
Community/Development/Logistics/Supply Chain/Warehouse/Project
Management(DRR) Expert

Performance-driven professional offering 10 years of experience and exceptional ability to build community-based social mobilization programs and lead multi-functional teams to identify logistic and supply chain capabilities, monitor and track logistic and supply chain programs, assess inventory resources and collaborate with personnel ensuring logistic operations are delivered on time and within the scope of the budget./emExperienced in building and optimizing logistic/supply chain processes, logistic measurement systems, CBDRM, and arrangements to maximize results in logistic operations worldwide designing the framework of the logistic execution system and ensuring effective execution developing strategies and proposals for logistic operations expansions. An Engaging mobilization specialist is known for distilling complex intransigent challenges problems into a set of solvable blocks, proven skills in leading change, and leveraging innovation in the drive for better profits and increased shareholder value. Extensive knowledge of logistic data analysis techniques to identify the potential impacts and outcomes of different supply chain strategies. Able to make recommendations for relevant logistic training and learning opportunities to improve the supply chain process. Being a master trainer of DDR can design a special training manual for Basic DRR awareness (structural and Non-structural) -----------Career Highlights-----------
Established a participatory food distribution mechanism by organizing local elders Jirga with community elders to minimize hazard and security threats and facilitated about 47000 TDPs monthly.
Established numerous village development committees while facilitating three districts in Orakzai in UN-WFP funded projects of DRR in food base transfers.
Constructed 3 NFI schemes in Orakzai while working with the village development committees.
Raised the number of staff capacity developmental training during the UN-WFP funded project standard logistic and warehouse management for executing the effective implementation of the project activities.
Succeeded in completing 3 numbers of projects in three districts for the WFP program by assisting internally displaced peoples of Bajaur, Orakzai, and South Waziristan.
Socially coherent community of Kurram, Orakzai, and Upper Dir through community participatory DRR and FFW/CFW approach through UN-WFP funded project and raised the concept of Ashar on the community level.
As a social motivational speaker aware of the war-effected communities of Bajaur through the Mine Risk Education project funded by the Swiss Foundation of Mine Action (FSD) and implemented by BEST-Pak.
Spread and practically implement the slogan of UN-WFP Zero Hunger by facilitating thousandsof TDPs in war-torn areas of merged districts of KPK.
Facilitated 478 schools and 41 health facilities in the tribal district Orakzai through food foreducation and nutrition projects through their doorsteps to attain zero hunger policy andreduction of stunted growth and pregnant and lactating mothers needs.


Secourse Islamique France(SIF)
Renewable Energy provision to Afghan Refugee Camps


کمپنی کا لوگو
Logistic Associate/Border Management Facilitator
اکتوبر ۲۰۲۳ - موجودہ | Chaman, Pakistan

Successfully coordinated with customs authorities, transporters, and clearing agents at Chaman border, ensuring the seamless flow of cargo for UN-WFP.Provided custom exemptions and related documents to clearing agents, contributing to efficient export clearance processes and compliance.Assisted the supervisor and reported any issues with export clearance documents, coordinating with focal points in Peshawar and Quetta to address and resolve concerns promptly.Conducted effective meetings with customs officials, facilitating the clearance of our clients' food commodities and maintaining positive relationships for smooth operations.Implemented meticulous record-keeping practices, including updating exemption log sheets, obtaining signatures from clearing agents, and sharing exemption tracking with Logistic Officers in Quetta, as well as the customs focal point in the Central Office (CO) on a weekly basis.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Registration Officer Cum Logistic Associate
Muslim Hands International
مارچ ۲۰۲۳ - ستمبر ۲۰۲۳ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Project Overview 
To facilitate the Afghan Refugees and Asylum Seekers' improved access to renewable energy, Afghan Refugees and Asylum Seekers have access to solar items at a domestic and communal level along with capacity building for O&M of these solar items in 43 Refugees Villages located in 13 districts of KP, funded by UNHCR.
Key Accomplishments

