
Programme Management Specialist with over 19 years of experience of managing high budgeted programs (up to 20 million USD) of bilateral and consortium grants with strategic and operational leadership, characterized with winning synergies, effective decision making and relationships with government counterparts.

I am well experienced in managing large-scale development programs and humanitarian operations with continuous monitoring of program indicators vis-a-vis to operational risks, access and funding. I have managed large grants in sectors of gender and governance, education, public health, nutrition, livelihood and women economic empowerment through human and institutional development, gender and right based approaches and achieving results by capacity building and institutional strengthening, policy and advocacy initiatives. Excellent understanding of countrys development issues in the context of poverty and SDGs plus a grip on indicators for sustainable development.

Having strengths of working with the government institutes, knowing the government machinery understanding of government regulations and operational structures plus successful negotiation. I can make significant contributions to organization and programming objectives with an effective start through wider stakeholder engagement. I am highly skilled in management and implementation of multi-facet budget while working with a wide range of partners (local civil society networks, government and private sector), in rural and urban settings. Extensive experience in transferring technical knowledge and skills to implementing staff and partners on project cycle management/TOC, grant management, monitoring, donor reporting, systems strengthening and institution development.


Various Community Development, Governance, Human Rights, and Humanitarian


کمپنی کا لوگو
اپریل ۲۰۲۲ - موجودہ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Enter Description

کمپنی کا لوگو
Head of Programmes
Human Appeal UK
دسمبر ۲۰۱۹ - مارچ ۲۰۲۲ | Erbil, Iraq

