An adaptable and responsible Electrical engineer seeking job in electrical automation or power industry. During the degree, successfully combined studies with practical work and other commitments which has proved himself a self-motivated, organized and capable of work under pressure.
Likes to accept challenges, has a clear, logical mind with practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion.
Am responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the company, acting as focal person of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations. Supervising all strategic as well as business aspects of the company.
A project of the Punjab Information Technology Board, Pakistan’s Pioneer Tech Incubator. Worked as an internee. Assisted many Early stage startups to grow from seed into successful business.
Project of Punjab Information Technology Board. Pakistan’s first coworking space for freelancers. Worked with an influential community of designers, developers, content writers, independent contractors, preachers and moonlighters.