
Naimat Hayat Tashfeen, a young professional humanitarian worker having more than 15 years of experience in livelihood, DRR, Shelter, WASH, Emergencies, Early recovery, Clusters/working groups coordination, Government, I/NGOs and UN agencies coordination.

From April 2018 till date I am working as Project Manager with AXCETECH. From Nov 2016 to March 2018 I provided my services as a Project Manager to CARE International in Pakistan. From August 2015 to June 2016 I worked as Program Assistant Livelihood(livelihood focal person for KP and FATA) with United Nation World Food Program (UNWFP). Before joining WFP, I also worked as a Deputy Area Coordinator, Program Manager,Project Manager Livelihood,DRR & WASH integrated project, Project Coordinator Livelihood, DRR & WASH, Project Coordinator Shelter and AMEU Officer since May 05th, 2009 to July 15th, 2015 with ACTED. ACTED is a French Organization which is working in 28 countries around the world. At ACTED I was involved in administration, coordination with internal external stakeholder, clusters, program project management and appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of different projects. I also worked as Field Coordinator (in Mansehara, Abbottabad, Batagram, Kohastan and Mardan) since May 01st, 2007 till May 04th, 2009 with Dost Welfare Foundation (DWF). DWF is a Pakistani NGO and operational KP. At DWF, I was involved in almost all Community Development tasks ranging for Need Assessment, Project Identification, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and training of field staff. I have also worked with YARAAN (Youth Association for Regional Assistance, Altruism and Nostrums) as a Senior Community Mobilizer and Program Monitoring Officer.
During my stay in NGOs I got different developmental training's, chief among them are project management, program management, conflict management, crises management, humanitarian coordination, cash for work, monitoring and evaluation, community mobilization, PRA.I did Master in Social Work form university of Peshawar(for details, please refer to my CV)


Pakistan emergency response to IDPs (cost extension ANC)
Immediate Humanitarian Support to address the Unmet Food and Livelihood Nee
Provision of emergency Shelter and NFI kits to vulnerable flood effected pe
Provision of emergency relief to vulnerable flood-affected populations in t
Immediate WASH and Livelihoods Assistance to Address the Unmet Needs of Con
Emergency food security and livelihood support to flood affected population
Seeds and fertilizers distribution
Construction of 250 houses in Swat District
مزید دیکھیے


کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
اپریل ۲۰۱۸ - موجودہ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Monitor day to day project activities of the KP Region projects.
Responsible for all legislative matters of the region. Conduct regular meetings with relevant government line departments.
Regular coordination with partners and arrange monthly partners meeting. Follow up on action points and scheduled meetings.
Lead the implementation of the projects and projects monitoring procedures.
Management of cash controls both deposit and petty cash.
Handle required disciplinary matters of staff in a fair and consistent manner.
Verification and Counter signs on sectional demands, utility bills, etc.
Projects identification and submission of required documents for the potential projects.
Developing specific plans to ensure growth both long and short-term
Ensure timely delivery of activities reports to the government line departments and Axcetech CEO.
Reviewing expenses and recommending improvements
Any task assigned by the management/CEO.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Care International in Pakistan
نومبر ۲۰۱٦ - مارچ ۲۰۱۸ | Bannu, Pakistan

