
- More than Nineteen years’ gratifying experience in development sector particularly in Protection, Child Protection including GBV, Protection Cluster Coordination, and Program management, Community Development, Vulnerability Assessment and overall Emergency Programing.
- Good understanding and experience of Humanitarian Principles, agenda 2030 , Guiding Principles of working with Survivors at risk, accurate use of referral Pathways, Case management Guidelines and Standard Operation Procedures.
- Good understanding of political /security situation of the country particularly Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
- Strong skills in the area of technical writing, Case Plan, Interviews, Coordination, Mapping, Referral pathway to services and progress report writing.
- Eight years’ Exclusive experience with IRC Protection sector with a particular focus on IDPs and refugees affected by armed conflict, Natural Disaster and forced displacement.
- Master trainer and highly motivated team player with demonstrated ability to lead/manage and take initiative in planning and social networking.


Protection of IDPs in Camps and host community
Capacity Building of local organization in DI Khan / Tank
Mapping of Human Rights Organizations and Networks in Pakistan
IDPs Vulnarablity Assessment and Profiling ( IVAP) ECHO, UNICEF


کمپنی کا لوگو
Field Coordinator
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
مئی ۲۰۲۲ - نومبر ۲۰۲۳ | Peshawar, Pakistan

As a member a member of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) , I have been closely involved with HRCP\'s Peshawar and Lahore offices. I assist the team in report writing, particularly contributing to the annual report titled \"State of Human Rights in Pakistan.\" Additionally, I monitor the situation of Afghan refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). I have provided support to the Peshawar office in organizing seminars and training workshops. Furthermore, I compile thematic notes and reports from the training workshops and document minutes from the monthly meetings of provincial-level coordination meetings
In the course of my voluntary engagement, I played a pivotal role as an assistant to the coordinator of the HRCP Complaint Cell. This involved conducting field visits to gather factual information and ensuring secure and appropriate referrals. My responsibilities required navigating diverse environments, demonstrating my ability to handle complex situations with sensitivity and precision.

Having recently participated in the HRCP strategic planning workshop, I am adept at aligning operational strategies with organizational goals.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Researcher
Apex Consulting ( UN Women)
ستمبر ۲۰۲۱ - اپریل ۲۰۲۲ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Key Results
- Reviewed Communication Advocacy and mobilization ( CAM) Strategy
- Liaison with government departments and other stakeholders concerned with the project.
- Individual Detail Interviews (IDI) with police officers , Social welfare Deportment , Public Prosecutors , Reclamation and Probation departments, Transgender persons, PwDs, Religious Minorities , Bar Associations , Medico legal officers etc.
- Designed and supervised and implemented training for field researchers.
- Accomplished FGDs and District Mapping in KP and Baluchistan.
Methodology and Tools used in this qualitative research were FGDs, SWOT analysis, Mapping, Key informant Interviews, case study Analysis.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project coordinator
Human Apeal Inrenational
مارچ ۲۰۱۹ - جنوری ۲۰۲۱ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Project implementation plan , Team Management , conducted assessment of training need for children and community groups.
Honeybee farming has huge but untapped potential in the northern areas of Pakistan. In this project accomplished 30 training workshops for three hundreds formers including women and youths.
In the field of kitchen gardening, 1000 families were trained, with a preference given to women-headed families. The project also aimed to raise awareness about human rights. Over the course of one year, 19 seminars and consultative meetings were organized to discuss women's participation and various human rights laws, rights outlined in the constitution of Pakistan. This project provided me with an additional opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of child protection at the grassroots level.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator
Development and Empowerment Women Association DEWA
مئی ۲۰۱۸ - فروری ۲۰۱۹ | Dir, Pakistan

