
Gohar Bio sketch
Gohar Ali is a professional with extensive experience in Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Social Anthropology. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science, a Master's degree in Social Anthropology, and a Post Graduate Diploma and Master's degree in Remote Sensing & GIS. He has worked with various organizations in multiple sectors, including Urban Planning, Water Resource Management, Participatory GIS, Climate Change, Ethno-Religious Studies, and Disaster Risk Management. Gohar has also attended several training sessions and seminars to enhance his skills. He possesses excellent communication, organizational, and analytical skills, and can work independently and as a team player under tight deadlines.


PDP (Pakistan Development Prospective, Peshawar)
PDP (Pakistan Development Prospective, Lahore )
PDP (Pakistan Development Prospective, Karachi )


کمپنی کا لوگو
GIS Officer
KPCIP, Project of Management Unit (PMU)
ستمبر ۲۰۲۲ - موجودہ | Mardan, Pakistan

•        Document city-wise primary and secondary data required for Spatial planning and evaluation in sectoral programs of KPCIP,
•        Present, Evaluate and Review resilience of communities and relevant government functionaries. Preparation and presentation of resilience maps in sectoral areas of KPCIP to different active and prospective hazards,
•        Ensure the precision and product standards for purchasing of products like satellite images and Digital Elevation Models (DEM),
•        Consult project stakeholders for standardization of visualization techniques representing KPCIP interventions and its association with existing and future infrastructure,
•        Develop a methodology and format for data collection from the field regarding KP CIP Project, WSSC assets and consumers etc. to be digitized,
•        Review existing databases and conduct a gap analysis and prepare dynamic GIS maps connected to developed database for uploading on WSSCs websites/servers,
•        Digitizing the WSSC projects, assets and consumers using google maps, Topo sheets, Arc GIS, satellite images and any other sources,
•        Develop Scan and geo-reference field maps,
•        Map optimized route plan for all SWM (and other) vehicles, in coordination with infrastructure engineer,
•        Carryout analytics of the GIS data.
•        Provide support to the Web Portal developer.
•        Provide technical support and input for the implementation of GIS-related activities.
•        Provide backstopping support and technical guidance to other units with respect to any GIS activities.
•        Establish data collection/analysis, reporting and management information systems Support in the maintenance of GIS web portals and upgrade digital maps, using latest technological tools,
•        Keep close coordination with relevant stakeholders for data sharing and warehousing of data related to WSSC projects and WSSCs assets,
•        Undertake field visits when needed, in conjunction with field staff, in order to verify the maps and spatial analyses produced and to determine levels of accuracy,
•        He/ She will be responsible to oversee the data collected by field staff and where required arrange capacity building session for field staff in data collection.
•        Perform any other tasks / assignment that may be assigned by CIU WSSC Mardan / LGE&RDD GoKP and/or ADB etc.

کمپنی کا لوگو
GIS Specialist
PMU, Fata Water Resource Development Project
جون ۲۰۲۲ - مارچ ۲۰۲۳ | Peshawar, Pakistan

•        The Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist will work closely with the Team Leader/Water Resources Specialist and other team members for the duration of the study where the main contribution will be made to: 
•        Review the FWRDP Project Maps and spatial database, which includes Irrigation Channels (Polylines), watershed Area (Polygon), dam location (Point Data), command areas (Polygon data) and other related data, 
•        Assist the team members in developing GIS and remote sensing databases in spatial contexts for FWRDP Maps visualization;
•        Spatial data Management of provided Data by FWRDP and concern department/Firm/Org;
•        Conduct relevant spatial analysis of FWRDP; 
•        Provide support for spatial analysis to develop Spatial database;
•        Provide high resolution maps relevant to the Project; 
•        Assist the Team Leader in GIS analysis, reporting, and mapping; 
•        Incorporate the comments of team members on the maps/reports;
•        Other tasks assigned by the Team Leader related to spatial data visualization;

کمپنی کا لوگو
Technical Assistant
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
اکتوبر ۲۰۲۰ - اگست ۲۰۲۱ | Islamabad, Pakistan