Readiness of partners in delivering quality project results is ensured by delivering assessment findings and understanding on project assessment, contextual analysis and changes through orientation, capacity building or coaching.
Link partners and build capacity of partners in building improved coordination with project stakeholders such as UN Clusters, Government Liaison Offices, PDMAs/DDMAs, NADRA and other agencies relevant to project.
Ensures while working with partners that project implementation plans are developed to maximum the use of project resources which are cost and time efficient.
Coordinate with MEAL Manager to ensure the delivery of baseline and end-line surveys and involve partner teams in the process of Baseline and End line surveys.
Working with partners, develop or improve the programming SOPs for FSL, WASH and Protection interventions and where required provide technical support to partner teams in delivering project outputs in a timely way.
Ensure that accountability mechanism and tools are in place for project and are being used by project beneficiaries and communities. Complaints and Feedback logs are being maintained and addressed timely as per partner and CARE Humanitarian Accountability Framework.
Ensure that project M&E plan is developed and partner MEAL staff is regularly carrying out M&E activities as per agreed plan. In addition, coordinate with MEAL Manager in Islamabad, develop joint M&E mission for field activities and ensure lessons are incorporated into programming cycle.
Monitor project progress with partners org. and provide feedback in writing & in debriefing session to partners this includes monthly planning and review meetings, lessons learned etc.
Ensure that implementing partners have all the support needed to implement project actives.
Lead the continuous assessment of FSL needs in CARE current and potential areas of interventions and ensure that these are appropriately reflected.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Assistant Livelihood (UNWFP)
United Nations World Food Program
اگست ۲۰۱۵ - جون ۲۰۱٦ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Coordinate with the Food, Cash and DRR projects Cooperating Partner on frequent bases. 
Coordinate with CP focal point for the timely food/cash release and other related issues to the food/cash projects.
Assess project performance including utilization of resources and achievement and planned targets.
Regularly attend meetings of food security cluster, CoRe cluster and Cash Working Group.
Regular Follow up/Coordination with CPs and Concerned Government line departments for implementation of field activities.
Organize project planning missions, meetings and briefing sessions to identify and analyze problems and recommend solutions.
Support relevant units in performance assessments of the cooperating partner.
Timely receiving of data from CPs.
Provide monthly information for bulletins.
Visit field regularly to monitor the ongoing projects and provide on the spot recommendations.
Verification of field activities, meetings with target communities and receive feedback.
Regular follow up on monitoring issues and sharing findings with WFP management and cooperating partners.
Prepare periodic projections of cash requirements by project.
Building the capacities of CP on the projects being implemented.
Coordinate with bank wherever required maintain accurate records and files within the field of work.
Draft correspondence related to the field of work.
Liaise with other units to resolve issues and clarify or obtain additional information.
Represent WFP in DRR exhibitions.
Perform other related duties as required.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted International)
اگست ۲۰۱۲ - جولائی ۲۰۱۵ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Lead and guide project staff and insure that planned activities are successfully implemented.
In collaboration with the project team and coordination, determine the strategic direction of the program in the short and medium term and map out activities, and contribute to the preparation of project proposals and budgets.
Devising the strategy to reach the 10,000 conflict affected HHs (60,000 individuals) to receive cash assistance to cover their most prioritized needs such as winterization NFIs (blankets, shawls, quilts etc.), shelter rental, health expenses, education costs and food.
Plan and develop materials for the 10,000 conflict affected HHs (60,000 individuals) to improve their knowled.
Collaborate effectively with line managers, coordination and AMEU, collaboration and partnership that may enhance program quality and responsiveness.
Provide input and regularly review all FLAT Follow-Up for ongoing programs together with the relevant department manager and Program Coordinator.
Identify and interact with existing livelihood initiatives in the base, including GOs and INGOs/NGOs and community initiatives.
Liaise with the relevant Technical Working Group / Cluster and its participants/ partners.
Prepare and develop the Project Management tools (i.e. PMF, Log frame).
Report regularly to the Area Coordinator and Country Director.
Translate relevant documents or information during coordination visits.
Develop team capacity at both the individual and group level by organizing/ facilitating trainings internally or through specialist agencies/ individuals.
Awareness-raising and training sessions on different aspects of DRR to target community through project team.
Ensure provision of short-term income generation opportunities to the most vulnerable conflict-affected populations in project target areas through provision of skilled, unskilled cash for work and conditional cash grants.
Work proactively to ensure the targets achieved

کمپنی کا لوگو
Liaison and Coordination Officer ACTED KP and FATA, Pakistan
ACTED Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۱۲ - جولائی ۲۰۱۲ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Liaison and Coordination Responsibilities.
NOCs case submission in PDMA, FDMA, FATA Secretariat Peshawar and 11 corps Peshawar. Also follow up on pending cases.
Maintain Liaison with all the government officials especially with PDMA, FDMA, DCO, DPO, DO social welfare, EDO Agriculture and with Army.
Represent ACTED in different cluster coordination meetings.
Advice Organization on its relationship with the local authorities to facilitate a positive cooperative relationship.
Advise program teams on specific regulations implemented by the authorities that impact the ability to implement activities and/or impact the speed of implementation.
Submit and follow up on any pending permissions/authorizations to conduct activities across the district as per the needs of program teams and ensure presentations on completed activities are provided in a timely manner when required.
Support program teams as in their communications with district government departments and/or in the collection of the government data for program planning purposes. Security Responsibilities:
Conduct and update Security Assessments of field areas, organization premises.
Conduct vehicle tracking and maintain proper Vehicle tracking record of all our Staff.
Write daily Safety and Security SITREPs/reports and keeping the incident database updated all the time.
Check and guide security guards in performing their duties, deployed at organization premises (offices, warehouse, staff house etc)
Keep posted Field Management and all Staff in Field from time to time of changing safety and security situation all over the province (incidents).
Update Emergency Contact Details and Emergency Contact Tree/First Responders on a regular basis.
Ensure the issuance of Security ID cards to all staff.
Orient staff and Guards on evacuation plans, drills and procedures regarding emergencies.
Report and follow-up an incidents when it is being reported.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Deputy Area Coordinator Swat and Program Manager ACTED KPK & FATA
ACTED Pakistan
جولائی ۲۰۱۰ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۱ | Swat, Pakistan

