
Mr. Channa is a highly qualified professional with deep experience in food security, livelihoods, cash and voucher assistance, program management, and a wide range of related technical areas. He will bring significant expertise and value to any organization or program focused on food security, livelihoods, cash/voucher assistance, and related development and humanitarian domains. His diverse skillset and breadth of experience would make him an asset in senior technical or managerial roles. Some key highlights of his qualifications include
Proven skills in program operations, management coordination, program design, implementation, monitoring, quality assurance. Also, extensive experience in budget management, resource mobilization, team office management. Ability to lead diverse and large teams in various contexts, including remote management.
Expertise across sectors including cash/voucher assistance, food security, livelihoods, WASH, education, DRR/climate change, renewable energy, CVE, social cohesion, and peacebuilding.
Skills in value chain development, TVET, MSME, women/youth economic empowerment, durable solutions.
Strong research, evaluation, technical writing, and knowledge management capabilities.
Experience working with a wide range of major donor agencies and organizations.


Emergency Projects (Medical Camps, Health Promotion, NFI Distribution)
Improving the communities ‘resilience in desert areas of Tharparkar.
Support Economic and Sustainable Organizations and Networks
Water and Sanitation improvement in Khahore and revival of livelihood
Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance - PEFSA - III
Enabling children to develop learning potential through arts and play.
Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance - PEFSA - V
Seasonal Projects


کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Specialist
مئی ۲۰۲۴ - موجودہ | Kabul, Afghanistan

کمپنی کا لوگو
Area Project Manager (North Region)
United Nations Development Programme
فروری ۲۰۲۲ - مارچ ۲۰۲۴ | Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan

§ Effectively conduct day-to-day management of project activities in the designated region.
§ Ensure that the project delivers resources and results according to the planned targets, to the required standard of quality and within specified constraints of time and cost.
§ Ensure effective and efficient implementation of the project budget allocated to the region and produce appropriate recording and accounting documentation required by UNDP.
§ Ensure UNDP rules & regulations concerning finance, procurement and human resources.
§ Report on the achievement of project outputs within the covered region, as well as challenges in implementation, and flag emerging risks in a timely and pro-active manner.
§ Manage a team of technical associates & ensure highest performance standards.
§ Ensure the participation and involvement of relevant stakeholders in the region’s Project activities so that the process is inclusive, participatory and transparent.
§ Perform other duties as assigned by management. Provide support to Project planning
§ Contribute to the annual project work plans, with proposed activities and results.
§ Contribute to financial planning, projecting cash-flows & modalities for the area.
§ Contribute to UNDP’s knowledge management, partnerships, and communication efforts
§ Contribute to the efficient and effective collection, storage and analysis of data throughout the project, including sex and age-disaggregated data as relevant.
§ Document progress towards achievement of results and contribute to donor reports.
§ Support and contribute to the Regional and Country Offices knowledge management efforts, by documenting and sharing experiences, lessons learnt, and good practices.
Support & contribute to communications and partnerships activities, as necessary.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
COOPI International in Nigeria
فروری ۲۰۲۱ - فروری ۲۰۲۲ | Abuja, Nigeria

§  Responsible for planning, execution and reporting of Early Recovery & Resilience building project; also supervision of logistics, HR, financial and overall functioning aspects of projects.
§  Under the direct supervision of the Head of Mission and in link with the Program Manager, provide overall managerial oversight to the EU funded integrated project.
§  Coordinate with partners/component leads (Conflict management, peace building & livelihoods.
§  Cooperation & synergy with project staff, plan & monitor social protection, conflict management, and peace building & livelihood activities by complying to donor/Consortium and internal procedures.
§  Collaborate to Admin/Logistic to plan expenditures aligned to project’s needs.
§  Finalizes the data provided by his/her team, supports the preparation, in compliance with the deadlines, of the narrative reports expected by the donors and by the partners;
§  Supervises effectiveness/efficiency of staff; monitor accuracy/efficiency of activities.
§  Closely work with MEL Advisor of lead partner to ensure oversight for all monitoring and evaluation across all activities and implementation.
§  Represent COOPI with the local / State authorities, consortium lead and partners
§  Collaboration with Program Manager / Head of Base, prepares all the formal communication and contract modification requests (ex. budget modification) of the project;
§  Laisse with logistics/ procurement team to ensure that goods purchased for the project; for all goods purchased by the project, support updates of the inventory and guarantee the respect of the policies and guidelines.
§  Ensure compliance with the fund and timely fulfilment of project reporting’s
§  Hiring of staff, staff appraisals in line with COOPI’s mission and Charter of Values;
§  Ensure safety of staff/beneficiaries & work closely with Security Manager/Logistic team
§  Ensure smooth management of COOPI base in Gashua and Damaturu, Yobe state

