
13 years of working experience in development sector mainly focusing on Emergency responce, Food security and livelihood, Nutrition, WASH, DRR (Disaster risk reduction), Water Rights (RBA), Women empowerment, Drought mitigation and Capacity building.
I have good understanding about Project Proposals, development of Budget, LFA, DIP, program management, supervision, monitoring and evolution, capacity building and international standards which helps me to provide trainings to my team and Community on need bases and to accomplish set objectives within timeframe. In my 08 years' career in humanitarian/development sector, I have worked and lead teams in particular backward and the remote areas of Sindh (Badin, Tharparkar, Thatta and Sanghar).

I have sound working experience in national and international organizations and understand about organizational norms and culture of work. I have successfully worked in harsh weather conditions, tough geographical areas and under intensive work pressure. I have clear concepts regarding integration of gender and inclusion in program activities.


Manual Livestock Management Training (LMT), Sindhi (Local Language).
Nutrition Manual, Sindhi (Local language).


کمپنی کا لوگو
Base Livelihood and Distribution Officer Sindh
Secours Islamique France
جون ۲۰۲۲ - موجودہ | Tharparkar, Pakistan


participation to field assessments (logistic organization, identification of needs, monitoring)
Assist in the registration of target families at branch level working closely with Branch Livelihoods Teams to ensure data is collected and is recorded within the livelihoods programming to be implemented
Collect Market data from local shop and supplier
Contribute to the identification of supplier for Voucher Programmes through fair and transparent process.
Participate in the distribution of beneficiary and traders ID cards and Vouchers
Conduct training and sensitization of session for traders, beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
Make field arrangements for planned visits to project locations
Assist Project officer /Program Base Manager in the preparation of all documents and  forms necessary for the implementation of the livelihoods project.
Fully participation in Ramadan food, vocational and business development training, EID gift and Qurbani Meat distribution.
To ensure the quality and quantity of material provided to beneficiaries.

 Objective 2: Coordination                                                                      

Coordinate (or assist Branch Livelihoods Teams in coordinating) activities with local authorities, international community members, other implementing actors and partners at the local level..
Keep close coordination with Community leaders
Maintin coordination and appropriate information sharing and communication lines with partners and stakeholders at field level to avoid duplication and maximize synergies.
Regularly monitor project activities and provide timely inputs and feedback to the Project office/Program Base Manager.

Objective 3: Reporting

Timely submission of daily and weekly Progress updatesand activities report to Project officer.
Compile and maintain proper record keeping of Project activities in hard files and soft database.
Responsible to maintain record of internal and external communication including emails, letter, purchase requisitions and other relevant documents.
Contribute to data entry, as needed

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Field Coordinator
Laar Humanitarian and Development Programme (LHDP)
جنوری ۲۰۲۱ - مئی ۲۰۲۲ | Badin, Pakistan

To facilitate social team regarding the formation/restoration of Community Organization (COs).
Develop the work plans through coordination with all project teams.
Facilitate to Agriculture staff for conducting Farmer Field School (FFS) and development of IEC material.
Facilitate to Livestock team for conducting Farmer Field School (FFS) and development of IEC material.
Convene meetings with the stakeholders, including government officials, community members (farmers/livestock owners), and relevant organizations like INGOs/ NGOs/COs/CBOs.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Team lead
Laar Humanitarian and Development Program (LHDP)
مارچ ۲۰۱۷ - دسمبر ۲۰۲۰ | Mirpur Khas, Pakistan

• Facilitate the project teams in preparing and executing project management and work plans for each activity
• Facilitate to ensure smooth implementation of the project activities as per the contract agreement
• Ensure that potential problems/bottlenecks in project implementation are identified and communicated to the management
• Conduct regular field visits to support project team in implementation Facilitate internal and external monitoring missions.
• Analyze project-related developments from time-to-time and provide timely inputs to PM
• Coordinate with various relevant government departments like irrigation, agricultural extension, on farm water management, Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority (SIDA) to benefit our community members from different projects
• Develop information, education and communication (IEC) material and support in dissemination among the relevant stakeholders
• Maintain close coordination and communication with the relevant stakeholders including district functionaries and elected representatives
• Facilitate to resolve conflict if arisen among the community and project staff
• Device coordination and mechanism among team of the project
• Maintain cordial relations with the electronic and print media
• Report day-to-day progress to the management
• Prepare and implement work plan as per the agreement
• Facilitate visits of donor and external parties/organizations and consultants
• Represent the organization at the various forums at the different level of district province National and international level
• Organize and impart trainings, workshops and seminar as per the requirement of the project
• Perform relevant tasks assigned by the management from time to time
• Establish reporting system between LHDP Head Offices, Project Office, and partners
• Develop formats for internal and external reports
• Ensure timely submission of all reports to donors through head office

کمپنی کا لوگو
Livelihood officer
Pak Mission Society (PMS)
نومبر ۲۰۱٦ - فروری ۲۰۱۷ | Sanghar, Pakistan