•        Provide technical support for mapping of the overall supply chain management cycle of Covid19 LMIS goods, equipment and any other supplies throughout the project cycle.
•        Liaise with relevant staff of NDMA, MNHSRC, EPI, ADB, UNICEF, WB, and other organizations for COVID-19 commodities procurement, Support in development of spatial data development and asset mapping.
•        Develop maps for showing spatial distribution of critical infrastructure and assets
•        Mapping of communication and transportation networks for presentations and reports warehousing, distribution, data entry, and stock delivery to end destinations.
•        Support Data modeling team in mapping for COVID spatial analytics
•        Support connectivity and data management of warehousing, inland & Air/seaports operations.
•        Monitor shipment pipeline of COVID-19 commodities to keep LMIS Up to Date.
•        Segregated data from LMIS portal
•        Prepared and compile attribute data for atlas and COVID-19 Pandemic logistics Management Team 
•        Supported LMIS team in quality control, and quantity checks 
•        Develop maps and help in data provision to ADB in COVID-19 Pandemic 
•        LMIS team assistance in all required services as per TORs 
•        Maps development for the project with the assign standards 
•        Resulted data provision to LMIS Team and ADB 

کمپنی کا لوگو
Disaster Risk Analyst
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
فروری ۲۰۲۰ - جون ۲۰۲۰ | Islamabad, Pakistan

•        Segregated data from content management system / survey dashboard of PIU PDMA,
•        Prepared and compile attribute data and graphs for atlas and MHVRA reports
•        Support GIS team in quality control, and quality checks before publication
•        Voluntarily generated maps and help in data provision to ADB in tourism corridor development of KPK’
•        GIS Specialist and MHVRA team assistance in all required services as per TORs
•        Maps development for the project with the assign standards 
•        The PIU/PDMA dashboard use for data acquirement
•        Attribute data and map cross checking for data quality before the report publication
•        Table data cross checking with graphs 
•        Resulted data provision to MHVRA team after correction 

کمپنی کا لوگو
GIS Specialist
Cameos Consultants
جنوری ۲۰۱۷ - اپریل ۲۰۲۰ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Technical Support:

• Support Climate change unit Staff for acquiring climate data (Precipitation, Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, Temperature, Wind, Glacier, etc.)
• Comparative Analysis of data models (GPCC, ERA Interim, NECP/NCAR, NOVA, APHRODITE, and CRU) for selecting best available data sets
• Hydrological Assessments of under study Areas through Satellite imageries available from open source
• Watershed Delineation for projects areas
• Calculating basin flow through climatic and rivers gauging stations
• Population studies through landscan (Satellite data) and census data
• Vicinity Mapping of Health and Education in the project Areas (FATA & Baluchistan)
• Using GIS related software for geospatial analysis ie. ERDAS, MAPinfo, Envi, GlobalMapper

Capacity Development:-

• Use of NC file (NetCdf) for climatic data Assessments
• Introduction to Climatic Data Models and there use
• Identify best available data sets and models for climate change unit and educate them about methods and technique to acquire data
• Provide Trainings to the staff for community mapping and population ( day and night) analysis
• Capacity development for Satellite image analysis

• Coupling of GIS and Remote sensing related software’s for geospatial analysis
• Technical assessment through geospatial techniques
• Analysis of gauging stations (Metrological and River Gauge) data
• Geospatial analysis for stream order like Strahler and Shreve
• Maps development for all running programs of CAMEOS
• Geospatial data analysis trough GIS, Excel and other couple software’s
• Thiessen polygon polygons analysis
• Supervise and unsupervised classification using satellite imagery
• Using geospatial techniques for land resource management
• Vulnerability and risk analysis through spatial analysis
• Masking technique for raster analysis
• Conversion tool incorporation for geospatial analysis
• Info graphic support to visualization

کمپنی کا لوگو
GIS Analyst
CRI (Community Resilience Initiative)
مئی ۲۰۱۵ - مارچ ۲۰۱٦ | Islamabad, Pakistan

