

TrackReps is a young non-profit startup that has secured a generous grant under Making All Voices Count programme (a
partnership between Ushahidi, Hivos and IDS) - supported by four donors including DFID, USAID, SIDA and Omidyar Network.

TrackReps is responsible for the implementation of the “Empowerment, Voice and Accountability for Better Policy Making” project. The objective of the project is to empower citizens to hold their elected representatives to account. The project will complement the supply-side interventions by increasing demand and strengthening mechanisms for greater and effective citizen participation and monitoring of public services. This includes influencing legislation, policy, practices, and service delivery through greater pressure and demand from the citizens. The project will work through a combination of empowerment, voice and accountability approaches including, but not limited to, awareness raising and mobilization, advocacy and lobbying, capacity building, coalitions and partnerships.
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