Control the implementation and respect of ACTED directives and rules by department staff.
Checking, approval and timely submission of monthly staff follow up.
Control the good and timely performance of tasks entrusted to department staff.
Preparation of rational schedule of vacations for personnel, and submission thereof to base administration.
Regular evaluation of department staff and accordingly requests for grade change, positions change, sanctions etc.
Participation in selection/recruitment of new personnel. Manage and properly use human and material sources.
Closely keep links with finance, administration, logistics and M&E/Reporting departments in relation to the program.
Checking, approval and submission of cash requests and expenses on weekly basis.
Control over supply and procurement relevant for the department.
Administer program budgets and evaluate financial program effectiveness.
Follow up of program financial situation/funding follow up.
Follow up the transparency of financial and logistics operations.
Supervise preparation of weekly and quarterly work plans for the department, according to the objectives.
Control over program implementation, according to the objectives and work plan.
Facilitate the development of monitoring and evaluation tools for program.
Build and/or improve systems to supervise and manage the implementation, monitoring, learning and evaluation of the program.
Frequent and extensive field visits, control and monitor work progress, quality & relevance.
Ensure the transversal coordination between ACTED’s activities.
Collect and analyse information provided by project coordinators on a regular basis.
Provide accurate and comprehensive reports of related program activities and progress to Area Coordinator and Govt authorities on a monthly basis.
Lend all assistance as requested by M&E/Reporting Department for the preparation of reports, concept notes & proposals etc.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator WASH & Livelihood
ACTED Pakistan
فروری ۲۰۱۰ - جون ۲۰۱۰ | Swat, Pakistan

Lead and guide project staff in the base. Ensure that planned activities are successfully implemented.
In collaboration with the project team and coordination, determine the strategic direction of the program in the short and medium term and map out activities, and contribute to the preparation of project proposals and budgets.
Collaborate effectively with other line managers, coordination team and AMEU to enhance program quality and responsiveness.
Provide input and regularly review all FLAT Follow-Up for ongoing programs together with the relevant department manager and Program Coordinator.
Identify and interact with existing WASH initiatives in the base, including GOs and INGOs/NGOs and community initiatives.
Develop and implement an exit strategy with team, AME unit and the Program Coordinator.
Liaise with the relevant Technical Working Group / Cluster and its participants/ partners.
Prepare and develop the Project Management tools (i.e. PMF, Log frame).
Report regularly to the Area Coordinator and Country Director.
Translate relevant documents or information during coordination visits.
Develop team capacity at both the individual and group level by organizing/ facilitating trainings internally or through specialist agencies / individuals.
Ensure provision of short-term income generation opportunities to the most vulnerable conflict-affected populations in Upper and Lower Swat through provision of skilled and unskilled cash for work, agricultural inputs and training.
Ensure water tested by using Del Agua kits at each rehabilitated water scheme in the targeted areas, both prior and after the intervention, to monitor the quality of the water. Strict adherence to SPHERE standards will be ensured whenever feasible.
Work proactively to ensure that the projects are responsive.