کمپنی کا لوگو
Contract Manager Specialist-Edu & PPP
Blumont Pakistan
ستمبر ۲۰۲۰ - جنوری ۲۰۲۱ | Sukkur, Pakistan

Lead to conduct evaluations as per Key Progress Indica-tors stipulated in Concession Agreement between Gov-ernment and Education Management Organizations (EMO’s)
Liaise with Compliance Manager of EMOs ensuring com-pliance of contractual obligation and progress reports and bridge between contract compliance sections of SELD.
Provide technical support to SELD to develop and inte-grate contract management tools, templates, methods and processes for the engagement
Assists PPP-Node of SELD in reviewing and managing contractual obligations of the parties; and guidance for continual review to ensure that all terms and conditions are met.
Provide support and technical advice to make observation notes, feedback and comments vide an analysis on the quarterly and/or annually performances reports of the EMOs by conducting field visits when required.
Provides critical analysis on the performance on all areas of program management for the EMO Operated Schools
Design better industry practices for improved learning environment of Model Schools under CMP intervention
Maintain records for correspondence and documentation in relation to established contracts and those in progress.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Livelihood Specialist
Pakistan Red Crescent Society - (PRCS)
جنوری ۲۰۲۰ - اگست ۲۰۲۰ | Karachi, Pakistan

Main Responsibilities:
Plan for the execution of activities related to livelihood approachesInstitutional strengthening to increase the resilience of communitiesDevelop & provide training to develop skills and capacities.Provide technical input in need assessment, context analysis, baselines & evaluations; & support in partner selectionMainstreaming of gender equality in beneficiary selectionWorking with the multi-functional team to assess the project progress against the project designBuilding relationships with relevant stakeholders, including communities to sustain the project activities.Preparation of TORs & training manuals/materialsEnsure that program development & implementation integrates community-based approaches & gender sensitivityEnsure to incorporate the lessons learned & good practices.Support the M&E unit in implementing monitoring mechanisms
Major Achievements:Developed Project Scope documentPrepared Guidelines / SOPs for the implementation of livelihood activities under the project.Prepared Budget for livelihood component.Developed Baselines and Assessment toolsParticipated in designing Rapid & Baseline assessment (Methodology, data collection tools & report writing.Developed Manual on Enterprise DevelopmentDeveloped Training MaterialDelivered Orientation sessions for volunteers on data collection tools/Methodology.Carried out Monitoring VisitsDeveloped periodic Reports.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Development Officer - Northern Sindh
DAI Pakistan
جون ۲۰۱۹ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۹ | Sukkur, Pakistan

The Program Development Officer will liaise with local communities and potential grantees to identify and develop activities in support of the regional office. Scope of Work  Advise the Program team and the Donor on the evolution of the local political, legal, and economic situation and on how to continuously adapt the Project to ensure effectiveness.  Develop critical relationships with local partners and communities to identify and develop Project activities.  Proactively identify grant opportunities and reactively respond to grant ideas from the Donor.  Develop budgets and activity timelines with APTs and grantees.  Analyze activity impact, including conducting final evaluations in collaboration with M&E staff.  Serve as head of the sub-office and lead the team administratively including – Grants Officer, Grants Assistant, M&E Officer and Operations Assistant  Act as Program focal point for all the program field activities  Make pro-active recommendations to Program Coordinator/Deputy Chief of Party to better establish the program  Liaise with governmental counterparts to further strengthen ties between the program and the government.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Base Manager
Secours Islamique France - (SIF)
اگست ۲۰۱۷ - جون ۲۰۱۹ | Tharparkar, Pakistan