Effective Project Coordination: Coordinated various project activities, ensuring seamless communication between different stakeholders, including UNHCR, CAR authorities, NGOs, and the refugee community, which involved planning, scheduling, and monitoring project activities to ensure they align with the project's goals and objectives.
Solarization Implementation:Ensured that the solar systems are installed correctly and safely, providing reliable access to clean and sustainable energy for the refugees.
Warehouse Management: Efficiently managed the project's warehouse for storing and distributing solar equipment, spare parts, and other materials, ensured proper inventory control, safe storage, and timely distribution to various project sites.
Quality Assurance: Ensured that the quality and durability of solar equipment is essential to guarantee the long-term success of the project, established quality control measures, conducted regular inspections, and liaised with suppliers to address any issues promptly.
Community Engagement: Engaged with the Afghan refugee community which is vital for the success of the project, organized workshops and training sessions to educate refugees on the benefits and maintenance of solar systems, empowering them to take ownership of the technology and reduce energy costs.
Data Collection and Reporting: Regularly collected data on the project's progress, energy usage, and the impact on the refugee community, prepared comprehensive reports for UNHCR and other stakeholders, demonstrating the project's achievements and areas for improvement.

Timely Procurement:Ensured that necessary supplies and materials are procured in a timely manner to prevent delays in projects or programs, identified reliable suppliers and negotiating favorable terms.
Cost Reduction: Identified cost-saving opportunities within the supply chain, such as renegotiating contracts, consolidating shipments, or finding alternative suppliers, reduced costs while maintained and improved quality.
SUpply Chain Visibility: Used technology like supply chain management software and dashboards to monitor key metrics which has led to better decision-making.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Logistic/Warehouse Officer
SIF(Secourse Islamique France)International
مارچ ۲۰۲۲ - دسمبر ۲۰۲۲ | Upper Dir, Pakistan

Project Overview
The project aims to restore livelihood opportunities of flood-effected communities of district Upper Dir through a food-for-work project by UN-WFP. The main aim of the project was to bring social cohesion and harmony by providing food assistance to the local communities through the FFA modality.
Key Accomplishments

Efficient Supply Chain Management: Ensured the smooth and timely flow of relief supplies, including food items, from the point of receiving to the beneficiaries, included effective storage, transportation, and distribution of food baskets to the target areas.
Warehouse Management: Efficiently managed the storage and distribution of relief items in warehouses. This involved maintaining inventory records, conducting regular stock checks, and ensuring proper storage conditions to prevent spoilage and damage.
Quality Control: Executed quality control measures to ensure that the food items meets safety and nutritional standards, involved regular inspection of food items for freshness and compliance with international food quality standards.
Documentation and Reporting: Maintained accurate records of all logistics and warehouse activities, including receipts, dispatches, and distribution to beneficiaries, timely reported to the SIF, UN-WFP, and other relevant stakeholders which is crucial for transparency and accountability.
Security and Safety: Fulfilled security protocols to safeguard relief supplies and staff in potentially volatile areas like flood-affected regions, incorporated assessing security risks, implementing safety measures, and coordinating with local authorities for secure transportation and storage.

Capacity Building: Delivered training and guidance to logistics and warehouse staff, as well as community members involved in the distribution process, that helped to ensure that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities and can work efficiently

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Warehouse Incharge
foundation for rural development
اکتوبر ۲۰۲۴ - مارچ ۲۰۲۲ | Kurram, Pakistan

Project Overview
The project was designed for restoring livelihood opportunities for conflict-affected communities of district Kurram through the Food for Work project by UN-WFP. The main aim of the project was to bring social cohesion and harmony by providing food assistance to the local communities through the FFA project.
Key Accomplishments

Optimized Warehouse Operations: Implemented best practices in warehouse management, ensuring that aid items are stored efficiently, organized, and labeled correctly. This minimized losses due to damage or spoilage and streamlines the distribution process.
Inventory Management: Efficiently tracking and managing inventory is crucial to prevent stockouts and overstock situations,established robust inventory control systems, conducted regular stock counts, and generated accurate reports to facilitate timely procurement and distribution.
Transportation Coordination: Coordinating the transportation of aid items from warehouses to distribution points is a key responsibility,ensured that vehicles are properly maintained, drivers are trained, and routes are optimized to minimize delivery delays and costs.
Quality Control: Ensuring the quality and safety of aid items is paramount,established quality control measures, conducted inspections, and collaborated with UN-WFP to address any issues related to the quality or condition of the humanitarian supplies.
Security Management: Given the challenging security environment in Ex-FATA,played a vital role in ensuring the safety of aid workers, warehouses, and transportation routes, which includes implementing security protocols, conducting risk assessments, and liaising with local authorities and security agencies.
Reporting and Accountability: Maintaining accurate records and generating timely reports is essential for transparency and accountability, prepared detailed reports on warehouse activities, transportation operations, and aid distributions to provide stakeholders and donors with comprehensive information on project progress and impact.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Lead Social Mobilization
جولائی ۲۰۱۹ - اگست ۲۰۲۱ | Khyber Agency, Pakistan

