
I am an experienced development professional with 17 years of expertise in food and nutrition security, livelihoods, natural resource management, and value chain development. I hold a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and a Master of Science (M.Sc) Honors degree in Animal Husbandry. My skills include partnership development, stakeholder engagement, technical backstopping, quality control, and coordination within partnership contexts. I am proficient in project management with extensive hands-on experience.
I have a strong track record in designing and implementing livelihood strategies, including on-farm and off-farm interventions, focused on climate resilience. My experience includes conducting assessments, providing technical support, and capacity building in sustainable livelihood practices, climate-smart agriculture, and value chain development.
I excel at fostering collaboration with implementing partners, government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector to enhance project impact and sustainability. I am skilled in coordinating and communicating with stakeholders at district, provincial, and national levels to ensure alignment with project objectives and donor priorities. My expertise extends to ensuring compliance with donor regulations, organizational standards, and governmental requirements. I am proficient in monitoring and evaluating partner activities to maintain quality management and adherence to project timelines and budgets.
I implement project activities, develop technical documents and tools for community-based groups, support various surveys such as KAP and KISOKs, and organize meetings with local market stakeholders to reintegrate women labor into the market. I have successfully collaborated with government departments such as social welfare, EPA, SDMA, livestock and agriculture, PHED, and other service providers to ensure smooth program implementation. I develop resource materials for events and sessions, create IEC materials for project activities, and organize seminars in collaboration with government health departments, vocational skills service providers, industries, higher education commissions, and women development organizations.
I am dedicated to ensuring sustainability by building effective linkages with free psychosocial service providers. I design integrated work plans, coordinate with internal and external stakeholders, and manage contingency plans for field activities. My responsibilities include preparing and managing records of project activities, producing progress reports, and supporting financial and narrative reporting for project donors.


Community Led Flood Restoration project
Strengthening Resilience of Flood affected communities
Building Resilience to Improve Nutrition (BRIN)
Prime Minister Special Initiative Project for Livestock (PMSIL)
Livestock officer/Veterinarian in ERP project of MEDA-USAID
PPAF LEP Project Swat
EERP project of AUSAID in district Swat
UNDP PEACE Project in district Swat
مزید دیکھیے


کمپنی کا لوگو
Livelihood Officer
Islamic Relief Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۲۴ - موجودہ | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

Key Accountabilities:

Identification of beneficiaries according to the set criteria as outlined in the proposal document for enterprise development training in line to the capacity of the beneficiaries and trades of training
 Identification and registration of beneficiary individuals/households for off farm livelihood training’s
Conduct needs assessments in the operational areas for off farm livelihood & skill development interventions
 To implement off farm training\'s activities under the project plan
Management of beneficiary tracking
Development of resource materials for different off farm livelihood training. Produce/manage technical feasibility and verification record Ensure that activities are aligned with Detailed Implementation Plan
 Document in a timely manner, all progress, challenges, and learning for future implementation of similar projects and accountability.
Conduct regular field visits to verify quality/ progress of vocational & skill development program interventions and provide technical guidance and advice
To ensure that project quality is adhere
 Organizing events for projection of project intervention 
Regular follow-ups and monitoring visits to training centers.
 Conduct market assessment for off farm livelihood training/toolkit and to develop market linkages
Prepare training module for the training of Enterprise Development.
 Ensure the training material availability for the training.
 Ensure training means of verification (MoV).
 Prepare training completion report and timely submission to project team.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Officer Agriculture Livestock
NIDA Pakistan
دسمبر ۲۰۲۲ - جنوری ۲۰۲۴ | Kohistan, Pakistan

 Overall project management of the Agriculture and Livestock component of the project.
 Development of Detail Implementation Plan (DIP) and strategy for the interventions of the agriculture and livestock Component of the Project.
 Preparing and managing periodic plans of the project components, tracking progress and course correction actions for desired results.     

Develop and implement livelihood strategies to enhance community resilience, focusing on climate resilience and economic empowerment.

Coordinate with government agencies, NGOs, and research institutions to leverage resources and opportunities for livelihood enhancement and climate resilience.

Coordination and liaison with official of Agriculture and Livestock and Dairy Development Departments at district and provincial level for the smooth implementation of the project activities.

Provide technical support and guidance to communities on livelihood interventions, including climate-smart agriculture and income-generating activities.

