I am an Mechanical Engineer with not having the only engineering degree but with the skills. I got by solving daily life problems using Engineering Ideas. I never tired of trying. I always try different possible approaches to solve problems and I try my best until I succeed. I never left anything unsolved and I take these unsolved problems as challenges and succeeded in solving them 95 of the time. This is not due to only the skills but my aim and spirit of trying and trying which enables me to solve them. I had a great experience to deal with teamwork as a group leader in final year project. Working with team to achieve goals in cooperative passion and environment.
I have worked on Turbochargers AfterSales Services.
Worked with Power House Team.
Operation and maintenance of Power Plant ( ENGINES).
Study of GE(General Electric) Jenbacher Gas Engines(1MW and 3MW) and Cummins Diesel Engine(4MW).
Worked in Erection with Power House Team.
Continuous monitoring of different Plant equipment’s including (Gas & Diesel Engines) and their accessories, Boiler
and Cooling Tower.