Project Overview
The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan have recently seen several rounds of displacement due to ongoing security operations. This was the biggest displacement when the War on Terror reached its peak in 2014. In response to the large displacement of the population of the NMD the United Nations World Food Program initiated Food Assistance projects for IDPs Basic Education and Employable Skills Training (BEST) has been the implementing partner of WFP from the onset of the Food Distribution Operation to the affected populations from the above-mentioned areas both in Camp, Off Camp as well as to the returnee IDPs and locally displaced persons in their respective agencies.
Key Accomplishments

Effective Project Implementation: Ensured the successful implementation of the project by coordinating activities, managing resources, and adhering to project timelines which includes distributing food baskets to beneficiaries in a timely and equitable manner, and overseeing the general food distribution and food-for-work initiatives.
Community Engagement & Sensitization: Building trust and rapport with local communities by actively engaging with community leaders and members for which conducted BBCM, regular meetings, listening to community needs and concerns, and involved them in project decision-making processes.
Capacity Building of Staff & Community: Developed the skills and knowledge of project staff and community members to enhance their ability to participate effectively in project activities, arranged training sessions on various topics, such as agriculture, food security, and disaster risk reduction.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Implemented a vigorous monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress and impact of the project, which includes collecting data on the number of beneficiaries, the quality of work completed, and the nutritional status of community members.
Conflict Resolution: Addressed conflicts and disputes that may arise within the community or among project beneficiaries. As a team leader had the ability to mediate and resolve conflicts to maintain a peaceful and productive project environment.
Advocacy and Reporting: Advocated for the needs and rights of the beneficiaries to higher authorities and donors, including the UN-WFP. Regularly reported on project progress, challenges, and successes to ensure transparency and accountability.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District warehouse(Logistics)IN charge
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۸ - اگست ۲۰۱۹ | Orakzai, Pakistan

Project Overview
Prior to 2012, UN-WFP never delegated its logistic-based operations to any IPs because they have the best global logistical  unit in existence. For the first time, UN-WFP took action in 2012 to transmit their logistical know-how to regional NGOs. They gave BEST-PAK standard logistics, warehouse management, and transportation handling projects for FFW, FFE, and CMAM programmes in the former FATA

Manage stock control: the self-assured receipt, storage, retrieval and timely delivery of goods; shipment loading & transferring; document recording and data entry into system. 
Planning, organizing and controlling of Warehouse’ over-all operations. 
Ensure that workplace’s health and safety requirements are met and take responsibility for the security of the building and stock. 
Maintain housekeeping of warehouse and surrounding area. 
Issue Inventory report, IN/OUT status report, dead stock report, goods age report, consumption report, manpower status report to Logistics Manager. 
Improvement & development of warehouse.Receive  food commodities from WFP.Report on the quality and quantity of the received goods.
Ensure quantities received match with the endorsed documents. Maintain clean and pest free storing conditions. Ensure good warehouse practices.
Supervise uploading and stacking of commodities.
Follow up tracking of the commodities in pipeline and reporting it.
Keep record of the food stuff uploaded and loaded in the ware house adhering to WFP systems.
Sign waybill of received and dispatched cargos. Deliver goods on request against approved documents. Make updated stake cards record.
Periodically take physical checks. Liaise with field monitors and others on methods pertaining to logistics. Report and take appropriate actions for spoiled commodities.
Ensure waste disposal and pest control by taking suitable actions according to WFP warehouse managements Sops.
Provide overall supervision and training to other store staff and casual labors.
Perform any other tasks assigned by CEO FRD  and project manager.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Logistic Officer
PAWT(Poverty Alliance Welfare Trust)
فروری ۲۰۱۷ - نومبر ۲۰۱۷ | Orakzai, Pakistan

