I am a Certified SugarCRM Developer having experience working with PHP, ColdFusion, JavaScript, jquery, Web Services, Ajax, JSON, XML, Databases and other tools and accessories needed to carry out the development process.
My responsibilities here are to do:
- Analysis of the client requirements
- Attending client meetings along with senior manager
- Propose best possible solutions
- Estimate the efforts required to implement solutions
- Implement those solutions on local environments
- Deploy on the testing and production servers of the clients after testing.
- Provide maintenance if required
My responsibilities here were:
- Requirement gathering from client
- Writing queries to clients about requirements
- Effort estimation to complete
- Development
- Testing the developed work
- Writing daily progress reports to the clients
- Doing the maintenance if needed
Worked as web developer using PHP as server-side scripting language, CodeIgniter as MVC framework, Go-cart as eCommerce platform