Main Responsibilities:
Responsible for the overall business of the base.Supervise teams(s), M&E, Finance, HR & logistics.Develop plans, implement project activities according to timeframe & allocated resources.Provide on-job training/facilitation to staff to ensure quality and timely implementation of activities.Coordinate with log/admin departments to provide required support in program implementationMonitor & ensure the relevance of action delivered to beneficiaries with quality and SIF /standards.Facilitate coordinator in program development & take self-initiatives in expanding SIF donor’s base.Develop a mechanism for the program’s strategy & approach in the context of pilot implementationEnsure that logistic and financial management procedures are in place and followed at the base level.Plan human resources requirements, recruit staff, develop objectives, evaluate develop learning plans. Share information with the security focal person & propose measures to ensure safety & security.Coordinate & develop strong linkages with stakeholders at the district/Provincial level.
Major Achievements:
Prepared concept notes, log frames, detailed proposals, budgets, implementation, and procurement plans for internal funding and external donors including ECHO, PHPH, WFP, and others.Coordination with Stakeholders at the district and Provincial level for securing NOCs to implement projects/ex-pat visitsDeveloped Project Scope document for secured funding and developed tools for data collection & other project documentsConducted orientation sessions for project staffPrepared reports, periodic progress sheets, and final narratives.Developed Baseline and Assessment tools.Supervised Programme, Logistic, Finance, HR & MEAL.Remotely managed Satellite office.Actively participated in Planning/Lesson learned events.Implemented four projects successfullyAssisted 5400 Beneficiaries under Food Security, Livelihood, WASH interventions focus on agriculture and livestock management and enterprise skills.Worked in Partnership with PCRWR for the construction of Rain Water Harvesting PondMade Partnership with Social Welfare Department for the development of display center

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Fast Rural Development Programme - (FRDP)
مئی ۲۰۱۷ - اگست ۲۰۱۷ | Tharparkar, Pakistan

 Responsible for effective & efficient management of the project & staff in line with the project proposal, processes, the budget, the time-frame, & the Concern/US AID/OFDA regulations
 Collaborate with the Program Management in Head Office for the implementation of the project activities
 Sharing of updates ensure Project Coordination, Networking & Visibility at District Level
 Assist program management in monitoring, evaluation of the relevant Programme & quality in line with defined st&ards
 Reporting to donors by ensuring quality reporting by relevant staff
 Regularly monitor expenditure of project financial resources & use of FRDP’s assets as per approved budgets & agreements
 Provide regular, structured feedback & monthly reports
 Coordinate capacity building support from Concern/RF Program, M & E, Finance, Logistics & security sections
 Ensure all necessary Programme documents are properly maintained & recorded properly at field level
 Compliance of policies/code of conduct in projects, handling of beneficiaries complaints & stakeholders management

کمپنی کا لوگو
Consultant - Livelihood and Market Assessment
CARE Uganda
مارچ ۲۰۱۷ - اپریل ۲۰۱۷ | Kampala, Uganda

 Secondary review of structures influencing operational capacity in West Nile related to Food security, Cash & Markets.
 Prepare Comprehensive List of key actors (Formal & informal) that can be dividers or connectors
 Gender analysis & overview of the secondary data, including engagement & establishment of a relationship with relevant gov’t structures working on / covering Gender or Women’s issues.
 General overview of the key services/lack thereof in light of FNS & Gender
 Overview of poverty & vulnerability levels of the refugees & host communities (key secondary data verified via in-depth conversations with key stakeholders); further sub-classification of the most marginalized groups
 Identification/scanning & overview of services that were created particularly to respond to the humanitarian context (areas of potential sourcing, synergies & reinforcement)
 Market functionality & overview of opportunities to strengthen the market, including existing cash programming, service providers engaged in this cycle & niche for CARE
 Targeting of beneficiaries: what criteria is applied by key stakeholders, is there a centralized way or role to support coordination of NGOs to come up with a commonly shared one;
 Commodity & NFI distribution’s overview & methods successfully used up to date (blanket, selective targeting)
 Household dynamics (gender), needs of vulnerable groups
 Overview of international partners, saturation & coverage of respective technical areas, potential synergies
 Overview of local partners (local organizations, movements, initiative groups, academia & private sector) & their capaci-ties/synergies/operational ability to extend programming on Care’s behalf.
 Overview of non-formal leadership structures & their existing supportive or destructive role in light of community access, messaging & behavioral change, coordination & program implementation (beneficiary reach).
 Overview of key clusters & recommendations for Care’s per

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Secours Islamique France - SIF
مئی ۲۰۱٦ - فروری ۲۰۱۷ | Tharparkar, Pakistan

Main Responsibilities:
Assess (needs/technical), analyze & report.Lead on project-based learning & research, support to develop project proposals/conceptsProject cycle Management of projects in the area.Prepare/update plans, reports & other docs.Support the development of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning tools & plans.Develop documents & follow designs, BOQ’s, tools, implementation modalities/guidelines.Ensure that nutrition, WASH & FSL considered within the Community Mobilization approach.Identify & monitor risks, constraints, or escalating issues & inform senior management immediately.Plan & manage emergency responses, prioritize activities according to the emerging needs.Represent SIF, Coordinate with District Clusters / Forums UN agencies & Other stakeholders.
Major Achievements: 
Developed Project Scope documentPrepared Detailed Implementation Plan / Maintained and updated.Market Assessment and analysis for food vouchers, conditional cash transfers, and feasibility for cash for work.Mapping / Capacity assessment of Service providers for cash and voucher assistanceModality selection and designThe signing of agreements with service providersSetting up the system for cash & voucher redemption & monitoring the process.Maintained good relations with Logistic and Finance to acquire the required support.Supported MEAL in the design of data collection toolsLead beneficiary assessment and selection processDeveloped distribution plans for the food basket, meat distribution and Eid gift distribution, Cash distribution and NFIs, and others.Provided support and monitored the distribution process for different modalities/activities.Developed TORs for the different training programs.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Cash and Voucher Specialist
CARE International-USA
نومبر ۲۰۱۵ - جنوری ۲۰۱٦ | Kathmandu, Nepal

Main Responsibilities:
Provide advice & technical support, coordinating & managing cash projects in Nepal.Advises & coordinate & manages the planning & implementation of cash project activities,Manages cash & voucher specific staff, supports coordinates the shelter/ livelihood & demolition team, leadersHelp in the production of internal/external narrative/financial reports & ensures that activities promote choice & dignity 7 protect the local market/economy including livelihoods.Ensuring that CARE Nepal’s Cash & Voucher interventions are of high quality & are a relevant responseEnsuring that effective coordination is maintained between CARE Nepal’s country office & the district officesProviding technical support regarding cash & voucher program activities to CARE for Nepal’s district offices.
Major Achievements:
Developed SOP for Merchant Voucher ProgrammeLead in the selection of Service providers (Coordination, Negotiation, and Signing of MoU).Analyzed information for the selection of Markets.Analyzed Supplier information/supported in the selectionOriented field team on implementation of vouchersDeveloped tools and documents required at fieldDevelop different voucher models for CARE NepalCoordinated and represent CARE of Nepal in cash coordination meetings.Conducted field visits prior to and during the voucher redemption process.Supported finance team in the disbursement of payment to selected vendors.Developed Report on the Merchant voucher program.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Provincial Cluster Coordinator-Sindh
Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
ستمبر ۲۰۱۵ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۵ | Hyderabad, Pakistan

Main Responsibilities:
Provide leadership & ensure accountability of Food Security Cluster in the provision of humanitarian response.Strengthen cluster coordination at the provincial levelRepresent the Food Security Cluster at all provincial-level General & Inter-Cluster Coordination meetings.Lead on development & monitoring of a cluster-wide response plan & identify gaps to fill out.Promote strategies in line with the overall strategy developed by the Food Security Cluster at the national level.Support Government & other partners to ensure strong linkages between humanitarian & development actors.Support in phasing out through capacity building programs & develop key messages for donor advocacy.Ensure timely reporting on Cluster-related activities at the provincial level & dissemination to all stakeholders.Support National Cluster in Policy, Planning & Organizing capacity building workshop for partner organizations.Assist to design and implement Drought need assessment.Coordination & chairing of meetings and their reporting.
Major Achievements:
Lead the Food Security cluster activities including cash working group and IPC activities.Successfully coordinated with the humanitarian partners at the provincial level for Food Security activities.Regularly collected the information from humanitarian partners on 4W MatricChaired Monthly Meeting (s) of humanitarian Partners at the Provincial level.Participated in training on the Humanitarian cluster approach and IPC activities.Coordinated with government departments including PDMA Sindh, Bureau of Statistics, and Agriculture and Livestock department, I /NGO for the nomination of staff for Sindh Drought Assessment (SDNA-2015) in nine districts of Sindh.Coordinated with District level authorities to facilitate the data collection process for SDNA 2015.Monitored the data collection process in the field in different districts of Sindh.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Food Security and Livelihood Coordinator
Save the Children
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۴ - جولائی ۲۰۱۵ | Sanghar, Pakistan

Main Responsibilities:
Identify FSL opportunities & suggestions for program development.Implement FSL activities specific to Agriculture, small business, cash or voucher transfer & Cash for Work.Coordinate with thematic coordinators, Field Programme Manager, FSL Specialist & Livelihoods Director.Manage, implement, monitor & evaluate projects in the field.Lead, manage, motivate & provide technical assistance to staff.Prepare narrative and other project-related reportsExposure visits to the relevant local co-partners for exchanging views & ideas for learning & capacity building.
Major Achievements:
Worked in a consortium of 6 INGOsAssisted around 2100 beneficiaries under cash intervention through conditional cash grant and engaging in cash for work activities (CFW)Prepared monthly progress reports and update output tracker.Prepared Final report of FSL Component.Conducted Post Distribution Monitoring and prepared report.Facilitated donor (ECHO) visit in the field

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Root Work Foundation (RWF)
نومبر ۲۰۱۲ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۴ | Mirpur Khas, Pakistan

 Orient staff on overall objectives and project activities, Review and sign staff work plans and reports
 Provide guidance and facilitation to build the capacity of staff
 Implement the CFW project in accordance to the project plan agreed with the partner / donor
 Develop project reports and maintain project files and documentation
 Monitoring of the activities to strengthen the project and Conduct weekly, monthly review meetings
 Coordination with district government and concerned line departments.
 Develop presentation for website, orientation and visibility matter for staff, visitors and general stakeholders
 Liaise with Manger Admin & Logistics, Finance, M&E, HR, Q&A in Head office for smooth project activities
 Ensure availability of complaint boxes & complaint forms at project office and main locations in project area
 Handling project related complaints and Guide the complainant about the systems
 Liaison with Tameer Bank for smooth disbursement of Cash payments
 Ensure management of project and oversee RWF’s assets and ensure efficient and effective use of resources
 Ensure that all activities being carried out are as per budget with prior approval from line manager
 Reward to staff members who perform more than expectations and improve the performance through coaching
 Organize donor’s visit in respective project areas and identify model spots for visits.


University of Sindh
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان بزنس ایڈمنسٹریشن, MBA - (HRM)‎
Business Communication, Human Resource Management, Management, Total Quality Management, Financial Accounting, Training And Development, Enterpreneurship
CGPA 3.2/4
Masumi Academy of Computer Science
ڈپلوما, DIT‎
Information Technology
University of Sindh
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان آرٹس, B.A (Economics)‎
CGPA 3.5/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Experience in project management
متوسط Understanding of Microfinance
ماہر Quality Assurance
ماہر mgmt & analysis
ماہر planning and budgeting
ماہر planning and budgeting skills
ماہر Ability to communicate effectively orally and in
ماہر Ability To Work In A Multicultural Team
ماہر Ability to work with minimum supervision
متوسط Academic Administration
ماہر Accounts Administration
ماہر Adaptive Leadership
ماہر Adaptive Management
ماہر Administration of Financial Management
ماہر Administrative
ماہر Administrative Skills
ماہر Admission Advisory
ماہر ADT HOME Security Services
ماہر Adult Participatory Learning
ماہر Agile Project Management
ماہر Analytical
ماہر Analytical Review
ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Appropriate Engagement
ماہر Aseptic Technique Knowledge
ماہر Audit Experience
ماہر basic knowledge of Livelihoods sector
ماہر Basic skills in data collection
ماہر Behavior Change Communication
ماہر Book keeping
ماہر Branch Administration Skills
ماہر Branch Management
ماہر Budget Analysis
ماہر Budgeting
ماہر Budgeting and Financial Analysis
متوسط Business Dnvelopment
ماہر Business Modeling
ماہر Business Partner Relations Management
ماہر Capacity Building
ماہر Capacity Development
ماہر Capacity Sharing
ماہر Capacity To Directly Contribute To Research
ماہر Career Development
ماہر Cash Voucher
ماہر Client Followup
ماہر Client Management
ماہر Client Resolution
متوسط Climate Change
ماہر Close Attention To Detail
ماہر Coaching Skills


متوسط بلوچی
ماہر سرائیکی
ماہر سندھی
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

Abdullah آپکے جاننے والے

Hina Shoukat
MDM International
Sajida Qureshi
PEOPLE Pvt. Ltd.
Manoj Kumar Bachani
Malteser International
Imtiaz Ahmed Khoso
Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)