• Plan and implement all livelihood activities in an efficient and effective manner
• Plan and implement 20 trainings on livestock management for 20 self-help groups as per schedule and guidelines.
• Plan and implement 20 trainings on kitchen gardening for 20 self-help groups as per schedule and guidelines
• Ensure and follow up of health, Hygiene MNCH, EPI and Breast feeding and IYCF through exit interviews .
• Develop contents and associated materials required for training 20 self-help groups on kitchen gardening and livestock management
• Ensure maximum possible benefit to beneficiaries through proper utilization of kitchen gardening tool kits and seeds by beneficiaries, assessment of progress and timely implementation of corrective action if required.
• Ensure maximum possible benefit to beneficiaries through proper planting and care of fodder saplings by beneficiaries, assessment of progress and timely implementation of corrective action if required.
• Ensure maximum possible benefit to beneficiaries through proper care of baby goats by self-help groups, assessment of progress and timely implementation of corrective action if required.
• Participate in and contribute towards procurement of kitchen gardening tool kits and seeds, fodder saplings and baby goats.
• Coordinate with local livestock and agriculture line departments for timely provision of mandated support and services during and after the project duration.
• Prepare reports on livelihood activities in a timely and professional manner according to given guidelines
• Ensure that all necessary and relevant documentation related to livelihood activities within the project is properly maintained, updated and archived for reference, record and utilizations
• Provide timely assistance as and when required by the Women’s Self-Help Group Officer and Social Mobilizer for planning and implementation of non-livelihood activities within the project.
• Assist project team members in ensuring timely

کمپنی کا لوگو
TL Community Mobilizer
Sukaar Foundation
جون ۲۰۱٦ - نومبر ۲۰۱٦ | Mithi, Pakistan

 Pre and post KAP assessment.
 Verification of PLW and U5 Chilled beneficiaries.
 Conducting training on “1000 Day window of opportunity”.
 Distribution of food basket.
 Conducting Hygiene sessions

کمپنی کا لوگو
TL Community Mobilizer
Sukaar Foundation
جولائی ۲۰۱۵ - فروری ۲۰۱٦ | Mithi, Pakistan

 Facilitation in promotion of livestock livelihood sources trough LMT sessions and provision of Fodder distribution in targeted UCs.
 Facilitation in promotion of kitchen gardening trough drip irrigation.

کمپنی کا لوگو
TL Social Organizer
Laar Humanitarian and Development Program (LHDP)
اگست ۲۰۱۴ - مارچ ۲۰۱۵ | Badin, Pakistan

 Sensitize & mobilize to community based partner on their Rights with Right based approach.
 Close coordination with relevant line departments, Local media, academia & CSOs.
 Bridge the gap between Tail end farmers & the line departments for strong coordination.
 Plan & lead Provincial and interprovincial exposure visits of community, water user associations & other stakeholders.
 Represent the LHDP, Indus Consortium & the project at different forums.
 Facilitate and liaise with external research Consultants for Organization & programme partners.
 Organizing medium & mass level events like seminars, workshops, conferences, media briefings, media visits & relevant activities regarding Water issues.
 Write & disseminate press release, media papers, events reports, research reports.
 Assist & organize relevant trainings for staff & other groups at different levels.
 Prepare the qualitative & quantitative report.
 Undertake budget allocation and ensure fiscal responsibility at every level of project management.

کمپنی کا لوگو
TL Social Organizer
Laar Humanitarian and Development Program (LHDP
اگست ۲۰۱۳ - جولائی ۲۰۱۴ | Badin, Pakistan

 Activation and Revival of existing and new Farmer Groups and Farmer Associations.
 Facilitate the Farmer Association in developing their Action Plans and conducting review meetings to measure the achievements and prepare strategies for progressive efforts.
 Identify the risk to the project interventions at field level and prepare the mitigations plans with consent of partner communities and support of supervisor.
 Conducting Sessions at village and cluster of villages level.
 Facilitating the partner communities in preparation of Village development plans, Water Management Plans.
 Conducting field level socio-economic survey, FGDs, PRA and Social mapping.
 Coordination with partner communities in conducting the Press Conference and lobbying meetings with relevant stakeholders.
 Support the Media and Communication section in gathering information material and publication of Newsletter, IEC material and Radio Programs.
 Preparation of Periodic Reports (Qualitative and Quantitative).
 Preparation of Monthly and Weekly Implementation Plan.
 Ensure the integration of cross-cutting issues, such as gender, conflict resolution, human rights, poverty alleviation and land reforms in implementation.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Assistant Team Leader
مئی ۲۰۱۲ - جولائی ۲۰۱۲ | Thatta, Pakistan


Univercity of Sindh
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, Masters in Sociology‎
Rural Sociology

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Project Administration
ماہر Accounts Administration
ماہر Conservation Awareness
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Coordination Skills
ماہر Data Monitoring
ماہر Event Management
ماہر Handling Assignments
ماہر Leading Diverse Teams
ماہر Multitasking Skills
ماہر PR Campaign Management
ماہر Presentation Skills
ماہر Production Quality Monitoring
متوسط Project Administration
ماہر Reasrch and Development
ماہر Reporting
ماہر Team Motivation
ماہر TeamSupport
ماہر Use,DelAgua kit,Water Quality Analysis


متوسط انگریزی
ماہر اردو
ماہر سندھی

Niaz آپکے جاننے والے
