
With over 16 years of dedicated experience in the development sector, I am a passionate environmentalist and specializing in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Environmental Health, and Water Environment and Sanitation. Recently, I have focused on leading Climate Change and Advocacy Level Programs under the project title "Climate Advocacy and Coordination for Resilient Action" (CACRA) Phase-II, proudly representing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province across all districts. Throughout my career, I have cultivated strong connections with key Provincial and Districts level stakeholders of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including government Departments, United Nations Agencies, International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). I am spearheading a project to enhance PRCS technical capacity in Climate-Sensitive Disaster Risk Management (CS-DRM), aimed at better supporting vulnerable communities affected by climate change. This initiative involves expanding collaboration and partnership-building efforts with government agencies, I/NGOs, research institutions, and faith-based organizations. I am committed to driving positive change and fostering collaborative efforts to tackle the challenges of climate change and environmental health across the province to cover the country commitments at global level. As an environmental advocate, I aim to safeguard our planet and create a resilient and sustainable world for future generations. 


Diarrhoea prevention and control through hygiene promotion (WE)


کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Manager, Climate Advocacy & Coordination for Resilient Action.
Pakistan Red Crescent Society/ German RedCross
اکتوبر ۲۰۲۱ - موجودہ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Pakistan Red Crescent Society/ Moment (PRCS) Funded by the German Red Cross (GRC). The Climate Advocacy & Coordination for Resilient Action (CACRA) project aims at contributing to building and strengthening the institutional, technical, and operational capacities, structures, and strategies of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Climate-Smart Disaster Risk Management (CS-DRM) programming. As a Program Manager, you will be engaged with developing and ensuring the adoption of preparedness frameworks and climate-smart tools (incl. Early Warning Systems) as part of the project and help test these at national, provincial, district, and community levels. The project aims at increasing PRCS collaboration with key national and local stakeholders (government, CSOs/NGOs, and academia) in the field of CS-DRM, Climate Change Adaptation, and Ecological Management Restoration (EMR) and make use of Strategic Partnerships to enhance community-based outreach, awareness raising and ultimately strengthen community resilience.
 1. Lead the Implementation of the Climate Adaptation with the NS
1.       Leading the elaborating of national climate risk assessment and climate risk screening of programe and operations.
2.       Leading the elaboration, of the Climate Adaptation Strategy with the technical working group, leadership, and partners.
3.       Supporting the management of the climate adaptation technical working group, ensure the elaboration of a work plan, and active participation of members.
4.       Closely collaborating with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center, country delegation, supporting the Climate Adaptation Journey.
5.       Identifying and coordinating with technical external stakeholders from the government (Ministry of Climate Change, Forestry, Environment & Wildlife), Civil Society Organizations with the knowledge and expertise to support the NS in the implementation of the climate adaptation journey.
6.       Organizing the required technical workshops to develop the national climate risk assessment, climate risk screening of programs and operations at the national and provincial levels.
2- Administrative, Finance and Logistics Management
7.       Develop the activities budgets, ensure effective resource allocation, and financial reporting of project operational advances.
8.       Ensuring the integrity of financial, administrative, and logistic procedures and the consistent application of PRCS and donors' rules and procedures related to project activities.
9.       Identifying HR needs in collaboration with other colleagues and support the recruitment of staff and volunteers needed for the project and activities implementation.
10.    Supporting the development of contracts with relevant consultant and suppliers to implement project activities.
3-           Planning, Monitoring, and Reporting and Communication
11.    Developing and regularly updating the project and activities implementation action plan
12.    Developing a detailed plan to monitor, track and evaluate the progress of related activities, training, and project indicators.
13. Develop the monthly, and quarterly narrative report of activities and indicators progress.
14.    Providing quality inputs into narrative and financial reports for the donor.
4-           Coordination with District Offices, other Technical Units, Provincial Delegation and Other Stakeholders
15.    Coordinating with other technical unit to support the initiation, planning and implementation of project activities related to their technical expertise.
16.    Coordinating responsible for the management and implementation of the CCA project
17.    Coordinating ensure activities are delivered on time within the stipulated time, scope, and budget.
18.    Coordinating with the academia’s at the KP level, policymakers, EPA KP, P&D department, PDMA KP, KPCAN, UN bodies, and I/NGOs at the Provincial level as well as the District level. 
19.    Coordinating with relevant internal and external parties for the flawless execution of related activities
20.    Provide technical support, connecting to and collaborating with other relevant technical leads as needed.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Program Officer, School Safety Program
Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Funded by Norwegian Red Cross (Norcross)
جنوری ۲۰۱۹ - اکتوبر ۲۰۲۰ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Implementation Districts: DIKhan, Bannu, Kurram, Peshawar, Khyber, Mohmand, Bajaur, Dir Lower, Swat and Chitral
1.       Close coordinated with the relevant departments e.g., the education department, local government, and district administration across the 10 districts.
2.       Served as the primary point of contact at PRCS PHQ, leading the overall responsible body for the implementation of the agreements between PRCS and Norcross Pakistan Country Office.
3.       Ensured work closely with the SSP teams at Provincial and 10 District branches ensuring the program is being implemented according to plan.
4.       Responsible for coordinating the implementation of SSP activities, advising using his/her expertise in the field and ensuring consistency in all the selected districts/provinces following the School Safety Framework endorsed by PRCS.
5.       Liaised between PRCS, NorCross and PNS\\\'s at Provincial level and arrange meetings as needed between all parties, ensuring inbuilt coordination mechanisms are used
6.       Ensured effective working relationships with the SSP team, relevant focal persons.
7.       Regularly visited and closely monitored the quality and implementation of the SSP activities in the field. Advise the staff on possible solutions to problems as they arise.
8.       Organized and lead quarterly review and planning meetings at the provincial level
9.       Developed a strong relationship with other stakeholders engaged in School Safety Programs (e.g. Education Department of both KPK and FATA, PDMA, FDMA, UN
10.    Agencies, I/NGOs) and support fellow colleagues in building strong networks and consortia for SSP at all tiers.
11.    Prepared, revised and closely monitored the SSP budget with NorCross program staff.
12.    Prepared annual plan for implementation of SSP activities with relevant colleagues.
13.    Consolidated and shared monthly, quarterly, and annual reports.
14.    Prepared and submitted field monitoring reports reflection on good practices, key challenges, and recommendations on the way forward.
15.    Participated in relevant meetings as required
16.    Initiated purchase requisitions (PRs) as per programmatic needs, submit them to NorCross.
17.    Undertake all such duties and accountabilities not listed above as required based on programmatic needs by the management.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Coordinator WASH- Pakistan Approach Total Sanitation (PATS)
Plan International Pakistan
جون ۲۰۱۷ - نومبر ۲۰۱۸ | Vehari, Pakistan

