COVID response project in District Quetta, Pishin and Killa Abdulla (provision of PPE kits, soaps, rehabilitation of washing stations and provision of mobile handwashing stations).
vi- Supported HR department in developing staff TORs and been part of hiring the project team. 
vii- Oriented the project teams on project goals, objectives, and the key activities to be carried out.
viii- Developed guidelines on how to implement the project activities for engineers and the front-line staff.
ix- Implemented Pakistan Humanitarian Pooled Fund (PHPF) and OFDA funded drought response projects in District Chagai (construction of multipurpose water reservoirs, rehabilitation, and new installation of drinking water supply schemes.
x- Get signed an MoU with PHED and irrigation departments and got NOCs for implementing the project and handed over the sub projects to the departments.  
xi- Developed project proposal and implemented ECHO funded through CARE international COVID-19 response project in District Quetta Pishin and Killa Abdulla (provision of PPE kits, soaps, rehabilitation of washing stations and provision of mobile handwashing stations in DHQs, THQs).
xii- Developed project procurement in collaboration with NDRMF for efficient procurement and processing tenders and vendor selection.
xiii- Managed project finances/budgets, made decisions on necessary modifications, kept aligned the account lines with the activities, and prepared BAVs, and comparison statements.
xiv- Ensured the quality of work through and monitoring of activities through field reports, periodic reviews, and field visits.
xv- Lead and managed the teams through team building, and capacity building, providing them with a conducive and friendly environment and putting the right person in the right place to boost the team’s performance and trust.        
i- Contributed to developing the 4-year country strategic plan for Muslim Aid Pakistan, priorities of WASH in Pakistan under MAP, the areas of work under WASH, and the potential geographic locations to be focused.
ii- Developed proposal for NDRMF project titled “Building Resilience by strengthening the community through inclusive Disaster Risk Management Project” gathered field-level information, conducted surveys, stakeholder consultation (community and Government) for the said project and MAP scored 400 million rupees from NDRMF.
iii- Developed and submitted the 2nd phase proposal to NDMRF which is still under consideration with NDMRF.
iv- An MoU has been signed for a joint venture of the urban WASH program with UNICEF and implemented in 4 public parks in Islamabad and rehabilitated WASH facilities.
v- Developed WASH Manual under PATS to implement WASH and infrastructure projects in MAP[i]
vi- Carried out need assessments, situation analysis, technical surveys, environmental assessments, prepared designs, BOQs, cost estimations, engineering drawings and processed RFQs and tenders
vii- Prepared detailed implementation plans DIP & PIP, activity interpretation, and assigning the roles with timeline and bread downing set of activities.   
xiii- Provided specialized technical support & guidance to the project engineers and front-line staff for smooth implementation.
ix- Ensured data collection, data arrangement, analysis and sharing with donor agency (UNICEF Punjab)
x- Provided regular and reliable narrative and financial reports to management.
xi- Facilitated the procurement department in the process of bidding, vendor selection, contractor agreements and developing TORs etc.

کمپنی کا لوگو
WASH Consultant
Punjab Public Health Engineering Department
مارچ ۲۰۱۹ - اگست ۲۰۱۹ | Lahore, Pakistan

Worked with Punjab Public Health Engineering Department as a WASH consultant and carried out the following tasks
i- Carried out surveys, designed, and developed BOQs of Government schools (Hafizabad, Faisalabad, Sahiwal & Pakpattan).
 ii- Reviewed training manuals of CRP, mason, and entrepreneurs under Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation in the context of Punjab.
iii- Reviewed SBCC/IEC material and amended it in the context of the Racket and Benckiser (RB) funded project.

کمپنی کا لوگو
WASH /infrastructure monitoring coordinator
Plan International Pakistan
جون ۲۰۰٦ - نومبر ۲۰۱۸ | Islamabad, Pakistan

