(SZ) Shalazon

(SZ) Shalazon

Shalazon is a newly established IT organization
having its head office in Peshawar, Khyber-
Pakhtunkhwa. Shalazon is registered with the
following :
 SAP (AG) cer t i f ied educat ion par tner
for Khyber -Pakhtunkhwa and FATA.
 Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)
I s lamabad Pak i s tan.
 Di rec tora te of Sma l l Indus t r ies
Peshawar Khyber -Pa khtunkhwa .
 Di rec tora te of Informa t ion
Technology Peshawa r Khyber
 Sa rhad Chamber of Commerc e
Peshawar Khyber -Pa khtunkhwa .
 Intel lec tua l Proper ty Ri ght s (T rade
Mar k)
دفاتر کی تعداد
ملازمین کی تعداد
قائم شدہ
ویب سائٹ