Research and development
Experience is 12 years,
Business Processes Analysis & Implementation .Application Architecture & Design . Products Development/Implementation.
Development :C, VC++,C#(.Net Frame work) ,python(django,Django rest framework, mongo db),angular.js,node.js,electon.js with dev extreme control,camen.js,ionic.js
Real Time embbeded system, expert and knowladge based system
Hardware interaction with computer in VC++(MFC and Win32,Directx,OpenGL,OpenCV )
Databases:SQL Server, SSRS,SSIS
Some extra work
1-- Landscaping website .NET 4, MVC,Entity FrameWork,Sqlserver 2008 Jan2-2014 to Feb2-2014.
2-- MicroController Project ( gas pressure and temperature) using arduino board and chip, and get data in C# using serial port and did some task on different gas pressure and temperature(April 1-2014 to May-30-2014)
3--- Microcontroller project in Arduino board using sensors and LCd GUI.
4--- hospital management with have some Patient and doctor and diagnosis process and management of hospital and there tests reports .WPF and sliver light application using Sqlserver and WCF services
5-- eCommerce Web site c# and Sqlserver2008 R2 and API integartions
6---Content Mangment system with WWF on Multilangual using C# and sqlserver and Rest APIs.
7----Jewelers gold wait machine and currency locker using arduino board handling
8---- Plastic cutting Machine convert manual to automatic using arduino board and C# interface for designing the Plastic and send designed bytes in c# app to machine,cut the same plastic design
9---- Inventory and finance application using C# and Sqlserver2008 and soap based web services
10---- Data transform application using remoting and c#.
11----- IM clone as skype in c# and socket programming, File transfer, audio and video call
MCPD Window 4.0:
MCPD Web 4.0:
Current work
Python,django,django rest frame work,angular.js,node.js,electon.js with dev extreeme contorl,camen.js with mongo db and soa architecture
Old Work
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Projects
Sapphire AR (Augment reality and virtual realty IOS and Andriod)
Virtual and Augmented dressing Room
Python,django, django rest framework ,mongo db projects
MVC 4, Soap and Rest Webservice using WCF,
SqlServer 2008 R2
Sanasafinaz mobile app Rest APi for json and xml reponse base developed.. with image processing
Nop integartion with retail pro
Nop integartion with candela
Nop integration with Odoo(Open ERP using xmlRPc)
Nop integartion with AX dyanmics
I am handling project on .NET C# web and desktop application.(WPF)
1-Betting Terminal (WPF, SOA Architecture,C#) Desktop application
2-JSONFeedServer(Socket, TCP,Tcp Stream using Json Format,c#), this project based on server and client communication using json format. Desktop Application
3- Translation management system using c#,Web service, and database for permotion of client and access these web services in jsp pages using java and spring frame work
.Net Web Applications, , MVC,J query,Ajax, JavaScript, Web Services , SOA Architecture, JqGrid, window services
I worked on Biz talk project , MS CRM project and also i have worked on SharePoint project in this company.
i have made two projects of Biz talk and MS CRM, But in share point i worked on only one project which was a portal.
Documentation,system analysis, Task Division, Architecture, Coding also,
WCF,Javascript,Jquery,Kendo UI, MVC,,c#, Sqlserver 2005/2008, Json, xml
In this company i have worked on desktop and web application
Coding and direct client communication,
Share point portal, window services, Web services ,JqGrid, Jquery,Classic Asp,MVC.
Sliverlight , WPF
MVC, and window form application in c#, Window servics, Remoting, Classic asp, Jquery, third party contorl (rad , telerik")
System Software Engineer, in this company i worked control systems and automation system