The position is component lead and manager of WASH and infrastructure and responsible to design within CSP, manage & implement the program and oversee the interventions in the Program unit office either through implementation by partners or self and community managed, representing Plan-international with the Government, I/NGOs, and UN forums. Design the yearly WASH priorities and budgeting. Developing concept notes and proposals to float within the Plan-international pool and in an open market.     
Key achievements.
i- Been part of Plan’s Country Strategic Plan (SCP) three times during the spell of employment with Plan international. 
ii- Get signed MoUs with Novartis Pakistan (thalassemia center), District Government Vehari (developing a public park), Muzafar Garh (construction of classrooms & WASH facilities in a school).
iii- Successfully worked and completed partnership with Punjab Public Health Engineering and Local Government & Community Development Departments (Both the departments remained IP of Plan international).
iv- Successfully managed and implemented Plan’s WASH regular program and projects in 17 program/project Districts across Pakistan over a period of 14 years. (Vehari, RY Khan, Bahawalpur, Multan, Muzaffar Garh, Layyah, Rajanpur, Chakwal, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Narowal, Sahiwal, Hafizabad, Pakatan, Ghottki, Khairpur Mir’s, and Noshero Feroz.
v- Developed or been part of project proposals a series of project proposals and concept notes, 6 projects approved by “International funding pool” and other donors amounting to 3,42,026 US $ (PKR-23,748,205)
vi- Worked with District Governments in the implementation of District WASH Road maps for 4 Districts (Layyah, Vehari, Chakwal & Rahim Yar Khan)
vii- successfully managed and lead WASH component of “UN Maternal & Child Stunting Reduction Program through WASH interventions” in three Districts of Sindh (Khairpur, Noshero Feroz, and Ghotki) and completed 2124 rehabilitation and new schemes in the communities, schools, and health facilities (climate smart/resilient regular & lead hand pumps, drinking water supplies, community latrines, STUs, WASH facilities in schools and health facilities).
viii- Successfully managed and implemented Scaling up PATS in Punjab Project (Australian Aid/DEFAT funded) in District Chakwal and oversight the engineering component in 4 Districts (Layyah, Chakwal, Vehari, and RY Khan).
ix- Successfully managed and implemented “Diarrhea control through a women empowerment project (RB funded) in three Districts of Punjab (Narowal, Sargodha, and Faisalabad)
x- Successfully lead and implemented WASH component of “Promoting child rights in cotton forming areas project” CRCFA (a Joint venture with UNICEF) in three Districts (RY Khan, Bahawalpur & Ghotki).
xi- Successfully lead the engineering and infrastructure monitoring for DFID-funded “Education in Emergencies” (EiE) in flood affected areas of District Rajanpur, Layyah & Muzafar Garh and completed climate resilient construction in 200 schools (400 schemes)

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Program Officer/FU- in-charge/Regional professional SSS & infrastr
National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)
اپریل ۱۹۹۷ - مئی ۲۰۰٦ | Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan

Hold the positions of District Programme Officer, Field unit in-charge, Regional Professional Physical Infrastructure (PITD), and Regional Professional Social Sector Service (SSS), the assignments remained different for each role, DPO and Field Unit in-charge positions were managerial positions while the regional level assignments were specialized to infrastructure and social sector services (health care & education), manager’s responsibilities includes to direct and oversee the day-to-day business of the field unit offices, promoting organization with Government and other sector partners, staff development, monitoring, budget handling etc, I performed & achieved the following key tasks.
Managerial Jobs (DPO & Unit in-charge).
i- Managed the overall day-to-day operations of NRSP including the credit program, learning for life (LFL) non-formal schooling and MNCH programs, periodic loaning & repayment schedules, ADB funded DGK-Rural Development project.
ii- Managed and implemented NRSP regular and project-based interventions including ADB funded DGK-Rural Development Project (DGK-RDP), rural credit program, Community Skill Enhancement Project, National Programme for Improving Water courses (NPIW) and Punjab Education Sector Reforms Project (PESRP).    
iii- Managed program/project budgets, BAV, balance sheets, bank statements & reconciliation statements.
iv- Conducted annual staff performance appraisal “personal evaluation Report (PER) for evaluating staff performance, areas of improvement and needs to build their capacity, mentoring & coaching.
v- Ensured better coordination with Government departments involved in DGK-RDP for approvals and monitoring of project activities.
vi- Monitored and conducted progress & planning reviews meetings with program Unit offices.
vii- Made approvals for credit cases, activity budgets, and disbursement to infrastructure schemes.
viii- Oversight of the social mobilization activities, formation of village-level organizations (VO), and surveys for scaling up the programs.
RP-Social Sector Service (SSS) & Program officer (Education)
i- Established non-formal schools for adult literacy, ECE centers for pre-schooling, and health committees in 100 villages under DFIED (learning for life) project
ii- Trained TBAs on mother & child health care and parenting.  
iii- Trained teachers of adult basic education centers and the ECE on joyful learning.   
iv- Trained mothers on parenting, exclusive breastfeeding, the importance of immunization, preparing home-based ORS, and child nutrition.
v- Managed interventions in 300 Government schools under Punjab Government’s PERSP (Punjab Education Sector Project).
vi- Successfully ensured re-formation school councils (PTAs) and get them notified from District Government RYK.
vii- Successfully conducted teacher’s training on subject specialization and early childhood education.
viii- Successfully conducted school council pieces of training for active participation in PTA meetings, school management, and the importance of education and facility management.
ix- Successfully conducted training of teachers and school council members on roles and responsibilities.
x- Conducted need assessments in the schools regarding teacher training and school facilities for creating a conducive environment.
xi- Conducted campaigns to enrol out-of-school children and minimize dropout.
xii- Signed MoU with the education department and District Government.   
RP-Physical Infrastructure Technology Development (PITD)
RP is the key position to lead the infrastructure at the regional level to review the designs, drawings, cost estimations, and BOQs. NRSP remained the implementing partner with DG Khan Rural Development Project (DGK-RDP) funded by Asian Development Bank (ABD) through the Planning & Development Department (P&D).
i- Presented CPI cases to the Government notified “Scrutiny & approval Committee” and got approved 186 community infrastructures of different natures (turbines, tube wells, link and jeepable roads, community centers, water supplies, cattle sheds, diversion, and water retaining structures. animal schemes under the DGK-RDP.
ii- Got approved and successfully implemented 18500 feet of watercourses under the NPIW project.
iii- Provided improved WASH facilities under the SSS program in 64 Government schools of District Rajanpur and DG Khan.
iv- Ensured coordination with the project management unit (PMU) and the district scrutiny committee of the Government of Punjab.
v- Managed complex budgets of different donors and planned activity breakdowns for sub-projects
vi- Ensured micro-planning of the project activities (health, education, micro-financing, livestock, CPIs & skill development projects funded by ADB & PPAF.
vii- Ensured money value utilization of resources, quality of work, the performance of staff, and overcoming risks & conflicts.
viii- Developed quality monthly/quarterly narrative, technical, and project completion reports for regional office NRSP.
ix- Monitored the activities in the field to ensure the quality of work, compliance, and establishment MOVs.
x- Managed high-level (DCs, elected representatives MPAs/MNA) and mission delegates’ (ADB mission for overseeing the project for extension) visits in the field and made briefings, working papers, and presentations.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Field Engineer
Balochistan Rural Support Program (BRSP)
اپریل ۱۹۹۲ - دسمبر ۱۹۹۵ | Quetta, Pakistan

