Duty Timing
MISSION STATEMENT To deliver a fit-for-purpose premium quality service at a value for money price. I-Watchers Limited recognises that first and foremost it provides a site management service with a focus on security, facilities management and public safety where its success can only be gauged by the fulfillment of its quality objective “To prevent loss on client sites”. We understand that this cannot happen just by the deployment of technology nor can it be achieved in isolation. We work on the frontline and act as the catalyst for appropriate action by key stakeholders who have an interest in keeping the protected sites secure. We operate as if we are a department within client organisations. We aim to add value wherever possible without losing sight of our primary quality objective. We have developed performance measurement and monitoring systems to ensure we continuously push the bar higher by removing known vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the system whilst ensuring we always deliver within budget. We have begun putting the systems, processes and personnel in place to facilitate our planned growth and set ourselves a target of achieving both ISO9001 and SIA Approved Contractor status which we deem to be a pre-requisite to winning any new business.