A motivated professional with extensive experience in government and humanitarian fields, known for their passion for making a positive impact on those in need.
Programme planning and development of proposals in accordance with changing needs of the programme areas. Set future programme priorities through consultation with key staff and hunt funding opportunities accordingly. Analyze and improve the existing plans and strategies of organization as per need. Propose a methodological as well as strategic approach for new programmes in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction. Propose and formulate institutional and policy recommendations for the LHDP programme/project teams to improve knowledge and links with research, development and administrative institutions in programme areas. Provide necessary technical support to running projects where necessary.
Develop Project Implementation Plan, ToRs, MoUs, Agreements for project team and other stakeholders including partner communities. Support field staff in conducting baseline survey and formation of village organization. Take lead role in conducting different events like Seminars, Trainings and Consultative Workshops. Conduct advocacy and lobbying meetings with provincial government to invest/finance in DRR and CCA. Facilitate capacity building activities of relevant local government officials in resilient development. Coordinate DRR Forum Sindh Chapter for taking up the influencing agenda for provincial level tasks. Formation of resilience academy at District level (sub group from District forum having specific learning and capacity building agenda with additional participation from experts as per need). Support Gender Focal Person to develop presentations and other information material on Gender mainstreaming and developing Gender Action Plan. Support social mobilization team in developing training manual for community level trainings on CCA and DRR. Formation and conduct trainings of Union Council Disaster Management Committees. Facilitate and coordinate different consultants including Researchers, IT firms and Trainers. Coordination with relevant Key Actors i.e. Agriculture (Extension and Livestock), District Administration, DDMA, Media, Banks, Irrigation Department etc… Ensure strategic direction of project operations, day- to- day management and delivery of the project’s components. Preparation of Periodic Reports (Qualitative and Quantitative). Conducting Monthly Review Meetings, preparation of Meetings Minutes and sharing with Management. Facilitate Media and Communication Staff in preparation of IEC Material, Quarterly Newsletter, Radio Programmes and other media related activities. Support and guide project staff in social mobilization activities. Coordinate with different Consultants involved in project activities like preparation of strategies, trainings etc… Ensure the integration of cross-cutting issues, such as gender, conflict resolution, human rights, poverty alleviation and land reforms, into the design, implementation, and monitoring & evaluation of the project. Manage and monitor identified project risks and update the status of these risks in a timely manner.