• Create custom map products for a variety of audiences making use of ESRI tools
• ross Checking of Data with Government and other Organization Dataset
• Risk Assessment of Disaster Prone Districts through GIS tools
• Knowledge of GIS and Assessment data Methodologies
• Make location information collected in the Spatial Data of Open Source database
• Proven ability to work independently with minimal instruction and direction
• Ability to maintain accurate records, good organizational and planning skills

• Data Segregation and Articulating with Censes Data
• Disaster data collection form local authorities (PDMA, DPO, SDO, DDMO)
• Meeting arrangement and attendance with donors and local Authorities
• Online support to ADBC project team in Bangladesh and Thailand
• Supervision of Disaster prone Areas risk assessment
• Ensure data quality through GIS Analysis
• Provide Technical Guide line to project team and visualize their work
• Disaster data analysis and mapping
• Project reporting to donors and implanting partners
• Presentation of Project achievements to ADPC and UNHABITAT
• Monthly meeting with Donors
• Field visit and meetings with local bodies
• Training on MHVRA project area foals and local authorities
• Preparation of external and internal reports
• Data uploading to a combine database for day to day progress
• Managing and updating disaster database and SHP files
• Spatially dealing with different kind of disaster i.e. Droughts, flood, earthquake, Snow
Avalanche, landslide and wind storm

کمپنی کا لوگو
GIS Supervisor
ACF International
دسمبر ۲۰۱۴ - اپریل ۲۰۱۵ | Islamabad, Pakistan

ODK Tools
• Develop forms for ODK collect
• Creating ODK training module for programs staffs
• Conduct surveys on ODK
• Develop survey database
Geo Data Collection
• Acquired up to date geographical administrative boundaries through liaison from the country’s National Mapping Agency, OCHA and other cluster information managers.
• Desk-based data captured (digitized), converted to paper maps and GIS datasets.
• Develop a comprehensive geo database
• In collaboration with the IT manager create and maintain the structures necessary for geo data storage
• Developed and produced of maps on FSL, WASH and NUT: Who, What,
• Where activity mapped to show the location of our interventions across the program areas
• Create other mapping products to support the team’s activities – such as maps for inclusion in
• Reports and proposals and mapping of assessment activities
• Trained the Data Analyst to insert GPS data into the database
• Trained ODK Users in Field to Assess Coordinate through GPS/Smart Phone
• In collaboration with the M&E Officer and the Technical Coordinators questioners for Baseline Surveys, Post Distribution Monitoring etc.
• Assist in External Evaluations and Assessments according to mission priority
• IMS database, Matrices, tables, graphs
• IMS training guidelines
• Maps as needed/requested
• Monthly narrative reports

کمپنی کا لوگو
GIS Manager
Alhasan System Private (Ltd) Islamabad
مارچ ۲۰۱۳ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۴ | Islamabad, Pakistan

• Produce timely, accurate and high-quality information products, in particular maps, GIS products and info graphics.
• Produce monthly humanitarian snapshot, GIS data storage
• Stay abreast of latest Information Management and GIS developments
• Incorporate innovations to information products.
• Provide Information Management capacity building for the Staff
• Provide Information Management support to the other Team Members
• Loading/transferring GIS data between among Staff and IPs
• Chair GIS Working Group
• Supervise GIS Assistant
• Performs other duties as required

کمپنی کا لوگو
Reporting Officer
HDOD (Human Development Org, Doaba)
ستمبر ۲۰۱۱ - مارچ ۲۰۱۳ | Charsada, Pakistan