Provide training and capacity-building activities for farmers  to enhance their skills and knowledge in climate smart agriculture interventions

Facilitation of the  field team in  beneficiary /H.H  identification ,regestration/profiling and selection for provisioning of agriculture inputs and trainings.
 Planning and strategy development for the provision of multi-purpose cash assistance to most vulnerable households (on farm/off farm).
 Facilitation of the Procurement section in budget forecasting, purchase of Agriculture and livestock inputs, Medicine, equipment/tools etc.
Conduction of deworming, vaccination campings and ensuring of livestock health services through CLEWs and Livestock and Dairy Development Department at Pattan Kohistan Lower.
  Conduction of Agriculture field days on cereal crop, nutrient rich vegetables and fodder.
Supervising and facilitating field team in trainings on diversified gardening at communal level.
Supporting  the MEAL Team in  the process monitoring and post distribution monitoring (PDM) for the smooth and effective implementation of the activities
Development of linkages and collaboration between partner organization, line departments and other stakeholders in the district and local level for technical assistance and knowledge sharing.
Contribute technical inputs and design Behavioral change & communication messages for the overall BCC strategy of the project related to agriculture and livestock production.
Assessing possible result chain management of the intervention and focusing on food security outcomes.  
Content development for case studies, donor periodic reports, concept notes and promotional campaigns at community level.
Record keeping and management of benificery tracking sheet (BTS).

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Officer Livestock
NIDA-Pakistan -WHH
جون ۲۰۲۱ - اگست ۲۰۲۲ | Besham, Pakistan

Overall project management of the Livestock component of the WHH-Building Resilience to Improve Nutrition (BRIN) Programme.
Gap analysis of the existing Government Veterinary facilities (Hospitals) at district level.
Coordination with officials of Livestock and Dairy Development Department at District and Provincial level for the smooth implementation of the Project activities.
Development of Detail Implementation Plane (DIP) and strategy for the interventions of the livestock Component of the Project.

Coordinate with government agencies, NGOs, and research institutions to leverage resources and opportunities for livelihood enhancement and climate resilience.

Develop and implement livelihood strategies to enhance community resilience, focusing on climate resilience and economic empowerment.

Provide technical support and guidance to communities on livelihood interventions, including climate-smart agriculture and income-generating activities.
facilitation of procurement Staff in purchase of Medicine, equipment/tools etc.
Strengthening of the veterinary facilities (Veterinary hospitals) at Pattan Kohistan lower through the provision of equipment and medicine.
Conduction of deworming, vaccination and livestock management campings and ensuring of livestock health services communities through Livestock and Dairy Development Department at Pattan Kohistan Lower.
Capacity building of local farmers and veterinary staff through conduction of community livestock extension workers and Artificial Insemination Trainings.
Distribution of inputs (Mott grass stubbles/stalks, tools, fertilizer etc)
Promotion, establishment and demonstration of Nutrient rich fodder (Mott grass, Ray grass) for livestock.
Development of linkages and collaboration between organization partners, line departments and other stakeholders in the district and local level for technical assistance and knowledge sharing.
Supporting  the MEAL Team in  the process monitoring and post distribution monitoring (PDM) for the smooth and effective implementation of the activities
Contribute technical inputs and design Behavioral change &communication messages for the overall BCC strategy of the project related to livestock production.
Contribution in preparation donor and partners reports.
Record keeping and management of benifeciry tracking shheet(BTS)

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Livelihood Officer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جنوری ۲۰۲۰ - مارچ ۲۰۲۱ | Shangla, Pakistan

Livelihood support and promotion of small community infrastructure (LACIP-II) SRSP-PPAF funded by KFW

Overall project management of the Livelihood component of (LACIP-II) project.
Planning, designing and implementation of Income generating activities (IGA and skill development interventions of the project)
Lead the livelihoods and food security portfolio of the project
Strengthening Multistakeholder Engagement with Civil Society Partners, Government Line Agencies, and Private sector for the efficient and quality service delivery to the target group.
Supervised a team of livelihood officers and social mobilizers as well as quality assurance and monitoring of the project.
Coordination with Technical and vocational institutes, MOU development and signing for conduction of Technical &Vocational Trainings.
Training Need Assessment (TNA) and capacity strengthening for the technical and vocational trainings and asset transfer.
Conducted rapid market assessment (RMA) and developed marketing strategy for the Income generation/enterprise and skill development activities.
Lead skill development/enterprise activities and create market linkages between buyers, producers and other players through Common interest Groups Formation (CIGs), Capacity Building and functionalizing of the common interest groups.
Developed feasibilities and business plan of different Skill development/enterprises initiatives.
Conducted and facilitated enterprise development trainings and exposure visits of the entrepreneurs
Identified innovative interventions for the development of livelihoods of the target communities.
Establishment of enterprises at community level.
Developed monthly, quarterly and annual reports
Developed strategies, Modules for enterprise development trainings (EDT)
Conduction of enterprise development trainings,skill(technical and vocational trainings).
Follow up  of the enterprise development and skill(technical and vocational traings).
Content development for Case Studies /sucess stories.
Record keeping and management of benificery tracking sheet (BTS).