1.       Advocated implementing partners (IPs) Public Health department, Mojaz Foundation for strategic planning, implementation, monitoring of execution as per standard project strategy and guidelines.
2.       Promoted integration of the WASH program with other programs in areas of Plan Pakistan.
3.       Designed various capacity building plans for Government line agencies staff, partner NGOs as well as communities to achieve WASH program objectives and WASH country strategy Asia level of Plan International.
4.       Coordinated with IPs for conduction of BCC campaign e.g. mass media, and theater performance.
5.       Prepared & finalized IEC materials for 7- points plan under the PATS plus approach   
6.       Prepared a comprehensive construction schedule showing how each activity is mentioned as initiated, implemented, and completed with figures.
7.       Developed a viable Management Information System that provides complete information WASH programme at the district level for tracking activities of the PATS project.
8.       Prepared cost estimates along with construction drawings for all construction access to safe drinking water sources and climatic resilient structures in the projects at the root level.
9.       In Collaboration and support existing D- WASH CC networks and groups working in WASH.
10.    Ensured that service and materials contracts are in place for timely delivery of requirements at sites.
11.    Ensured that WASH technical guidelines/approaches were given to the partner organization as per the norms of Plan Pakistan national and international policies, strategies, and minimum standards in the context of Asia's WASH strategy.
12.    Prepared various monthly and quarterly reports for submission to the country office in Islamabad for headquarters and donor agencies' requirements.
13.    Managed and developed WASH construction projects in both (Software and hardware components).
14.    Budget forecasting for transfer on a regular basis to IPs
15.     Liquidation of financial matters with a technical relevant person of IPs  