Livelihoods Programming
Within the context of a longer term strategy to livelihood support and vulnerability reduction, developed technical support materials. Managed program teams on the delivery of mechanisms and ensured effective implementation of livelihoods interventions as well as early recovery response. Provided close supervision to the implementation of livelihood project.
Cash Transfer Programming
In this project, my responsibilities included organizing and overseeing the distribution of cash to beneficiaries, selecting and verifying recipients, conducting community awareness activities, developing distribution plans, maintaining communication with cash transfer agents and beneficiaries, ensuring safety and dignity during cash distributions, and performing staff appraisals for Livelihood Assistants.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Officer
Reflect Global
جنوری ۲۰۱۵ - ستمبر ۲۰۱٦ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Completed Mapping of Human Rights organization and networks in Pakistan for The Asia Foundation. Reviewed of drafts tools i.e. the Organization Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT), selection criteria of the organizations, followed by Participatory Institute Analysis (PIA) tools etc. Collected qualitative data from the field and data gathered by conducting FGDs, personal observations etc. Critically reviewed the final deliverables i.e. report and presentation. Developed training manual on Human Rights and related materials.
Other activities,
- Conducted training for District Protection Working Group (DPWG) members in six districts. Compiled TOR for district protection working group members. Develop survey formats for field teams. Colected data for IDPs and host communuty vulnerable families and extremely vulnerable members.
- Facilitate strategic planning workshop for National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) KP province.
- Conducted training on protection / Human Rights for civil society organizations. Conducted training sessions on protection mainstreaming in WASH and Psycho-socail support projects. Training sessions were deliverd for partener organization of BEST NGO in four districts, Kohat, Hangu, DI Khan and Tank ( Project was designed for IDPS and returnees - Funded by UNHCR)
- Capacity building of SAWERA Organization and CARE International staff, conducted training sessions on Protection Mainstreaming in WASH and Psychosocial Project ( Project was designed for IDPs and returnees)
- Training consultant - Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Also facilitated trainings in kohat, kurumagency, DI Khan and Tank districts organized by Protection cluster KP.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Protection Cluster Coordinator
International Rescue Committee
دسمبر ۲۰۱۱ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۴ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Liaison with Government Departments
I have a successful track record of liaison with Government departments on National, Provincial and district level including PDMA, NDMA , Social welfare Department, Police department and Revenue department etc. Main purposes of the liaison Governmnet was toWith the UNHCR, UNICEF and Government co-leads, co-chaired the Provincial Protection Cluster meetings and ensured agreement on key decisions and actions. Established linkages and coordination with national and local coordination mechanisms• Encouraged and supported NGO and Governmental participation in the coordination of responses to protection concerns. I have represented the Protection Cluster at relevant inter-agency, government, donors meetings and other forums. Developed and presented monthly and occasional Protection Cluster reports in different forum including inter cluster meetings, government officials and donors agencies.
I have a successful track record with Government departments on National, Provincial and district level including PDMA, NDMA , Social welfare Department, Police department and Revenue department etc. Main purposes of the liaison Governmnet was
Successfully advocated with Governmnet Departmnets, UN Agencies and Donors for the inclusion of information provided by civil society groups during protection monitering projects, for the establisment of Protection Grivence Redressal Desk on distrct level , for allocation of funding to protection cluster and Child protection sub cluster under the emergency response fund (ERF) , central emergency response fund ( CERF).
Mainstreaming Protection and Application of Standards-Established and implemented a strategy for mainstreaming Protection across each cluster and sector
Supported Protection Cluster and Protection working groups members and Sectoral Working Groups to understand and follow protection principles and standards.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Assessment Manager
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
نومبر ۲۰۱۰ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۱ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Liaison with stakeholders (Government and Humanitarian Agencies)
A good liaison was developed with stakeholders ie Government departments ( PDMA, FDMA, Social Welfare), UN and other Humanitarian agencies for data sharing, advocacy , joint policy development and identifying opportunities for collaboration on the basis of IVAP data collected by IRC project team.
Management -Supervised the Project Staff along with planning and implementation of the assessment tasks on regular basis. Coordination with administration and logistics unit, and ensure smooth operational support to all project staff recruitment, spending plans, transparent procurement processes.
Coordination with IRC‘s other sectors for resource bridging and attended protection cluster dialogues and shared assessment results with UNHCR, WFP, INGOs and Government departments.
Training -Managed capacity building trainings within IVAP teams for skill development and improvements of Monitoring progress and accomplishments; and creating an enabling environment for the project staff in compliance with Security protocols of IRC.
Grant Management - Successfully managed budgets covering a project period of more than 9 months leading to the compilation of IDPs profiles of 0.1 Million IDPs Families across the KP province and adjacent tribal areas.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Public information Manager
International Rescue Committee
جون ۲۰۱۰ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ | Peshawar, Pakistan

