Experience Professional holding a degrees B.E (IT) and MBA (Marketing).
Around more than 10 years working Experience in Sales,Marketing,Advertising and Business Development involving in Technical,Non Technical expertise and Packaging related Products and Services.
Strong understanding in Networking,Web development, Software Products and Database System to bring business and promote through different modern and traditional ways of Marketing.
Recently updating my skills on Artificial Intelligence domain and practicing data analysis using python and SQl.
Had taken online courses related to AI containing ML understanding different algorithm ,DL for Data Science work making and testing Models for eg using hugging face and online model testing and by using LLM making Chatbot for different customized requirement.
Junior Data Analyst/B2B Sales and Marketing
Managing all the operating store issues.
Managing relationships with suppliers and order decisions.
Product sourcing and building a product assortment.
Managing inventory levels, avoiding and controls expiry issue and taking corrective actions when needed.
Growing the business and managing its expansion.
To Maintain Sales budget and planning of production to achieve targets with in time.
Extensive travelling daily to meet clients for business and negotiation to generate Sales.
Regularly keep an eye on Business Development work to find new Client to generate Business.
Required PO at least 200 tons in a Month for Lamination and Shrink Production.
Planning of production and dispatch planning according to customer requirement.
Recovering the due Payments and visiting for complaint handling.
Increased market penetration to the Karachi Region containing different institutes, schools for Scarta Attendance System also different Small Business and Retail Business related services Products Every Catalogue.