
My name is Aleeza. I’m from Lahore. I did my graduation in bachelors of mass communication from Forman Christian College (A chartered university). My strength is I am a hardworking with a positive attitude towards my future. Expecting a good workplace having friendly environment. My hobbies are net suffering, searching for something new. My interest is in digital media marketing. I have also completed an online course about Human Resources from Coursera! Thats all about me.


Forman Christian College
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان آرٹس, Mass communication‎
Copy Writing, Communication Skills, Research
CGPA 3.6/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ابتدائی Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, PowerPoint
ابتدائی Problem Solving, Social Media Application Handling


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