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PYTHON/Django developer [Full Stack] | (BLUEPRIMES SOFTWARES LTD, MANSERHA PK) 7/2023 - Present• Full time employee with a team developer to manage the Company products through implementing back end andfront-end functionality.• Worked on a Product called “Blueprimes Point of Sale Software “, built in Python backend (frontend PYQT), wheremy role is to implement front and back-end assets for all user interfaces.• Worked on a Product called “Hospital Management System “, built in Python backend (frontend PYQT), where myrole is to implement front and back-end assets for all user interfaces as a team leader.• Built a RESTful-API in Django (BRIDGE API), That will work as Connector between the Point of Sale Software andtheWeb Server.• Developed a Django App for (BRIDGE API) to Where we can work with Software’s Data,• Developed a Django App that will generate the LICENSE for Point-of-Sale Software Registered User.Project URL: https://lisc.blueprimes.com/ / - (Product/LICENSE GENERATOR –PYTHON DJANGO)Project URL: - https://api.blueprimes.com/ / (Project / Built-RESTAPI – PYTHON DJANGO))(Under Work)
During this internship period work included on Optical fiber networks & Wireless communication.