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator WASH-DRR (CBDRM & SBDRM) based Layya
Solidar Switzerland
جولائی ۲۰۱٦ - جون ۲۰۱۷ | Layyah, Pakistan

1.       Coordinated with all relevant stakeholders e.g., 1122 Rescue, PHED, TMA, PCSIR and PCRWR, District Administration and social welfare department and DDMU.  
2.       Ensured proper utilization of project funds and resources towards the achievement of the project goals, in line with Solidar and donor policies and procedures;
3.       Ensured project DIP with crackdown monthly work plans were properly developed, reviewed, and implementing
4.       Designed and implemented appropriate project tools and methods for execution.
5.       Supervised and supported technical and non-technical staff in the implementation of assessment tools and methods such as KAP surveys, selection of final beneficiaries, internal evaluations and comprehensive reports 
6.       Established managed and implemented MIS for the activities at root level
7.       To ensure that construction work plans are enacted successfully and on time
8.       Assessed the outcome of the training and the capacity acquired by the participants in order to look for continuous improvements. Coordination, Communication, and reporting
9.       Closely coordinated and facilitated all activities with the respective provincial and local government authorities, and other agencies in the project area to ensure the full integration and non-duplication of Solidar activities
10.    Organized a regular meeting with the Training Coordinator, Hygiene Promoters Field Engineers, and other staff as necessary to ensure maximum understanding, coordination, progress, and effectiveness of the project activities and prepare meeting minutes;
11.    Make sure a draft comprehensive and detailed weekly/biweekly/monthly situation report (Sitrep) 

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Coordinator WASH- Pakistan Approach Total Sanitation (PATS)
Muslim aid pakistan
فروری ۲۰۱٦ - جولائی ۲۰۱٦ | Peshawar, Pakistan

1.       Initiated project recruitment staff of social and technical managed the WASH field staff & other officers (admin, logistics & finance) and assumed accountability for the timely, effective implementation
2.       With the head of program and the Security Advisor, establish security guidelines for the Muslim Aid field office and ensure their adherence on day to day.
3.       Advocated national policies of MAP during implementation to achieve the target on timely
4.       Developed a security assessment & update when necessary in the targeted area and coordinated with line agencies
5.       Ensured the design & the implementation plans with the staff capacity building regarding field activities.
6.       Reviewed the prepared cost estimates along-with construction drawings for all construction WASH projects
7.       Prepared a comprehensive DIP and detailed construction schedule for execution
8.       Provided details activities MIS for tracking of activities in both hard & soft.
9.       Accreted financial forecasting at Field Office level with a view of contributing to the accurate Operating Budgets, tracking budget expenditure with operations and programs staff ensuring appropriate spending projections, timely procurement, and activity implementation.
10.     Developed liaising with UN agencies, International and National NGOs, and government departments

کمپنی کا لوگو
Zonal Program Coordinator WASH, Flood Emergency Response
Sungi Development Foundation
نومبر ۲۰۱۴ - مئی ۲۰۱۵ | Jhang, Pakistan

1.       Facilitated program initiation with a particular focus on WASH construction, sanitary facilities, and other infrastructure                        
2.       Oriented team members regarding hard and soft components of the project for the expected outputs and overall implementation strategy 
3.       Assessed staff regularly for monitoring and coordination system with stakeholders for implementation of infrastructure schemes according to approved BOQs, drawings, and specifications adhered to standard
4.       Managed, Supervised, and guided the engineers and hygiene promoters on technical aspects including both soft and hard components of the proposed WASH activities in the red zone of flood areas.
5.       Developed and maintained good rapport and working relationships with tehsil, district and provincial government line departments, working groups, and donors for regular coordination to facilitate smooth project implementation
6.       Designed technical manuals on approved and appropriate construction practices.
7.       Continuously compiled and improved mission technical documentation (maps, reports, evaluation, meeting minutes, guidelines)
8.       Ensured effective integration and mainstreaming of gender into all programs.
9.       During implementation follow the guidelines of Sphere and HAP principles   
10.    Supported proper and adequate resource management: HR, Finance, and assets.
11.    Prepared and administered program budgets and evaluated financial program effectiveness.
12.    Ensured sound technical input into program design and implementation of WASH structure and pre & post-DRR
13.    All activities were done as per standards SPHERE, HAPs and sanitary inspection survey 
14.     Generated two districts and one regional report for donors