·         Responsible for providing overall leadership support and strategic directions to program quality development and implementation of multisector projects with involvement of thematic and technical leads ensuring adherence to agreed implementation plans and compliance with HA’s policies.
·         Lead the development of country operational and program strategy, and sector specific programming framework in line with the Iraq humanitarian needs and priorities, plus cluster guidelines in FSL; WASH, Women Economic Empowerment, GBV and Child Protection.
·         Lead high-quality project design with innovative approaches by supporting HA is positioning to emergency response, early recovery and transitional development funds by identifying in country and global donors. 
·         Ensure an appropriate monitoring and evaluation system is in place and is functioning satisfactorily with implementation of accountability mechanism to ensure programme deliverables and quantitative targets are achieved on time and per grant/donor agreement and requirements.
·         Ensures coordination with logistics, finance, IT, and HR to ensure optimal program implementation. Ensures adherence to HA policies and procedures related to finance, logistics, HR and security.
·         Build efficient field structures through systematic reviews of field operations, bringing in high element of delivery of support mechanism to contribute to the delivery of quality programmes.
·         Ensure high quality and accurate reporting to donors, regional office and HQ by developing the reporting mechanisms and information management system.
·         Coach, train, supervise and mentor direct-report staff, including communicating clear expectations, setting performance objectives; and provide regular constructive performance feedback and periodic appraisals.
·         Oversight field operations in coordination with Country Security Manager to ensure HA operates in high risk areas with security measures in place and implementation of security rules and regulations.
·         Budget management by reviewing the budget variance analysis by engaging field teams and development of spending plans to ensure funds are adequately and timely spent in accordance with grant agreements.
·         Effective representation of HA and coordination with NCCI, UN Clusters, relevant central and field level government authorities and ministries, local networks and NGOs.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Self Employed
اپریل ۲۰۱۸ - نومبر ۲۰۱۹ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Engaged by the international agencies in programme/project development in economic development, livelihood, health, education and WASH sector, monitoring and evaluation, learning and knowledge management and other research assignments relating to DRR/resilience and climate change.
On-going assignments:
1. Training and Capacity building of government and partners on disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and post disaster need assessment (DFID funded BDRP Consortium)
Completed assignments:
a. Development of Rehabilitation Program Strategy for KP Tribal Districts for PRCS (Jun 2019);
b. Comprehensive Organizational Assessment including TNA of Chief Commissionarate Afghan Refugees Pakistan – BMZ/CTC (Sep 2018);
c. Oxfam GB in Afghanistan on strengthening its partners’ capacity on CTP and FSL interventions; and development of field implementation guidelines (Sep/Oct 2018);
d. Evidencing and Learning report of DFID funded BDRP in Sindh (June/July 2018);
e. Documenting best practices and lessons learnt missed opportunities and gaps in DFID funded BDRP in Punjab to inform the design and implementation of future programmes. (Aug/Sep 2018);
f. July/Aug 2018 (Punjab – Pakistan) Indus Consortium: Research on Climate Public Expenditure Review 2014 – 2018
g. Sep 2018 (Punjab – Pakistan) Indus Consortium: Manual Development for small landholders and women farmers on budget making process of Local Government – Government of Punjab.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Head of Programs
CARE International in Pakistan
اگست ۲۰۱۷ - مارچ ۲۰۱۸ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Responsible for the implementation, operational delivery and management of CARE’s core humanitarian (relief and recovery) and development programs ensuring the highest level of project quality, financial oversight, accountability and compliance. The post oversees the initiation, development and testing of new and innovative ideas, models and approaches to build the gender and governance programme. Led the development and implementation of strategic programs and annual plans/strategies to impact the social injustice, promoting changes and innovative solutions. Directly supervised the senior technical coordinators and coordinated the technical and implementation arms, ensuring quality program are designed and implemented. Led the field programme teams the delivery and achievement of the goals in Women Economic Development, Education, Gender and Governance; and Humanitarian Response to IDPs/protracted crises in Food Security and Livelihood; WASH, Protection and DRR/Resilience. Major Achievements:
- Led the resource mobilization strategy and donors engagement plans with the outcome of rebuilding donors trust, mobilized additional resources of 5 million USD for programmes in KP/FATA and Sindh.
- Built institutional relations with the effect of signing MOUs with government bodies resulted in entrusting and buying in of government authorities, managing fund timelines and deliverables.
- Country Presence Review Strategy for CARE Pakistan with Gender in Emergencies, Dignified Work, and GBV in focus. Further, effectively strategized CARE programmes in Resilience, Livelihood, Gender and WASH sectors for FATA through a comprehensive conflict and poverty analysis to support return and economic revitalization.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Head of Emergency Preparedness and Response
Care International in Pakistan
اپریل ۲۰۱۵ - جولائی ۲۰۱۷ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Reporting to the Country Director and member of Country Leadership Team. Responsible for providing strategic leadership on humanitarian programming focusing Gender in Emergencies and Resilience in a senior management role. Led the emergency preparedness and response program planning, need assessments, strategies development, fundraising and financial oversight. Provided overall technical direction and assisted in the management of humanitarian operations, contingency and preparedness plans by conducting humanitarian contextual analysis, funding analysis and partnerships/consortium. Represented CARE in UN coordination meeting, technical working group, civil society forums meetings. Regular liaison and coordination with key actors, such as donors, host government, international agencies and NGOs. Ensured safety and security of staff and partner by adhering to security and safety policies and systems in coordination with risks management unit. Major achievements:
• Managed a humanitarian portfolio of 10 million USD in Food Security and Livelihood, WASH, Education, Shelter/NFIs, Nutrition sectors in both relief and early recovery and transitional development. Sectoral integration of Health and WASH through cash transfer programming.
• Led CARE emergency response through initial diagnoses and situational analysis, development of emergency response strategies, budgeting
• Developed strategic partnerships with disaster management authorities (NDMA, PDMA, FDMA, WFP) and Ministries, civil society and private sectors on institutional strengthening, improved preparedness at system levels and building community resilience.
• Developed and rolled out emergency preparedness plans with partners through conflict sensitivity and gender in emergencies findings.
• Strengthened the capacities of National Humanitarian Network on humanitarian programming, advocacy and principal/need based response strategies and networking.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Livelihood/Cash Programming Advisor
Care International in Pakistan
فروری ۲۰۱۴ - اپریل ۲۰۱۵ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Responsible for providing technical support in designing, implementing and monitoring of livelihood and economic development through effective cash transfers programming, enterprise development and women engagement strategies. Major achievements:
• Involved in humanitarian situation analysis, need and market assessments in IDPs and Flood emergencies that led the initiation of timely and appropriate cash/livelihood response interventions within 72 hours of crises.
• Designed emergency response and early recovery strategies for emergency livelihood and cash transfer by through appropriate interventions (food, seeds, poultry and livestock, agriculture tools through capacity building, vocational trainings, in-kind distribution and cash transfer modalities CFW, FFW, CfT, commodity vouchers).
• Established cash flow model for CFW modality through financial institutions with adequate operational measures, risk management and mitigation measures.
• Built staff and partners’ capacity on appropriate modalities, cash and vouchers activities, implementation and monitoring.
• Represented CARE in FSL Food and Nutrition Clusters and Cash Working Group (CWG). Led the technical discussions for cash harmonization for various humanitarian contexts in Pakistan.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Consortium Project Manager
Care International in Pakistan
اگست ۲۰۱۴ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۴ | Islamabad, Pakistan

