
URUK IT Solutions is a company within the Al Taif Group, that specializes in the development of software solutions and aims to provide integrated solutions to Al Taif Group companies and customers in different areas of software and complete their requirements at a high accuracy and efficiency level. It was founded as a tributary to push the development of the software industry using the most recent traded scientific methods, as well as to promote the idea of creativity and excellence in the industry. URUK IT Solutions provide solutions for a variety of industries, such as logistics and supply chains, banking, insurance, e-commerce, electronic money transfer, real estate, hospitality, legal, general trading, and oil.

URUK IT Solutions has several branches in the UAE, Pakistan, and Iraq, with teams consisting of computer systems managers, business analysts, designers, software engineers and programmers, software quality assurance testers, help desk specialists, information security analysts,  hardware technicians, network engineers, and database and network administrators. To design and create ideas that fit the projects, URUK IT Solutions uses a variety of technologies to build the solutions, such as Flutter for iOS and Android apps, .NET environment for web applications, and others.

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