کمپنی کا لوگو
Area Coordinator
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جولائی ۲۰۱۹ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۹ | Swat, Pakistan

Area Coordinator -National socio  economic registry (NSER)-SRSP-BISP

Hiring and Capacity building of Staff
Logistic and operational management

کمپنی کا لوگو
Livelihood Officer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جنوری ۲۰۱۸ - مئی ۲۰۱۹ | Shangla, Pakistan

Livelihood Officer (District Governance &Community Development Programme, CDLD Policy, Govt of KPK)

Conduction and Facilitation of the overall livelihood related activities in the district.
Identification of union councils for project activities.
Identification of Local Support Organizations (LSOs) and Business Interest Groups (BIGs) for Livelihood activities.
Identification of the capacity gaps of the Local support Organizations (LSOs) and Business Interest Groups (BIGs)/Farmer groups through Maturity assessment exercise.
Guided and Oriented the Local Support Organizations (LSOs) and Business Interest Groups (BIGs) about the Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) Project Livelihood component activities.
Facilitation of the community networks during the preparation of reports (financial and technical).
Build capacity of the Local Support Organizations (LSOs) and Business Interest Groups (BIGs) in proposal writing, Financial management and record keeping.
Conducted seminars, workshops and trainings.
Support and facilitation MEAL unit and third-party validation (TPV) team team in monitoring of the project activities and gained strong experience of third-party validation and evaluation of WASH and other community infrastructure schemes Information management data entry etc.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Value chain Officer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جنوری ۲۰۱۳ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۷ | Swat, Pakistan

   Programme for community enpowerment and economic growth (PEACE)

Overall project management of the economic growth/value chain component of the Programme for economic advancement and community empowerment (PEACE) Project of Euripi union (EU).
Support in beneficiary’s identification and selection processes together with social mobilization Teams.
Development of different value chains in District Swat in the process of economic growth. Value Chain Develop (VCD) process implemented in different value chains of district Swat.
Conduction of economic mapping and value chain assessment.
Develop action plans for the value chain through participation and coaching of local partners (NGOs CBOs)
Organization of the producers/farmers into business interest groups (BIGs)/Farmer groups.
Prepare and deliver training on Value Chains (production, new samples, processing etc) and enterprise development.
Organize events of linkages development with markets, relevant business development organizations and public sector organizations Developed linkages with financial institutions and Business Development Service Providers (BDSPs).
Developed proposals as per training needs and priorities of the BIG and get it approved.
Identified and selected Business development Service Providers (BDSPs) having relevant experience and capacity as per guidelines.
Conducted knowledge sharing and exposure visit of Business Interest Groups (BIGs) /Farmer groups of Value Chain and Enterprises.
Continuously compiled and improved technical documentation (maps, reports, evaluations, meeting minutes, guidelines, case studies etc.
Conducted market trails and promoted the community products in national level displays, exhibitions and fairs.
Developed an effective marketing system and established sales points at National level for developed value chains.
Submitted Technical Monthly Reports & activity Progress Reports and Ensured management of all filing and documentation.
coordination with the implementation partners, potential stakeholders and other government line agencies to ensure smooth accomplishment of project.
 Build Capacity of community resource persons /master trainers in food security and livelihoods (FSL), value chain development WASH, Disaster risk management, financial management through conduction of Community Management Skill Training (CMST) &Leadership Management Skill Training (LMST) sessions.
Support and facilitation MEAL unit during the process of monitoring and evaluations.
Record keeping and management of benificery tracking sheet (BTS).

کمپنی کا لوگو
Natural Resource Management (NRM) Officer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جولائی ۲۰۱۲ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۲ | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

Technical partner and Donor:PPAF     Funded by: KFW
Project Title: Livelihood enhancement Program
Project objective: Pakistan poverty Alleviation fund project implemented through SRSP, the largest non-profit/NGO of KPK province, promoting people-centred development by improving livelihoods of poor and vulnerable communities.

 Checking and verification of Grants/ assets.
Conduction of livestock management training
Formation of common interest groups (CIGs) and capacity building.
Documentation and reporting of the project activities.
Information management data entry etc.
Feedback to senior management. Quality assurance and follow up

کمپنی کا لوگو
Natural Resource Management Officer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جولائی ۲۰۱۱ - مارچ ۲۰۱۲ | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

Project Title: Expanded Early Recovery Project (EERP)
Project objective: The project was intended to contribute “To build resilient communities in areas hit by floods and insurgency in Malakand Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province by empowering communities, building their livelihoods and restoring and improving their quality of life.
Major tasks include:

 Lead the NRM component of the Project and Facilitated the smooth implementation of livelihoods recovery activities and development of livelihoods of the communities through asset replacement, provision of cash grants and skill enhancement and providing livelihood opportunities in the conflict and Flood hit zone of North Pakistan.
conduction of livestock and agriculture management/extension, Poultry extension workers, fish farming, poultry farming, honey bee keeping, kitchen gardening and nursery management and enterprise development trainings.
 Provision of agriculture and Poultry inputs (seeds, tool kits improved breed poultry units), honey bee inputs (hives and tool kits) and nursery inputs (tool kits, plants, seeds) to the target communities. Establishment of women group enterprises of honey bee, poultry and vegetables/Kitchen gardening.
 Establishment of Cereal crops (Maize, Rice) and Vegetables/kitchen gardening demonstration plots.
 Support of social mobilization team in formation of community institutes.
 Facilitation in conduction of broad-based community meeting, manager conferences and Multistakeholder governance.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Natural Resource Management Officer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
جنوری ۲۰۱۱ - جون ۲۰۱۱ | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

Project Title: Peace and development programme (PEACE)
Project objective:The programmefocused on transforming, developing and assisting communities by providing support for livelihood recovery and economic transformation. So, it (1) contributes toward reduced socio-economic vulnerabilities of communities, enhances their resilience against external factors, establishes peace & tolerance, and (2) reviving collective action and restoring access to livelihoods for increasing economic security of the target communities in 28 union councils of District Buner and Swat (i.e. 18 and 10, respectively).
Major tasks include:
Lead the NRM component of the Project and Facilitated the smooth implementation of livelihood recovery activities and development of livelihoods of the communities through asset replacement, provision of cash grants and skill enhancement and providing livelihood opportunities in the conflict and flood hit zone of North Pakistan.

 Capacity Building of women on Commercial Poultry Husbandry Techniques.
 Conduction of Men and Women poultry, livestock and agriculture extension workers and Enterprise Development trainings.
 Conducted and facilitated Surveys/market analysis (including SWOT, Constraints, Needs and Gap analysis)of the existing commercial poultry sector of district Swat and Bunair.
Establishment of Poultry markets (Mandies) in district Swat and Bunair under the activity of extended support for marketing of poultry of PEACE UNDP Programe.
 Quality control and documentation of project outcomes.
Provide training and capacity-building activities for farmers  to enhance their skills and knowledge in climate smart agriculture interventions
Develop strategic partnerships with key stakeholders to support project objectives and maximize impact.
Develop and implement livelihood strategies to enhance community resilience, focusing on climate resilience and economic empowerment.
Provide technical support and guidance to communities on livelihood interventions, including climate-smart agriculture and income-generating activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
جولائی ۲۰۱۰ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۰ | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

Overall management of the livestock component of the Early recovery project.
Facilitation of procurement staff in arrangements and purchasing of inputs (Goats,backyard poultry).
Beneficiaries selection for grants of livestock (Goats) and poultry in the selected Union Councils.
Verification, quality assurance, examination of animals and poultry for health status checking during the quarantine period before distribution.
Quarantine management and distribution of inputs (improved breed/backyard poultry and livestock (Goats)) among the target beneficiaries.
Monitoring and follow up of the grants (goats and Poultry) provided to the target communities.
Coordination with the Line agencies (Executive director of Agriculture, District director livestock, Veterinary officers) throughout the project duration for the smooth implementation of the activities.
Coordination with MEAL unit during the process of monitoring and evaluations.
Reporting and documentation of the project activities
Participation in the technical working groups (TWGs) meetings at district level

کمپنی کا لوگو
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
فروری ۲۰۰۷ - جون ۲۰۱۰ | Battagram, Pakistan

Prime minister special initiative for live stock (PMSIL) Project, funded by Federal govt through Ministry of food and agriculture (MINFAL)

Preparation of operational plans for all the activities carried out under the PMSIL and ensuring its timely implementation by the concerned Staff.
Monitoring of all the awareness campaigns conducted for the communities for identifying and solving their existing livestock concern issues.
Community Mobilization for the development of the livestock sector.
Coordinated and supervised the training programs carried out for capacity building of the livestock farmers.
Liaison with the Government line Departments regarding the project development activities. Correspondence with Ministry of Livestock and agriculture.
Establishment of fodder demonstration plots, hay and silage making and other techniques.
Organizing field days of vaccination, deworming, treatment and other technical issues.
Veterinary Services /Technical Support to Live stock Community at door steps.


NWFP Agricultural University
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY‎
Poultry Sciences
CGPA 3.2/4
Sindh Agriculture University
بیچلرز, , Doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM)‎

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Capacity Building
ماہر External Liaison
ماہر Interpersonal Skills
ماہر MS Office
ماہر On Farm Techniques
ماہر Organization Skills
ماہر Presentation Skills
ماہر Project Planning
ماہر Report Writing
ماہر Reporting And Coordination Skills
ماہر Stakeholder Engagement
ماہر Technical Assistance


ماہر پشتو
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Bacha آپکے جاننے والے

Hafiz Ullah
World Health org
Imran Ali Shah
Solarasia Pvt