I was entrusted as Consortium Project Manager for ECHO funded DIPECHO 7th action in Pakistan with total funding of 0.8 million Euros. The responsibilities included coordination and manage DRR project for the three agencies: CARE, Save the Children, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe as per agreed proposal. Worked closely with the consortium partners and other project stakeholders including disaster management authorities, implementing partners, ECHO Partners and DRR forum and national civil society network, with overall responsibility for the project implementation, quality assurance, safety and security, monitoring, and reporting. I rendered technical assistance and training to partners on technical report writing and project management. Key Achievements:
- DRM RoadMap for Khyber Pakthukhwa (KP) Pakistan – the piloted initiative that was widely recognized. Later this was replicated in other provinces i.e. Azad Jammu Kashmir, Sindh and now in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
- CBDRM model was built as part of ECHO grant in consortium. Later the same model is contextualized in urban situations of District Peshawar and now to FATA context. Trained cadre of community leaders/trainers and government officers on CBDRM through National Institute of Disaster Management.
- Conceived Urban Resilience Programming in KP province with successful implementation and institutionalization of DRR into development planning.
- Numerous research studies (DRR Financing, Urban DRM Profiling, Seismic Analysis, Climate Profiling), effecting in bridging the citizen government gap, allocation of resources for DRR/resilience work and public awareness together with advocacy campaigns.
- Strategizing capacity building of National Humanitarian Network (NHN)

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Leader
Care International in Pakistan
فروری ۲۰۱۳ - فروری ۲۰۱۴ | Rajanpur, Pakistan

With demonstrated leadership skills, I was responsible to develop emergency response initiatives and support implementation of CARE response to floods through integrated Health, Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihood and WASH interventions. I led a team of 17 CARE and 2 partner organizations in ECHO funded PEFSA Food Security and Livelihood integrated program implementation by building trust and work relationships with consortium partners, people management, decision-making authority, performance management and accountability, staff development and capacity building. Led the delivery of CARE’s response and provide guidance on utilization of cash programming modalities, including cash and vouchers by engaging corporate financial services. Played an active role in co-ordination, support and advocacy with other stakeholders with special focus on the food security and nutrition. Ensured compliance to partnership principles, partnership contracts, grants management, project agreement, donors and consortium framework requirements. Ensured safety and security of staff and partners. The program reached 2,946 vulnerable flood affected families through cash grants with a grant of 1.4 million Euro.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Country Programme Manager
Basic Human Rights
مارچ ۲۰۱۲ - فروری ۲۰۱۳ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Responsible for providing overall leadership and strategic direction to BHR’s programme and its quality implementation in Pakistan. Led BHR humanitarian operations of Shelter and Education in response to floods 2011 with a budget of 2 million USD. Involved in identifying and securing donor funding and an expectation to increase BHR’s profile through representation to external actors and advocacy. Ensured that all grants are appropriately administered and implemented in compliance with donor and BHR policies. Coordinated reporting to external donors by supporting program and support teams that was effective in meeting deadlines, and communicate effectively, comply with contractual requirements and ensure adequate time for country and head office sign-off. Networked BHR to different forums including PHF, MCF, donor coordination and built partnerships with UNHCR, AusAid, Dfid, EU, Unicef and IOM.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Field Programme Manager
Save the Children
مئی ۲۰۱۱ - جنوری ۲۰۱۲ | Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