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Leader WASH programs
CESVI Pakistan
ستمبر ۲۰۱۳ - نومبر ۲۰۱۴ | Nowshera, Pakistan

1.       Managed all social mobilization staff along with technical for project implementation
2.       Supervised, coordinate and reported the progress of the construction activities to the WASH Country manager.
3.       Recognized the skills and enthusiasm available amongst the host and IDPs population and in line with a self-help approach, assist in mobilization 
4.       Ensured the proper handling and use of construction materials on site as per tracking indicators or site inspection reports.
5.       Assisted in the preparation and review of bidding documents including construction drawings, bills of quantities, and conditions of contracts of the sanitation and WSS
6.       Monitored the use of materials at site level in connection with WASH and livelihood for CFW activities
7.        Ensured a monitoring and inspection schedule is in place so that the performance of contractors can be scrutinized and problems surfaced and dealt with expediently. Report progress, issues, etc to line management as per reporting guidelines and formats.
8.        Development of hygiene promotion tools and training for IPDs and hosting community and ensured its acceptability in the community.
9.        Provided technical input in the general supervision, progress of construction activities, and control of quality of materials and workmanship
10.     Initiated and participated in regular meetings with other agencies including local authorities to ensure effective coordination and efficient use of resources for coverage
11.    Participated in the project planning, implementation plan, and monitoring of the project
12.    In consultation with Engineers, assist in the preparation of documents for the final handover and closure of project.
13.    Produced weekly/daily progress report on the construction activities and contract status

کمپنی کا لوگو
WASH Water Team Leader
Handicap International - Pakistan
نومبر ۲۰۱۱ - جولائی ۲۰۱۲ | Swat, Pakistan

1.       Leaded and guided the Handicap International Water Project in the area. Ensure that planned activities are successfully implemented;
2.       In collaboration with the program team and coordination, determine the strategic direction of the program in the short and medium term map out activities, and contribute to the preparation of Bill of Quantity (BOQs) for water activities as per the policy
3.       Ensured the quality of work installation of Hand Pumps and development of natural gravity springs and during construction of sanitation facilities assisted schools and community level of the local contractors
4.       Closely worked with engineers and logistic team to ensure all supply requests for water supply and sanitation related to the project activity were done timely
5.       Provided guidance and organized training with the beneficiaries through local facilitators for proper utilization and management of income to improve their livelihood activities
6.       Ensured the hygiene promotion sessions on integrated approach of hygiene (PHAST) 
7.       Collaborated with the Appraisal, Monitoring, and Evaluation Unit (AMEU) to assess needs, monitor activities, and evaluate program progress. Ensure that lessons learned in the course of implementation are integrated into the programe to ensure that it remains responsive and relevant.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Environmental Health Officer (EH)
International Rescue Committee
جنوری ۲۰۱۰ - اگست ۲۰۱۱ | Peshawar, Pakistan

1.          Assessed, planned, designed, implemented, monitored, and reported all construction related to water supply and sanitation, masonry foundations, excavation of pits, laying pipes, construction of storage tanks & schools.
2.          Supervised installation and startup operations of all water and sanitation structures
3.          Ensured activities comply with appropriate national and international standards (Sphere) and are focused on improving the environmental health conditions like upscaling sanitation of the beneficiaries.
4.          Ensured that water supply and sanitation activities were implemented as per design, standards, and schedule, agreed with donors and IRC management.
5.          Follow-up on hygiene officer to ensure that adequate education/ awareness on hygiene promotion and BCC and the local communities are actively involved
6.          Ensured effective and regular monitoring and evaluation of the WASH components both hard & soft interventions
7.          Prepared timely progress reports, activity plans and procurement plans. Ensured timely procurement, storage and delivery of related materials, equipment, tools and consumables on work site and proper records are maintained.
8.          Worked as an active member of the team, taking on additional duties as necessary and willingly assist other members of team in their work when required.
Supported operations in procurement, stock management and fleet management

