MyPaperLess HR Experts

MyPaperLess HR Experts

MyPaperLess Office is a leading HR technology / payroll integration developer established to assist companies with their HR and payroll processes by providing integrated business administrative solutions. These solutions are designed to help customers efficiently manage their internal processes, allowing them to focus on their core competencies. MyPaperLess Offices services give clients the ability to manage HR, payroll, time and attendance, benefits, applicant tracking, job posting, Workers Compensation, and paper processes in a fully integrated, single-entry web-based platform.

Our team consists of leading experts in areas including accounting, programming, and human resources, giving companies access to knowledge and expertise that would otherwise cost a substantial amount. This limitless resource of knowledge, combined with our online META portal technology, gives you the ultimate control without a significant investment of time and cost.

MyPaperLess Offices core product is an online human resources information management system (HRIMS) designed to allow clients to manage HR over the Internet. Our HRIMS is developed as a modular package, allowing clients to select various HR modules that will best leverage their internal resources to streamline and manage basic operations.

Modules of our system include HR management, payroll, time and attendance, benefits administration, job posting and applicant tracking, and Workers Comp management.
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