Project overview
Since they have the best logistical unit in the world spread around the globe, UN-WFP has never before given any IPs control of its operations based on logistics before 2012. In 2012, UN-WFP took the first move towards sharing its logistical knowledge with regional NGOs when it gave BEST-PAK the responsibility for handling standard logistics, warehouse management, and transportation projects for FFW, FFE, and CMAM programmes in the f Ex-FATA which was later on handed over to PAWT.
Key Accomplishment

Maintained the site's non-medical activities, such as local procurement, vehicle and equipment maintenance, and management, in coordination with the Project Coordinator. 
Maintained and submitted logistical, financial, and administrative reports as needed in coordination with the Project Coordinator.
Took responsibility  for stock control in compliance with organisational policies and procedures.  
In coordination with the Project Coordinator, responsible for ensuring that efficient and suitable operational support is provided for all site activities such as drug stock management, office / guesthouse and medical camp setup, maintenance, and outreach activities.
Ensured that communications with the Organization's security focal point are maintained whenever necessary, in coordination with the Project Coordinator. 
Maintained and updated logistical systems and procedures on a regular basis.
In the absence of the Project Manager maintained site communications and ensures they are used efficiently.
Managed supply chain department in ensuring that high-quality medical supplies are provided at service delivery locations as well as warehouses.
Safeguarding QAQC, plan for the distribution of vital medical supplies and medications to the healthcare facilities.
Handled primary pharmacy, pharmaceutical inventory, and health facility stores with the PAWT drug management system.
Ensured all purchase procedures are followed and any discrepancies were reported to the concerned.
Produced records and maintain a list of suppliers and local repair/maintenance shops, and conduct price comparisons among them, to get the best deals. Tracking management of stocks (storage conditions, report, expiry date)
Utilized the correct systems to keep accurate inventory records, and guarantee regular stock rotation to avoid expiration or obsolescence.
Ensured adherence to Good Distribution Practises (GDP) and other legal specifications for the distribution and storage of pharmaceuticals.
protected pharmaceutical products, implement and maintain adequate storage conditions, including humidity control, temperature control, and security measures.
Organized deliveries and manage outbound shipments in conjunction with vendors, suppliers, and freight forwarders to fulfil orders in a timely and precise manner.
Conducted routine quality control tests, such as visual inspection, batch number verification, and adherence to proper labelling regulations, to assure the integrity and authenticity of pharmaceutical items.
Investigated and address any quality or compliance issues relating to warehouse operations in conjunction with the QA team.
Created and executed  SOPs for the warehouse's operations to ensure regulatory compliance and ongoing improvement.
Emphasized adherence to safety and quality standards, train and mentor warehouse workers on appropriate handling, storage, and distribution practises.
Used software applications such as warehouse management systems (WMS),LESS,COMPASS and other tools to track inventory, produce reports, and evaluate the efficiency of your warehouse.
By optimising the layout, workflows, and operating procedures, warehouse efficiency should be continuously monitored and improved.
Kept abreast with market developments, ideal procedures, and legal modifications affecting pharmaceutical distribution and warehousing.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Logistic Officer
جولائی ۲۰۱٦ - جنوری ۲۰۱۷ | Orakzai, Pakistan

Project Overview
Before 2012, UN-WFP has never handed over its logistic-based operations to any IPs as they have the world’s best logistic unit throughout the globe. In 2012 UN-WFP for the first time initiated a step to transfer their logistic expertise to local NGOs and handed over standard logistics, warehouse management & transportation handling projects to BEST-PAK for FFW, FFE, and CMAM programs in erstwhile FATA
Key Accomplishments

By following established protocols and assisting in the effective distribution of food assistance to clients directly or indirectly, support logistics operations and activities. 
Ensured that items and commodities are ordered and delivered as soon as possible to the right partners and places.
Helped in the management team monitor and assess the performance of the logistics vendors.  
In order to guarantee timely and accurate resolution of all enquiries with an emphasis on exceptional customer service, respond to a variety of technical questions and requests for assistance while adhering to established procedures and requesting guidance as necessary. 
Monitoring the inventory management processes will assist in identifying trends and accounting for the inventory status from source to recipient. 
help keep the accuracy and integrity of the data used in commodities accounting. 
Support food supply operational planning, evaluations, and analytics. 
Process the paperwork required for the execution of logistical tasks (such as invoice verification and customs clearance), take the appropriate actions to fix any operational issues, and then escalate any additional issues to the supervisor.
collect and combine data, create and/or contribute to reports (physical inventory, transport performance), and ensure information accuracy in corporate systems in order to support informed decision-making. 
Keeping in touch with a select group of internal and external stakeholders is necessary for efficient management of logistical operations. 
Giving additional support staff instructions will enable them to execute routine tasks by the established standards and deadlines. 
 Provide technical support for LESS-related issues.
help with quarterly and yearly reconciliations of the UN-WFP LESS and FRD.
Corrective action should be conducted as soon as erroneous data is captured or there is a backlog in capturing it.
Assure and keep an eye on the Cooperating Partner's timely receipt capture. 
Before the closure date, help with the LESS/system stock reconciliation and the monthly physical inventory checks.
Data analysis, stock movement reporting, and misalignment follow-up are all delivered.
 aid in data collection for crucial Supply Chain KPIs.
 Documentation for commodity accounting units.
Any additional commodity accounting responsibilities that may be required