-Collected and shared information about the emerging situation in the conflict affected areas and displacement related issues with IRC management, PDMA, FDMA, Social welfare Department UN agencies particularly UNHCR.
-During the emergency phase I have made significant contribution to develop Protection Monitoring Tool kit, this tool was standardized across the protection project areas in Pakistan, and this has helped the teams to regularly monitor progress and evaluate results both at output and outcome level from time to time.
-Participation in monitoring and information missions; Regular reviews of data collected by the teams, review of data collection methodologies ( Developed different monitoring tools) , developed strategies for improving data collection;
-Regularly reviewed the written and oral information campaigns, information dissemination methodologies, develop strategies for improving information dissemination and development of individual work plans; ensuring best practice standards are met.
-Facilitated FGDs in the IDPs camps and IDPs locations in the host for information need assessment. Supervised Publication of IEC material i.e. Booklets, Pamphlets ( etc,
Designed and Supervised production and broadcast of Radio drama (Fifteen episodes) and informative talk Shows (eleven programs) for the awareness of IDPs.
Provided direct support to Protection Coordinator and information officers as well as indirect supervision to monitoring teams.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Protection Manager ( capacity building )
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۱۰ - مئی ۲۰۱۰ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Successfully completed registration of IDPs from the conflict region (Waziristan), Led Capacity Building team and facilitated trainings on different themes of emergency protection to partner organizations and government officials, Conducted 19 training sessions for local organizations and Social welfare department. This was four months challenging mission to the war stricken zone of KP province. The mission was successfully completed resulted the establishment of a good forum the protection working group and developed referral mechanism on district and provincial levels.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Protection Services Field Manager ( IDPs camps/ returnees /host population
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
دسمبر ۲۰۰۸ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Successfully completed registration of IDPs from the conflict region (Waziristan), Led Capacity Building team and facilitated trainings on different themes of emergency protection to partner organizations and government officials, Conducted 19 training sessions for local organizations and Social welfare department. This was four months challenging mission to the war stricken zone of KP province. The mission was successfully completed resulted the establishment of a good forum the protection working group and developed referral mechanism on district and provincial levels.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project coordinator Education
International Labor Organization ( ILO- United Nations)
فروری ۲۰۰۸ - نومبر ۲۰۰۸ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Developed a variety of monitoring and evaluation tools to monitor the implementation of SCI’s CP programmes, as well as put in place systems to keep track of programme spending, procurement and HR related issues;
Planning and Reporting - Compiled and shared monthly and quarterly progress, Prepared Project Implementation Plan.
Training - Arranged trainings for the capacity building of the staff and Child Protection village committees.
Grant Management- Successfully managed the budget covering a project period of 5 months leading to the set up of rehabilitation and education learning centers in 5 locations with a total reach of 2,200 children in the district.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Coordinator Child Protection and Youth Development
International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)
ستمبر ۲۰۰۷ - جنوری ۲۰۰۸ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Management- led team of Child friendly Spaces and Youth development centers, Lively hoods centers animators ,
Managed partners and supervised the establishment of 12 CPYD friendly centers in two districts.
Technical guidance -Facilitated community groups for development and implementation of community based Child protection strategies.
Promotion of discourse on basic issues - Facilitate Reflection Action Circles to Promote dialogue and motivate among youths for self action and participation.
Coordination- Developed linkages with local organizations, local governments departments and other NGOs and exploring ways for future partnership in the target areas.
Training – Developed and facilitated training on child protection concepts , case management training, CPIMS training and advanced child protection training.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Education Officer
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۰٦ - اگست ۲۰۰۷ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Technical Guidance -Provided overall strategic and technical support to IRC-Emergency Response Unit in the area of impact. Provided technical advice to IRC staff in the designing and implementation of child friendly learning centers. Review all project plans for appropriate implementation using the reporting management system developed by the M&E Unit. Established 20 Child Friendly Spaces in two districts.
Training Revised and assisted the development of training modules for child protection and mainstreaming.
Program Development In coordination with the programming department, planed, organized, implemented and participated in technical evaluations of children’s programming. During project implementation focused on key technical issues, innovations, and trends in the area of children’s programming and the application of children’s programming work in the transition from relief to Recovery and development.
Coordination - Represented IRC Education Unit at Child Protection Network and CP sub-cluster

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Coordinator FATA
Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC)
مارچ ۲۰۰۴ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۵ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Managed training for field staff and established networking with other organizations and social groups. Prisons visits in different Districts and Agencies in KP /FATA, Arranged consultative meetings and seminars. Social Mobilization -Facilitated the process of formation of District Child Protection Committees in 4 districts ( Agencies in FATA). Compiled weekly /monthly reports about violation of Human Rights.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Leader -Community based child protection project
Save the Children
اپریل ۲۰۰۲ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۳ | Peshawar

Managed and led a team community workers ( 10 Persons in numbers), Compiled advocacy massages for the solution of protection issues in the refugees camps, . Providing training to the field staff and community volunteers aiming awareness about Child Protection issues in Afghan refugees’ camps. Compiled special reports on trafficking in women and Children in tribal areas and disappearance of persons from the camps. Arranged weekly presentation based on field activities for local authorities IPs and community representatives. Regularly participated camp management and coordination meetings /community coordination meetings, Recruited field staff and identified community volunteers for children protection and youth friendly center


University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, Political Science‎
International Law, International Relations, Administrative Law
فی صد 70%
University of Peshawar
نان میٹرک, BA‎
English Language and Literature, Political Science
Government post graduate collage Khar Bajaur
انٹرمیڈیٹ / اے لیول, فیکلٹی آف آرٹس, Higher Secondary School Certificate‎
فی صد 68%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Advocacy
ماہر Binding Knowledge
ماہر Budget Management
ماہر Child Protection , Social Protection
ماہر Grant Management


متوسط سندھی
متوسط عربی
ماہر پشتو
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی


جنرک پلیس ہولڈر کی تصویر
میں آپ کے ساتھ کام کیا International Rescue Committee

Habibul makes the toughest challenges seem simple. Always exceeds my expectations.

Habibul آپکے جاننے والے

Arsalan Siddiqui
Pakistan Community Development Programme (Pak-CDP)
Yousaf Saleem
The Aman Foundation