• Formation of village organizations (VOs)
• Support in conduction community meetings and building their capacity on institution building, record keeping, linkages development and strengthening organizational structure
• Conduction of social and technical feasibilities for community development schemes
• Surveys, preparation of designs and cost estimation of CD Schemes at cluster level
• Building capacities of communities for managing project, project record keeping, quality and cost effective purchases, quality control during execution and Operation and maintenance of the CD schemes
• Back stopping communities in implementation of Community Development (CD) schemes.
• Preparation of monthly and quarterly progress reports for Regional office and head office.


Preston Institute of Management Sciences and Technology
بیچلرز, Bachelors of Engineering, ‎
Civil Engineering
University of Balochistan
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, ‎
International Relations
University of Balochistan
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان آرٹس, ‎
Punjab technical board lahore
انٹرمیڈیٹ / اے لیول, فیکلٹی آف سائنس (پری انجینئرنگ), Diploma of associate engineers‎
Civil Engineering
فی صد 56%
bise multan
میٹرک / او لیول, سائنس, Matric‎
Biological Sciences
فی صد 67%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Ability To Work In Multicultural Team
ماہر Adaptive Leadership
ماہر Close Attention To Detail
ماہر Communication Skills
ماہر Conflict Management
ماہر Coordination and implementation
ماہر Coordination Skills
ماہر Donor Engagement
ماہر Efficient Problem-solving Skills
ماہر Financial Management
ماہر Fluent in English
ماہر Front Line Leadership
ماہر Health Diagnostic
ماہر Interpersonal Skills
ماہر Knowledge of CLTS/PATS Plus approach
ماہر Management
ماہر Management Skills
ماہر Microsoft Word
ماہر MIT Knowledge
ماہر MS Excel
ماہر MS Outlook
ماہر MS Power Point
ماہر Partner Development
ماہر Partnerships
ماہر Policies Implementing
ماہر Problem Resolving Skills
ماہر Problem Solving Skills
ماہر Program Implementation
ماہر Programme Data Management
ماہر Project Administration
ماہر Project Analysis
ماہر Project Coordination
ماہر Project Planning and Management
ماہر Proposals Writing Skills
ماہر Report Writing Skills
ماہر Reporting Abilities
ماہر Stakeholder Engagement
ماہر Team Building
ماہر Team Coordination
ماہر Team Management
ماہر Time Management 
ماہر WASH and Management
ماہر Willing to work in remote areas
ماہر إدارة فريق المشروع
ماہر تنسيق المشروع


ابتدائی پشتو
ماہر سرائیکی
ماہر بلوچی
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Iftikhar آپکے جاننے والے

Muhammad Shakir
Plan International Pakistan
Muhammad Asim Asim
International Rescue Committee
Asad Ali Qureshi
Roltic Pvt. Ltd
Syed Shah Iqbal
Tameer E Khalaq Foundation
Naeem Ullah Lakho
Fast Rural Development Program (FRDP)