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Logistic Manager
اگست ۲۰۱۵ - جولائی ۲۰۱٦ | Orakzai, Pakistan

Project Overview
Before 2012, UN-WFP has never handed over its logistic-based operations to any IPs as they have the world’s best logistic unit throughout the globe. In 2012, UN-WFP for the first time initiated a step to transfer their logistic expertise to local NGOs and handed over standard logistics, warehouse management & transportation handling projects to BEST-PAK for FFW, FFE, and CMAM programs in erstwhile FATA.
Key Accomplishments

Overall Logistics operations such as procurement, transportation, and distribution are planned and coordinated for the specific office.
Oversaw the respective office's administrative and support functions.
Administrative policies and procedures were put in place to ensure that operations ran smoothly.
It was assured that all legal and regulatory duties, as well as organisational rules and practises, were met.
Managing project offices' whole procurement processes
Maintained A fleet management system for the organisation to ensure that all vehicles are utilised safely and efficiently.
I've made certain that all travel regulations and procedures are followed.
Oversaw all logistics equipment maintenance and repair, including cars, generators, and project office communication equipment.
All of the organization's equipment, assets, and supplies were inventoried thoroughly.
Ensured that storage facilities are well-maintained and secure.
Inventory management systems were implemented for the company to ensure proper stock tracking.
Payments to Vendors/Suppliers/Contractors are processed in a timely manner for approval and payment to Finance.
Organisational security strategies and practises were put in place to ensure the safety and security of employees and assets.
Security risks and incidents were monitored and, when needed, coordinated with relevant authorities.
In partnership with the HO Logistics department, I ensured that all procurement processes are transparent and accountable.
Partnerships were formed and maintained with local communities to ensure that logistics operations are culturally sensitive and appropriate.
Ensured that donor policies and procedures, as well as organisational policies and procedures, were followed.
Receives, stores, and distributes project supplies in warehouses.
Help with meeting, conference, and other event planning.
Managed stock control the self-assured receipt, storage, retrieval, and timely delivery of goods shipment loading & transferring into MIS. 
created and executed orders in accordance with the policies in place; offering technical assistance to the storekeeper; making local purchases in accordance with BEST supply policies; and ensuring the conditions for receiving goods or arriving material as well as the organisation and setting up of materials prior to their shipment.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
جولائی ۲۰۱۴ - اگست ۲۰۱۵ | Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

Project Overview
The newly merged districts of KPK have seen several rounds of displacement due to security operations. This was the biggest displacement when the War on Terror reached its peak in 2008-2009. It was the biggest IDP movement in the history of the country as well as in the history of the tribesmen. BEST with a determination to extend its services to the conflict-affected people on a humanitarian basis, made its intervention on January 01, 2013, as implementing partner of UN-WFP to extend food assistance to the IDPs of South Waziristan Agency residing off camp or with host families. 
Key Accomplishments