کمپنی کا لوگو
AMEU Officer
ACTED Pakistan
مئی ۲۰۰۹ - جنوری ۲۰۱۰ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Assist the AMEU Coordinator in the development and implementation of Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation strategies by collecting and processing quantitative and qualitative data on ACTED programs and general pre-project data.
Development of data collection tools and methodologies: Work closely with the AMEU Coordinator and Program Managers to design appropriate information collection tools and methodologies including the assessment ToRs, questionnaires and other templates, such as the debrief form.
Implementation of Monitoring of Activities.
Assist the AMEU Coordinator in developing the AMEU work plan.
Ensure proper implementation of the missions of the AMEU team in the field, as per instruction of the AMEU Coordinator.
Collect data and information in the field through interviews of beneficiaries, focus group discussions, field visits and surveys, in line with instructions from the AMEU Manager.
Ensure transparent, accurate and timely collection of quantitative and qualitative data and information, Where dictated by circumstances, to adapt monitoring methodologies in the field to ensure the more accurate collection of data.
Provide regular reports to the AMEU Coordinator at frequent intervals on the progress of the implementation of the assessment activities and on the AMEU team observations during the mission.
Work closely with the Database to provide accurate data and where necessary assist in data entering.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Field Coordinator
DOST Welfare Foundation
مئی ۲۰۰۷ - اکتوبر ۲۰۰۸ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Co-ordinate all the project activities between the Program Manager and Project staff.
Conducted pre and post project survey.
Awareness sessions and discussions on HIV/AIDS and STDs with targeted prisoners in the absence of outreach/healthcare or counselor.
Provision of HIV/AIDS and STDs prevention counseling and referral services.
Advocacy with prison staff for healthy environment for HIV prevention in prisons.
Provide individual counseling to the prisoners and ensure daily attendance and time keeping.
Prepare a plan of action for all project activities and monitoring all activities of project staff.
Keeping check on staff (attitude and behavior and know-how of the assigned duties).
Support and guide the workers on the project activities.
Manage the crises situations faced by the workers through advocacy to resolve the issues and to create an enablement environment for having an access to the drug addicts and for project activities.
Submit monthly report to the Program Manager.
Insure all the record related to project field activities are maintained updated and are kept properly

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Community Mobilizer & Program Monitoring Officer
Youth Association For Regional Assistance, Altruism And Nostrums (YARAAN)
ستمبر ۲۰۰٦ - اپریل ۲۰۰۷ | Karak, Pakistan

As a Sr. Community Mobilizer & Program Monitoring Officer YARAAN for Water and Sanitation in School Program I was responsible to initiate the process of social mobilization in order to implement hygiene education and water supply activities
Regular monitoring of the programs and projects of the organization.
Collecting, compiling and analyzing data to support internal monitoring and/or research.
Formation of Village Committees (VCs), Community Base Organizations (CBOs) School Environmental Committees (SEC) for hygiene education in target area.
Need Assessment, identification of the project in the target area, reporting and planning.
Introduce the YARAAN program, its objective and approach among the community people and influential’s. Ensure Participatory approach from the villagers.
Develop implementation plan on social mobilization following the social mobilization policy and in response to the needs of programs.
Take into confidence local elites, scholars and local administrators before launching any program and during the implementation of the program activities.
Preparation of village profiles by collecting data on relevant village statistics relative to socio-demographic information.
Assist and enable the community in the planning process through needs identification and prioritization of needs.
Impart Training to Community Mobilizers about Social Mobilization and Community Development.
Registration of Volunteers and maintain a data base of the target group.
Organizing Volunteer acknowledgement ceremonies at the UC level.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Community Mobilizer
جنوری ۲۰۰۲ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۴ | Karak, Pakistan

Mobilization of communities and identification of volunteers in the target area.
Facilitate the work of Social organizers of NCHD’s.
Regular visit to different communities, and collecting data for three different projects, Health, Education, and Sanitation and present field reports to the Govt: Officers.
Remain in close contacts with the community members and pass on immediately their concerns and issues to respective technical experts for timely solution.
Support to Team Leader in reporting and planning.


University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, MA Social Work‎
i) Social Case Work, ii) Social Group Work iii) Community Organization and Development iv) Social Problems of Pakistan. v) Field Work on Drug Abuse Treatment, Rehabilitation and prevention Dost Welfare Foundation Hayatabad Peshawar. i)Social Research Met
درجہ A

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

متوسط Contract Management
ماہر Cooordination Skills
متوسط Cost Control
ماہر Drugs Knowledge
ماہر Good coordination with stakeholders
ماہر Handling Assignments
ماہر Inspection Implementation
ماہر Internet Communications
ماہر Leadership Development
ماہر Presentation Development
ماہر Programme Management
ماہر Proposal Writing
ماہر RESTful APIs
متوسط Sector Development


ماہر پشتو
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

Naimat آپکے جاننے والے

Nouman Ilyas
International Water Management Institution