Punjab Land Development Company

Punjab Land Development Company

The quality of human settlement, especially in small town Punjab, continues to lag in the availability of housing, roads, schools, health facilities, safe drinking water, sanitation and other social services. Although an informal sector, dominated by corruption and decadence has developed, as evidenced by the slums, katchi abadis, squatter settlements and bogus or ill planned housing schemes. Current trends in urban development small town/community planning and housing development remain chaotic, unguided, and highly unsustainable. Land and Urban development in Punjab is under tremendous pressure from uncontrolled urban sprawl, deteriorating urban environment, deficiencies in urban services, shortages in the provision of housing, and absence of properly developed spaces for economic activity -industrial estates, technology parks, and related infrastructure. The newly formed Punjab Land Development Company (PLDC) is tasked to respond to the challenge with immediate interventions in the areas of affordable housing, urban renewal, municipal services, land management, land development , and the development of Economic Zones (Industrial Cities).
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