Led Save the Children’s emergency response to floods 2010 and 2011 within the sphere of Save the Children’s decentralized implementation structure. Responsible for program, coordination, networking, security and grants management for a budget of USD 8 million and staff of 140 in a challenging environment characterized with volatile security situations. Assured effective and efficient financial and operational frameworks at hub level in a multi-ethnic area of DIK. Ensured compliance with grant agreements’ requirements and internal quality controls, including donor reporting and safety and security of staff. The multi-sectoral (WASH, Food Security & Livelihood, Health, Education, DRR and Child Protection) program delivery resulted in bridging the emergency response gaps while maximizing program outreach to 14,300 vulnerable children effectively by rehabilitating 125 schools and 25 BHUs, recovering livelihoods to 10600 families, following 2010 floods in a challenging environment characterized with volatile security situations in DIK.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Assistant Country Director - Programs
GOAL Pakistan
فروری ۲۰۱۱ - اپریل ۲۰۱۱ | Sukkur, Pakistan

Responsible for program development and partnership management, coordination, networking, security, reporting and grants management. Ensured that GOAL programs are implemented in accordance with the signed agreements between GOAL and international donors. Played a leading role in the development of donor proposals and programme development by developing plans, timelines and coordinating inputs from relevant program, finance, technical, country and head office staff. Oversight and assisted Program Managers and the technical staff, (WASH, Shelter, DRR, Livelihood specialists) to ensure each program is completed on time, high quality driven and within the agreed budgets. Designed program and operational frameworks, including budgets, for GOAL’s overall program strategy for emergency recovery and development with a budget of USD 0.5 million and a team of 10 staff.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Quality Assurance Manager
Islamic Relief Pakistan
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۸ - جنوری ۲۰۱۱ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Responsible for the development of internal strategy and plans for quality assurance system to ensure quality achievement and performance improvement in program development and implementation. Key achievements include:
• Contributed to the development of strategy-driven program management with quality and accountability standards mainstreamed.
• Trained and coached country team and actively work in developing high quality proposals, donor compliance, monitoring and report writing.
• Mobilized multi-millions funded projects under the guidelines of UN Agencies (RFPs), DfID, BHC, SIDA, CAFOD, ICCO, and EC, ECHO and DipECHO with the resultant expansion of program and mobilizing external funding.
• Developed M&E framework for development and humanitarian operations considering the information requirements for internal quality management system’s indicators and externally the programming objectives and strategic thrusts.
• Ensured that program and donor reports are of high standards and in compliance to donor regulations.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator
UNDP Solomon Islands
جنوری ۲۰۰٦ - جنوری ۲۰۰۸ | Honiara, Solomon Islands

Coordinated the final phase of the first post-conflict local governance program in the Pacific. Used Results Based Management cycle and Prince2 methodology to refine program activities and ensure engagement of critical stakeholders while developing follow-on programming with other UN agencies, the EU and bilateral agencies. Major achievements of project were:
• Contributed to Isabel Government in developing legal framework for the environment conservation and management ordinance. Have first hand experience associated with resources conservation and ecosystem management at national and international levels.
• Strengthened local institutions for transforming the governance structure helpful in accomplishing the envisioned the UN biodiversity protocols through capacity and institutional strengthening.
• Managed local staff and international expert inputs to improve local capacity for services delivery from informal and formal sectors.
• Built partnerships and identified synergies with Parliament Strengthening Project and associated government ministries in the design of Provincial Induction Training Program for Isabel.
• Engaged traditional leaders, women organizations and religious bodies in synthesizing mechanisms to address land and disputes resolutions (while recognizing significant gaps in national legislation), local justice and peace reconciliation.
• Led development of sustainable E-Governance model in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands through replicable ICT networks as spoke hub centers for pro-citizen provincial planning and budgeting processes. (UNDP 2007)

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Officer
Worldwide Fund for Nature - WWF Pakistan
مئی ۲۰۰۵ - جنوری ۲۰۰٦ | Zhob, Pakistan

