
کمپنی کا لوگو
Junior Software Engineer
Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Ltd.
جون ۲۰۱٦ - موجودہ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Member of a team working on Enterprise J2EE project named IRIS (Inland Revenue Information System). Iris is an online solution provided by FBR(Federal Board Of Revenue) to improve, innovate and secure tax collection system for tax payer and for tax collector.
Worked with Java Server Faces and PrimeFaces to design and develop the front end of the application. Hibernate is used to for back end data management.


Abasyn University Peshawar
بیچلرز, بی سی ایس / بی ایس, Software Engineering‎
Java Enterprise Programming, Software Configuration Management, SQL Server Database
CGPA 3.2/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ابتدائی Android Management
متوسط ATS Knowledge
ابتدائی JavaScript
ابتدائی MongoDB


ماہر انگریزی
ماہر اردو