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Supervisor Envtal Health Program
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
دسمبر ۲۰۰۸ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Kohat, Pakistan

1.       Lead and guided the IRC WASH Programme and ensure that planned activities are successfully implemented;
2.       In collaboration with the program team and coordination, determine the strategic direction of the program in the short and medium term and map out activities, and contribute to the preparation of project proposals and budgets;
3.       Collaborated effectively with the line manager and the coordination team.
4.       Managed all program teams during the implementation
5.       Collaborated with the Appraisal, Monitoring, and Evaluation Unit (AMEU) to assess needs, monitor activities, and evaluate program progress.
6.       Be alert to opportunities arising for learning, collaboration and partnership that may enhance program quality and responsiveness.
7.       Identified and interacted with existing WASH and livelihood initiatives in the base, including UN, I/NGOs, and community initiatives.
8.       Developed and implemented an exit strategy in collaboration with the team, AME unit, and the Programme Coordinator.
9.       Liaise with the relevant Technical Working Group/Cluster and partners.
10.    Reported regularly (as requested) to the program manager and Area Coordinator.
11.   Translated relevant documents or information during coordination visits.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Water Team Lead in WatSon/DSP
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
ستمبر ۲۰۰٦ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۷ | Peshawar, Pakistan

1.       Conducted pre-post evaluation of the water quality in targeted areas.
2.       Established and maintenance of water testing laboratory at IRC Peshawar.
3.       Installation of incinerators in the BHUs for disposal of hazardous wastes
4.       Repaired the garbage containers and new installed for TMA towns 1 & 3 Peshawar
5.       Provided technical advice and assistance to the target beneficiaries for the solid waste management and drinking water treatment.
6.       Conducted monthly evaluation of water WatSon activities and their effects on the health of target communities and recommend changes in program activities to the Manager.
7.       Prepared water testing and chlorination training manual schedule for the Govt officials and community stakeholders.
8.       Installed chlorination tanks in the tube wells for the disinfection of pipe line and water sources in targeted areas.
9.       Regularly chlorinated all water supply system with a focus on those identified as contaminated, these sources include the main tube well, reservoir, surface water tanks, hand pumps and dug well etc.
Designed and facilitated various training for members of WMC from among the community as a part of capacity building of the community.


University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, M.Sc‎
Environmental Sciences
فی صد 70%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Climate Change Knowledge
ماہر Computer Knowledge
ماہر Computer Literacy
ماہر Computer Skills
ماہر Computer Skills and Report Writing Skills
ماہر Conceptual Skills
ماہر Conflict Management
ماہر Consensus Building And Negotiating Skills
ماہر Conservation Awareness
ماہر Consortium Management
ماہر Contents Writing
ماہر Convert Complex Issues In Simple And Clear
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Cooperation
ماہر Coordination & Liaising
ماہر Coordination & Monitoring
ماہر Coordination Abilities
ماہر Coordination and Team Management
ماہر Coordination of Projects
ماہر Coordination Skilla
ماہر Coordination Skills
ماہر Creative Desing Skills
ماہر Crisis Management
ماہر Critical Thinking
ماہر Cross-Cultural Communication Skills
ماہر Cross-section Of Complex Projects
ماہر CTP Programming
ماہر Cultural competence
ماہر Curriculum Development
ماہر Customer Service Systems
ماہر Data Analysis
ماہر Data Collection & Reporting
ماہر Data Collection and Analysis
ماہر Data Management
ماہر Data Management Skills
ماہر Data Monitoring
ماہر Data Research
ماہر Data-driven Decision Making
ماہر Database Management
ماہر Designing Project Milestones
ماہر Detail Implementation Plan
ماہر Digital Innovation
ماہر Digital Media /
ماہر Disaster Management
ماہر Disaster Risk Reduction
ماہر Donor and Partnership Management
ماہر Donor Experience
ماہر Donor Management
ماہر Donor Prospecting


متوسط سندھی
متوسط پنجابی
ماہر پشتو
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

Ayaz آپکے جاننے والے

Mohsin Khan
Save the Children