I am performing administrative marketing work at Khanewal BranchnI have placed the donation boxes in 4 districts of PunjabnMaintained the relationship with existing donorsnCarried out the new donors nBest results of fundraising target nI have launched first ambulance service in kabirwalanComplete command on ambulance managementnI have started three free medical units in rural areas of khanewal, kabirwala and mankotnFriendly strong management with medical/paramedical staffnGood supervisor of free Embroidery, Stitching dress making schoolnConsistently three year experience of natural disaster management in 2010-Muzafargarh, 2011- Badeen(sindh), 2012- Choti zerien (D.G.Khan) nHard working with keen interest at annual qurbani project in flooded areasnPure screening of needy widows for monthly stipend