• Ensure that the program and donor-funded project reporting processes are systematized, consistent with the results framework and quality checks done;
• Assist in developing and maintaining information systems that will ensure maximum transparency to beneficiary clients, communities, Government and donors, concerning the implementation of projects, its status and development of the community;
• Extraction of data from various sources & maintenance of information database and photo library;
• Collection of information, preparation of content for the web sites
• Research and retrieval of statistical data from internal and external sources
• Review of translations, contacts with printers and other suppliers to ensure timely production
• Undertake field visits as appropriate, to document implementation of project activities with the communications lens’ to ensure visibility and sharing of best practices;
• Develop clear and concise reports and power-point presentations for various meetings workshops, conferences, including the Project Board meeting and donor briefings
• Work closely with all program staff of HDOD to prepare and present reports with a focus on maximizing the visibility of the Project
• Develop success stories and case studies and prepare knowledge products
• Assistance in synthesis and dissemination of lessons learnt across Project
• Assist in preparing Project proposals and budgets with information from the field
• Preparation of contents for the web sites ensuring consistency of the material
• Participate in, support to record and prepare reports on needs assessments under the overall guidance of the Program Manager

کمپنی کا لوگو
Field monitoring officer
CERD Pakistan
فروری ۲۰۱۰ - مئی ۲۰۱۱ | Nowshera, Pakistan

• Assist implementing partner (service provider NGO) in providing community services in the camps
• Provide technical backstopping to implementing partners in formation of various committees in IDP camp
• Help implementing partners in capacity building of sector wise committees
• Compile and report Sector wise updates to project manager and camp administrator
• Follow accepted principles, practices, rules and regulation of the camp administration and management team

• Maintain comprehensive data, information and case studies, etc. regarding community as well as child protection centers activities and share them with the concern field coordinator
• To provide updated changes in data
• Maintaining daily attendance
• Taking care of the material provided in the CFS and ensuring its cleanliness
• Meeting with parents and CPCs as per need to solve protection issues with their children
• Provide daily, weekly reports and other important information on need basis to field Coordinator
• Any other task as assigned by CP Coordinator

کمپنی کا لوگو
CERD Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۰۹ - فروری ۲۰۱۰ | Nowshera, Pakistan

• Carrying out comprehensive assessment of IDPs at Camp
• Prepare social map of IDPs Camp
• Carrying out need assessment visits to IDP community on regular basis
• Share and coordinate needs and requirement with implementing partners and camp management
• Assist implementing partner (service provider NGO) in providing community services in the camps
• Provide technical backstopping to implementing partners in formation of various committees in IDP camp
• Help implementing partners in capacity building of sector wise committees
• Compile and report Sector wise updates to project manager and camp administrator
• Follow accepted principles, practices, rules and regulation of the camp administration and management team
• Develops community based networks (for male CPM will be 1 male and 1adolescent boys groups and for female CPM will be 1 female and 1 adolescent girls group) as per CPC
• Develops effective communication between adults groups and adolescent
groups and establishing an environment of working helping out each other
and addressing issues with solutions
• Maintain comprehensive data, information and case studies, etc. regarding community as well as child protection centers activities and share them with the concern field coordinator
• To provide updated changes in data
• Maintaining daily attendance
• Taking care of the material provided in the CFS and ensuring its cleanliness
• Meeting with parents and CPCs as per need to solve protection issues with their children
• Provide daily, weekly reports and other important information on need basis to field Coordinator
• Any other task as assigned by CP Coordinator


University of Arid Agriculture, Murree Road
ایم فل, RS & GIS‎
University of Peshawar
ڈپلوما, GIS‎
Geographic Information System
University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, , Master in ANTHROPOLOGY‎
Research Methodology, Criminology, Social Problem, Religion Anthropology etc
Govt. Degree College
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان آرٹس, BA‎
Political Science
فی صد 58%
Govt. Degree College
انٹرمیڈیٹ / اے لیول, فیکلٹی آف آرٹس, ‎
English, History of Art, Islamic Studies
فی صد 70%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

متوسط Area Profiling
متوسط Climate Analysis (Temp, Pre,ET,EV)
متوسط Concept Based Teaching
ماہر Disaster Management
ماہر GIS Base Analysis
متوسط Handling Assignments
متوسط Hydrological Analysis in GIS
متوسط Knowledge of Spreadsheets
ماہر Map Development
متوسط Multi Hazard Analysis
متوسط Network Analysis in GIS
ماہر Spatial Information Management
متوسط Travel Tourism Knowledge


ابتدائی پنجابی
ماہر اردو
ماہر پشتو
متوسط انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں