Since October 2015, have 5 years of extensive hands on experience web application development.
Currently working as Senior Software Engineer at XDimention Solutions Lahore.
An experienced using front-end and back-end software development technologies including
C#, Asp. Net MVC 5, .NET 4.5, Entity Framework, LINQ Queries, Microsoft SignalR library.
AngularJs, Angular V6, Rxjs library, Angular Material design, Bootstrap 3.
MS SQL Server 2014, No sql database (Redis Datastore).
Experienced to follow software best practices/Design patterns SOLID Principle (Dependency
Inversion Principle), Singleton pattern, IO Container, Unit of work etc.
Basic understanding and knowledge of the AWS (EC2, Security Groups, AMI, Elastic Load Balancing, VPC etc.).
Experienced using Version control software including Git Bitbucket, Visual SVN, GitKraken Tool.
Work experience of Jira Software for Issue tracking.
Work experience Agile Methodology.