Effective Project Planning: Developing a comprehensive project plan that outlines objectives, timelines, and resource allocation is crucial,I accomplished this by conducting thorough needs assessments and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to establish clear project goals and strategies.
Resource Mobilization: Securing the necessary resources, including food supplies, funding, and human resources, is a significant accomplishment, liaised with donors, government agencies, and other partners to ensure a consistent and adequate supply of food for distribution.
Logistical Coordination: Managing the logistics of food distribution in areas affected by terrorism requires careful coordination,oversaw the procurement, storage, and transportation of food items, ensured they reach distribution points on time and in good condition.
Community Engagement: Building trust and rapport with the displaced communities is essential for successful food distribution,I accomplished this by establishing feedback mechanisms, involving community leaders, and conducting awareness campaigns to ensure that food assistance reaches those most in need.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Implementing robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms allows the Project Manager to track the project's progress and effectiveness. Regular assessments can help identify challenges and areas for improvement in the distribution process, ensuring that aid is reaching the intended beneficiaries.
Reporting and Accountability: Preparing detailed reports on project activities, expenditures, and outcomes is essential for transparency and accountability to donors, UN-WFP, and other stakeholders, accomplished this by maintaining accurate records and providing timely updates on project performance.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Project Coordinator DRR Project
اپریل ۲۰۱۳ - جون ۲۰۱۴ | Orakzai, Pakistan

Project Overview
The project aims to restore livelihood opportunities of flood-effected communities of district Upper Dir through a food-for-work project by UN-WFP. The project’s main aim was to bring social cohesion and harmony by providing food assistance to the local communities through the FFA and DRR-based modality and to mitigate the community for any future natural and man-made disasters by providing them with structural and non-structural activities.                              
Key Accomplishments

Effective Project Planning: Developed a comprehensive project plan that includes clear objectives, timelines, and resource allocation, collaborated with local communities, government authorities, and other stakeholders to identify disaster risk reduction activities that are meaningful and beneficial to the area.
Community Engagement: Builded strong relationships and engaged with local communities. This involves holding regular meetings, workshops, and consultations to ensure that the 'food for work' activities align with the needs and priorities of the community members in reducing disaster risks.
Resource Management: Efficiently managed project resources, including food supplies and other materials. Ensured that food is distributed as compensation for community members' work on disaster risk reduction activities and that it is distributed fairly and transparently.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Established burly monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the progress and impact of the project. Collected data on disaster risk reduction activities, community participation, and the outcomes achieved to continually improve project effectiveness.
Capacity Building: Provided training and capacity-building opportunities for community members involved in the project. Equipped them with the knowledge and skills needed to implement disaster risk reduction activities effectively and sustainably.Formed 68 village development committees (VDCs), 68 pieces of training for VDCs regarding their role in the said project Implemented DRR through CBDRM, a food-based intervention at the community level.
Reporting and Advocacy: Prepared detailed reports on project activities, expenditures, and outcomes for UN-WFP and other stakeholders. Additionally, advocated for the importance of disaster risk reduction efforts in the District Orakzai to raise awareness and secure support for future projects.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Regional warehouse Supervisor
نومبر ۲۰۱۱ - مارچ ۲۰۱۲ | Mardan, Pakistan

Project Overview
The EACI project was initiated by UNHCR for promoting education in Afghan Refugee Camps through the provision of food baskets, TLMs, stationery, school chairs, and tables.
Key Accomplishments

Oversaw the flow of goods through their BEFARE warehouse. They ensure that all products are properly stored, organized, and always accounted for. Warehouse inventory managers may also be tasked with managing the people who work in their warehouse this might include hiring new employees or training current staff on best practices.
Maintained up-to-date knowledge of warehouse inventory, including quantities, locations, and types of products.
Monitored stock levels and order new supplies as needed to maintain optimal levels.
Worked with vendors to ensure timely delivery of inventory.
Coordinated with other departments within the company to ensure smooth operations.
Developed and implement policies and procedures for warehouse staff.
Trained new employees on proper handling and storage of inventory.
Supervised warehouse staff and provide feedback on their performance.
Investigated and resolve any inventory discrepancies.
Prepared reports on inventory levels and trends.
Performed regular audits of inventory.
Updated a computerized inventory system as needed.
Handled customer inquiries and complaints related to inventory.
Closely coordination with CAR and BEFARE officials for the smooth progress.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Leader
FSD(Swiss Foundation for Mine Action)
دسمبر ۲۰۱۰ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۱ | Bajaur, Pakistan

Project Overview
After the 2009-2010 war against terror by the Pak Army in the tribal district of Bajaur Swiss Foundation for Mine Action(FSD) launched an awareness-related project in Bajaur. The main aim of the project was to aware the local community of Bajaur of the disastrous effects of ERWs (explosive remnant of war).
Key Accomplishments

