To learn and serve in competitive environment with a professionally managed organization. To utilize my skills and potential to assist an organization in achieving its goals which seeking long term carrier with optimum growth. This objective would be supported by my qualification.
I worked under the project engineer with a team of 3 engineers and we supervised the erection of two new installed grid stations.
I joined this firm for the better understanding of Engines at large scale. I worked under the supervision of Asst. Mech Engr Ahsan zamir and presented him the final presentation and the report on the topic of Fuel mechanism. My tenure there was divided into three sections i.e Mechanical, Electrical and Office work. One of the skill I acquired during my intenship includes todays very important and demanded thing i.e PLC. New locomotives had PLC's installed. At the end of internship my task was to footplate from Lahore to Multan and deal with the failure on my own if occurs.