Hosted multiple static websites on AWS storage buckets with SSL certificates.
Linux System administration, user management & Privileges, package installations (deb & Ubutnu) including resolving dependencies.
Git – Gitflows Workflows
Configuration management using Jenkins.
Technologies AWS, Docker, Linux and Bash Scripting.
Creating and hosting websites on apache server and Nginx Server
Ui Ux Designing
Graphics designing
Application Designing
Website Designing
part time
Team Lead:Website Designing and Front End
Front End Development,Graphics Designing,Logo and Social media Designing
Network Admin,Handle the Software Installation and Hardware Task
Camera Installation and Server monitoring
2D and 3D Modeling Designing For Game
Graphic Designing and Modeling, Texturing
Searching and designing
Gui and features of games, videos making and editing, Autodesk 3ds Max. Adobe Fuse, keyshoot
Unity scene creating and RCC and (initial level)coding c#
HOD (electrical dep)
in electronics lab