Effective MRE Implementation: Led the planning and execution of MRE programs in Bajaur which involved designing age-appropriate educational materials, coordinating with local communities, and conducting awareness sessions to educate people about the dangers of landmines and unexploded ordnance.
Community Engagement: Building trust and engaging with the local communities is essential, established strong relationships with community leaders and members, encouraging their active participation in MRE activities and promoting a sense of ownership in risk reduction efforts.
Safety Assessments and Clearance Coordination: Collaborated with local authorities and demining organizations to assess high-risk areas, prioritized clearance efforts, and ensured that clearance activities are coordinated effectively to remove landmines and explosive remnants of war.
Data Collection and Analysis: Collecting data on accidents, incidents, and community feedback is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of MRE initiatives, implemented data collection mechanisms and analyzed this information to adapt and improve the MRE strategy.
Training and Capacity Building: To sustain the impact of MRE programs, I organized training sessions for local volunteers, teachers, and community leaders. This empowers them to continue educating their communities about mine risks even after the project concludes.
Advocacy and Awareness: Beyond direct MRE activities, I advocated for policy changes and increased awareness at the regional and national levels. This could involve participating in advocacy campaigns to promote mine risk reduction and the rights of affected communities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Hub Coordinator(Logistics+Operations)
مئی ۲۰۰۹ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ | Bajaur, Pakistan

Project Overview
Security activities have resulted in multiple waves of evictions in the newly combined districts of KPK. When the War on Terror peaked in 2008–2009, this displacement was the largest. In both the history of the nation and the tribesmen, it was the largest IDP movement. On April 1, 2013, BEST intervened as an UN-WFP implementing partner to provide food assistance to Bajaur Agency returnee IDPs as part of its commitment to providing humanitarian services to those affected by violence.
Key Accomplishments

Plan, organize, Coordinate and manage food distribution activities with field staff at the EDP/camp level.
Keep close liaison with WFP personal, other stakeholders, team members and Head office for smooth implementation of food distribution activities.
Represent BEST at the EDP during food distribution and attend coordination meeting at the camp level.
Maintain attendance sheet of the staff members at EDP on daily basis.
Supervise distribution staff activities and distribution process at EDP.
Make sure that the scale and scooping tools are accurate in measuring/ issuing food qualities.
Attend and participate in all meetings concerning food distribution at the field level.
Maintained  up-date record of food Distribution with the help of relevant documents on daily basis and share it with head office.
Compare and tally food commodities distributed to IDPs with the stock received from WFP on daily basis and maintain it in a proper register.
Prepared and submitted monthly activity report on food distribution.
Keep update Data Base of the beneficiaries and the hard copies at the EDP/Camp level.
To manage organizations resources for the best of organization.


Athena Global Education
ڈپلوما, ‎
Supply Chain and Logistics Management
University of Malakand
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, Political Science‎
International Relations, Public Administration
درجہ B

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Ability to Work Independently
متوسط Accounting
ماہر administration
ماہر Administration Skills
ماہر Administrative Management 
ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Answering Inquiries
ماہر Aseptic Technique Knowledge
ماہر Assessment Skills
ماہر Asset Management
ماہر Asset Management Skills
متوسط Break Bulk
متوسط Budgeting
ماہر C Problem Solving
متوسط Capacity Development
متوسط Capacity Of Analyse
ماہر Cash Assistance
ماہر Cold Chain
متوسط Command on Factory Operations
ماہر Communiation Skills
ماہر Communication Skills
ماہر Community Mobilization
ماہر Computer Proficient
ماہر Computer Skills
ماہر Conduct Surveys
ماہر Confidential Documents Handling
ماہر Conflict Management
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Coordination and Reporting Skills
ماہر Coordination Skills
ماہر Cummnication Skills
ماہر Customer Care Knowledge
ماہر Data Analysis
ماہر Data Analytics
ماہر Data Collection
ماہر Data Management
ماہر Decision Making Skills
متوسط Deliver HP Sessions
ماہر Demand Planning
ماہر Demand Supply Planning
ماہر Digital Supply Chain
ماہر Disaster Management
ماہر Dispatch Skills
ماہر Distribution Handling
ماہر Distribution Logistics
ماہر Documentation Skills
ماہر Donor Experience
ماہر DRR
ماہر Drugs Knowledge


ماہر پشتو
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Abdur آپکے جاننے والے

Ali Gul Khan