Digital marketing experience best freelancer doing online work and data entry jobs 5 years of teaching experience and well-educated.
Work In DHQ Hospital Muzaffergarh as a consultant psychologist to brief people in a polite way help in regard to a current work problem with which he is having some difficulty and which he has decided is within the other's area of specialized competence
Basic computer skills.Such as using word processing software, creating spreadsheets, using printers and other work-related equipment, or looking up information online.Advanced computer skills.This includes using complex Excel formulas, coding, managing a database, etc.1. MS OfficeWordExcelPowerPointOutlookOneDriveOneNoteSharePoint2. Google DriveGoogle DocsGoogle SheetsGoogle SlidesGoogle Forms3. Social MediaFacebookInstagramTwitter4. Presentation SoftwarePowerPointGoogle Slides5.SpreadsheetsExcelGoogle SheetsApple Numbers