have good knowledge in retail and general banking and have good experience in account opening and have passion of work to pormote the organization products under the policies of organization.
perfrom branches audit of conventional and Aitemad islamic banking.
performed Is /IT audit.
Performed CRR And BRR and Treasury Audit at Head office NBP and across
branches all over Pakistan.
Performing Head Office Audit of Groups(HR AUDIT, OPERATION GROUP
Validation of SBP Audit remarks by OTN within database and feed them in database.
1. OPEN ACCOUNT 2. PERFORM KYC 3. PERFORM CDD. 4. Fulfill necessary documents related to Account Opening and full fill all rules. 5. Increase Number of Accounts and NBP FUNDS PRODUCTS LIKE DEBIT CARD AND ONLINE APPLICATION. 6. Provide services to customers and solve their complaints. 7. Open VPs Account 8. Open Co-operate Accounts. 9. Worked on TPM(Transaction Processing Module)AML. 10. Convert account holder to digital banking by registering them on digital application 11. Achieve sales targets and increase the revenue target too.
Open Accounts at branchWorked on Transaction processing module .Open vps accountsIssue cheque book/payment book.Increase Retail sales.Open corporate accounts.Open mutual funds Accounts