Self-motivated student with the Ability to Create new ideas to faster the goals of Company . Looking to avail a part time job of Call centre and other Organizations to utilize my abilities and skills
Conducting market trends of different vehicles different countries.
Approaching dealers and customers through calls.
Create invoices of units and approaching supplier for inspection of units.
Follow up with customers, shipping lines throughout buying and shipping process
Onboarding the merchants and managing their accounts throughout
Solving all the documentation and other issues of merchants
Daily updating sheets of clients and transactions of merchants.
Daily Extraction of new digital that are entering the market.
Weekly meeting with new potential business owners and guiding throughout process
Checking and billing of Dispatches.
Issuing invoices to customers
Follow up with clients and making reports.
Preparing and presenting monthly, quarterly and annual reports to senior management.
Promoting our brand at various platform such as business events, institutions, and across all relevant business sectors
2 Months Internship Experience