Responsible for project development, management and reporting of Global Environment Fund (GEF) funded project for the conservation of Pine Forest Ecosystem and Wildlife in tribal belt of Balochistan Province with effective project delivery with high mobilization and utilization of financial resources. Achievements included
1) developed of three years forest conservation and management plans with active participation of relevant stakeholders and provincial govt. agencies and institutions.
2) Promotion of public conservation awareness and sustainable forest management practices through livelihood improvement activities.
3) Research studies on non-forest timeber products, medicinal and aromental plants and marketing strategy of pine (chilghoza) addressing technical, economic and social blocks.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Programme Officer
Kher Khegara Tanzeem (KKT)
ستمبر ۲۰۰۳ - اپریل ۲۰۰۵ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Responsible for program development, coordination, people management, office administration and grants implementation with annual budget of USD 20,000 and with team strength of 10 staff members. Assisted in strategies development for further improvement of an integrated community mobilization and organization approach. Built and maintained relevant networks of relationships with govt. agencies, national and international level organizations to develop a shared analysis of local issues, contacts and key players. Extensively involved in enhancing capacities of umbrella organizations and interested groups in advocacy and lobbying on development and public policy issues. Developed case studies and documenting best practices for future programme learning and improvement.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator
International Catholic and Migration Commission
اگست ۲۰۰۲ - اگست ۲۰۰۳ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Assisted the Program Manager in project implementation through identification and assessment of local Afghan partners. The program approach looked at identification of Extremely Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs) among Afghan population in urban areas. Facilitated the assistance package including medical and relief goods and their proper follow up. Assessed capacity building needs for partner NGOs and execution of capacity building component.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Registration Officer
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
مارچ ۲۰۰۲ - جولائی ۲۰۰۲ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Responsibilities included identification and verification in UNHCR driven Afghan Refugees repatriation processes to assess and determine eligibility and to ensure that the voluntary character of the repatriation is respected.


University of Peshawar
سرٹیفیکیشن, International Environmental Law‎
International Law
University of Peshawar
سرٹیفیکیشن, International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law‎
International Law
University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, , Masters in Science‎
Environmental Science
University of Peshawar
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان سائنس, BSc‎
Chemistry, Botany, English Language and Literature
درجہ A

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر learning and development
ماہر monitoring & evaluating programmes
ماہر Ability to demonstrate initiative & work well
ماہر Ability to plan and work within agreed timeframes
ماہر Ability to understand and generate budgets
ماہر Ability to work in and with a diverse team
ماہر Accounts Administration
ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Budget Management
ماہر Communication and Presentation Skills
ماہر Conflict Management
ماہر Contemporary understanding of issues and
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Establishing Strategic Partnerships
ماہر experience in reviewing
ماہر experience of working with financial data
ماہر Finance Administration
ماہر Finance and Sub Award Management
ماہر Financial Management
ماہر Fundraising and Resource Mobilzation
ماہر Good understanding of current thinking
ماہر Good Understanding Of Data Analytics
ماہر Grant Management
ماہر in depth understanding of national & Int.
ماہر Knowledge of capacity building
ماہر Liaison & Coordination
ماہر Liaison & Coordinator
ماہر Managing Partner NGO and Donor Relationships
ماہر Meticulous Attention to Detail
ماہر Monitoring & Evaluation
ماہر Monitoring & Reporting
ماہر Monitoring and Evaluation
ماہر Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques
ماہر Networking and Representation
ماہر Networking Skills
ماہر Numeracy and strong financial skills
ماہر Operational experience and track record of
ماہر Operational Tasks Handling
ماہر People Management
ماہر PR Campaign Management
ماہر Prince2 Project Management Certificate
ماہر Proficient in Mandarin
ماہر Project Implementation
ماہر Proposal Development
ماہر Proposal Writing
ماہر Proven experience of developing quality proposals
ماہر Quality Control Processes Command
ماہر Relationship Management
ماہر Research and Analysis
ماہر Resource Mobilization


ابتدائی عربی
ابتدائی فارسی
متوسط پنجابی
ماہر اردو
ماہر پشتو
ماہر انگریزی

Zakir آپکے جاننے والے

Asif Khan
Relief International
Ahmad Hussain
International Rescue Committee